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    Who knows, maybe the refried Andrew Dice Clay act is finally wearing out for the Donald. Per CNN reporting;

Donald Trump drew boos from religious conservatives Friday after he called Marco Rubio a "clown" and attacked him on immigration.

"You know there's this clown Marco Rubio, I've been so nice to him," Trump said at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

The jab was immediately met with sustained booing from many of those in attendance.

Trump tried to talk over the boos, which lasted several seconds: "I've been so nice to him. No. But I've been so nice."

    This is beginning to become a worrisome habit for Trump. Starting with his insult about Carly Fiorinas appearance he is starting to come under harder pushback for his name calling and cheap insults. I can't see Trump changing his "style" for lack of a better word, it's a part of his persona, but if people are getting tired of his childish behavior, we'll have to see if it starts hitting him where it hurts, like the polls. Unfortunately I don't know how to embed videos, so I'll just provide a link to the CNN page so you can watch it.

     Thanks as always for reading!

12:22 PM PT: The link should be working now...Many thanks to Phlebob for the tech assist!!!

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