International Women’s Day – 8 March

Upwards of two thousand people of all ages and walks of life joined this year’s rally in spite of uninviting weather and the temptations of the long weekend. The over-riding theme naturally enough was a feminist perspective on opposition to the threatened war on Iraq, with speakers ranging from Fatima, who introduced herself as a 14-year-old high school student fresh from the student protest of the previous Wednesday, and Justine Kamprad, AMWU women’s organising committee and Socialist Alliance candidate, to more familiar figures such as Pamela Curr, Sharan Burrow and Lyn Allison.

These photos are from the initial rally, which was followed by a march through the CBD, ending at Federation Square.

The rally seen from Swanston St.

Pamela Curr addresses the rally

Young people with No War banner

Some of the younger participants

Senior citizan with anti-war banner

and one of the oldest

Banner of 'Clitoral Mass'

One of the lesser-known groups

Pagans, witches and clown

Pagans and witches against war – plus one of several clowns for peace

Peace banner - Women for Palestine. In front of Redmond Barry statue

Women for Palestine

Placard with photo from Vietnam - girl struck by napalm

Members of Women for Peace with a reminder of an earlier US-led war of liberation