Anti-Nazi protest at the Birmingham Hotel – 28 October

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(The original post on Melbourne Indymedia is no longer accessible, but there is another report with background on Boycott the Birmingham.)

As part of the protest, a group which made the rounds of local businesses reported a positive response from traders, and orange flyers were to be seen in many shop windows, with the message “Racism is not welcome here.” The owner of the hotel itself was less accommodating, and appeared close to assaulting someone who had planted a couple of stickers to the same effect on the pub sign – the police sensibly enough advised him to go back inside. Other protesters engaged in at times heated discussions with pool-playing patrons inside the bar, where again the reception seemed less than positive. Yarra’s socialist councillor Steve Jolly was among those who addressed the crowd, which included a prominent punk presence, as well as members of a women’s group and the anti-fascist collective Fightdemback.

View of protest from opposite corner

At corner of Johnston Street

Steve Joly and others

Steve Jolly at the protest

Attsching Punk against Fascism banner to power poles

Gary, the owner, in confrontation

The owner, less than happy

Stickers on the pub sign - Racism is not welcome here

What he wasn’t happy with

Various leaflets stuck on advertising sign - You can't get the taste out of your head

Racism leaves a bad taste