Survival Day 26 January – Share the Spirit

As last year, while those who felt so inclined were celebrating the invasion and seizure of Australia two hundred years or so ago, others, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, gathered in the Treasury Gardens to celebrate the survival of the original inhabitants – to ‘Share the Spirit’ and incidentally enjoy a free concert courtesy of an assembly of some of the best musicians in the country. The heat made it hard to get people to dance – though a few were up to it – but there was no doubt about the enjoyment. The only sour note of the afternoon came when MC Kutcha Edwards announced about 2.30 pm that a complaint had been received from the Australian Open that the music was disturbing the tennis …

The event was officially sponsored by Songlines Aboriginal Music Corporation in conjunction with the City of Melbourne, but many groups and organisations contributed stalls, including Your Voice, 3KND, 3CR, Nuclear Free Australia, and Friends of the Earth, Melbourne, to name only some. One group wearing black t-shirts with the letters “GST” (Genocide to be stopped Sovereignty to be acknowledged Treaty to be made) prominent were calling for a boycott and protest at the Melbourne 2006 ‘Stolenwealth Games’ –

Things were still in full swing when I left, at about 3.15 pm …

Overview of event

Most people found it a bit too hot for dancing, but there was plenty of shade for sitting on the grass to listen …

Another view

Another view

Aboriginal flag flies over stall, the 'embassy'

The Aboriginal flag flies over the embassy

Stall of Richard Frankland's new political party, Your Voice (see

Stall of Richard Frankland’s new political party, Your Voice (see

One of the messages of the day. At least two alternative media teams were there, but no sign of the mainstream …

Media interview - man wearing t-shirt reading 'Wake up Australia, Genocide is a Crime'

The 3CR and Nuclear Free Australia stalls, with another media team just getting into the picture …



“I was here last year, too …”

Peter Rotumah on sound stage

Peter Rotumah

Frankie J Holden and Wilbur Wilde on sound stage

Frankie J Holden and Wilbur Wilde – reviving memories of the 70s for those old enough to have any…

Playing 'tennis'

Not dancing, but hitting the ball in time to the beat?

Black dof sitting upright next to owner

A very well-behaved member of the audience

Deniece Hudson and band on stage

Deniece Hudson belting it out

Deniece close up

Deniece close up

Bob Wilson on stage

Bob Wilson and others – taking us back even further – the Everly Brothers!