Victorian Peace Network


This site is no longer active, but contains extensive holdings of the
Victorian Peace Network 2002-2006 with emphasis on the
campaign against the war on Iraq 2003.
Archive includes:

Weapons and disarmament
(inc. nuclear, Hiroshima, facts sheets, depleted uranium)
Peace cranes | Hiroshima shadows | Hiroshima: 60 years

War and intervention
(includes Oil, the hawks' strategy and the US strategic policy,
The United Nations, international law and war crimes)

War on Iraq
Iraq archive (Sept 2002 - May 2003)
(includes Iraq: Losing the peace,Where are the WMDs?, The war on Iraq March-April 2003,
Iraq: The military build-up to war and occupation plans, War on Iraq Commentary,
Voices against the Iraq war, Australia and Australia parliamentary debates on Iraq (2002,
Oil, the hawks' strategy and the new US strategic policy in the Middle East,
Weapons of mass destruction, inspections and arms control,
Sanctions, humanitarian issues and cost of war on Iraq,
The United Nations ‘debates’ (2002-03) and international law and war crimes,
Depleted uranium and nuclear issues, Dossiers and 'evidence')
Worried? | Parliamentary statement | Top 10
Sanctions | Racism | Get active | Make your voice heard

Middle East
Don't bomb Iran (2005)

Victorian Peace Network
2002-2003 Actions
(images and reports)
About the VPN

Last updated: 4/1/07

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