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It's "Angle of Repose Friday" on The After Show You know, the angle in which a granular substance stays in place on a slope. Makes sense to us.

The outgoing concessionaire claims they own the trademarks for all the historic sites in Yosemite National Park, including the name, Yosemite, itself; New York cops question a woman wearing a T-shirt with Arabic writing as she walked her dog near the 9/11 Memorial; and a Texas day care is accused of filming a Fight Club for four-year olds.

On The Last Half today, we are joined with  Government and World Affairs Bureau Chief, Will McLeod, for the Friday News Dump and Recycling Center.

All that, plus the Connect! Unite! Act! Daily Kos Community Calendar and more on The After Show with Wink & Justice.

Player and other info below the Orange Flourish.

Justice Putnam photo Tri City Park Close Up_zpsmdsioxfq.jpg

The After Show with Wink and Justice broadcasts 8am to 9am Pacific on Metaphor Mondays, Red Sky at Morning Tuesdays, Wednesday's Child is Full of Whoa! Wednesdays, Thank God It's Giovedì (that's what we call it) and Angle of Repose Fridays

Who luvs ya, baby!?


The Netroots Radio Player

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Daily Kos Radio, Vintage James Baldwin, Labor History, Native American Documentaries, Carl Wolfson, Majority Report, RadioLabor News, The Left Show, Let's Speak Native with John Kane, Democracy Now, The David Packman Show, In Deep with Angie Coiro, The Professional Left with Driftglass & Blue Gal, Thom Hartmann, Free Speech Radio News, Jim Hightower, Green News Report, Matthew Filipowicz, The Young Turks, ACLU Minutes, Breaking Through with Mom's Rising, The BradCast, Eclectic Mixes by Spc Agnt DJ Justice, Nicole Sandler, Ring of Fire, The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, Liberal Fix Radio, The Mike Malloy Show, Health, Science & History Specials, your Netroots Radio Favorites... and so much more, on right now!


(Netroots Radio needs your help. Go to the donate button at the bottom of our homepage at to keep progressive radio beaming 24/7!)


(Be sure to check thenekkidtruth's diary, Pump NetrootsRadio Throughout Your Entire House and enjoy Netroots Radio in all of it's high fidelity glory!)

Go ahead, now you can listen while roaming the Big Orange and beyond!


(12-String Ovation Balladeer Astoria, Oregon / copyright Justice Putnam)


Don't forget to tune in to The Justice Department: Musique sans Frontieres, Sundays 8pm to 9pm Pacific.

Special Agent DJ Justice; Radio Host and Program Director for Netroots Radio mans the dials, spins the discs, warbles the woofers, puts a slip in your hip and a trip to your hop.

You can listen here to this week's The Justice Department: Musique sans Frontieres PodCast.


Voices and Soul appears on Black Kos Tuesday's Chile; poetry chosen and critiqued by Black Kos Poetry Editor Justice Putnam.


(Cut Stones and Arch St Ceneri, France / copyright Justice Putnam)


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(Chateau de Valicourt Montmorancy, France / copyright Justice Putnam)


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(Notre-Dame de Reims Reims, France / copyright Justice Putnam)

“Do you smell that?” she asked, as we drove through Reims, past the headquarters of the National Front, on our way to La Tranche sur Mer.

“I don’t know,” I said flatly, “what is it?”

“It smells like… ” she sniffed in a haughty, Parisian disdain, “it smells like, fascism.”

I knew then I was in love with her. I knew it truly.

– Justice Putnam
“My Little French Honeymoon”

Question: Who is your audience? What are you here for?

Answer: Tribal Alliances, Heart-felt Convictions, Passionate Reason, Random Abandon, Sustainable Civility and a kiss; to comfort the sad and the mad Ones; the Ones roaming the International section of the American Supermarket at night; or roaming the neglected streets looking for an angry malaprop to sink their teeth into; the Ones who seek without seeking and learn as much as they teach; the Ones who embrace and kiss and embrace again; the Ones who sing the song of the city and the ballads of the forest; the Ones who chant the rhythm of the sea and hum the melody of the desert; the Ones who sing the prayer of Her name and Her name is the World. Yes, those are the Ones.    -- JP


(Man, Girl and Broken Window Klamath Falls, Oregon / copyright Justice Putnam)


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Old Fisherman and Cannery on Corsica / copyright Justice Putnam


So that explains it... !

Sunlight and Water Pitcher Muir Beach / copyright Justice Putnam


... Or does it?

(Holy Bible and 3 in 1 Oil Berkeley, California / copyright Justice Putnam)


Mowtown NN14 / copyright Justice Putnam photo MotownNN14_zps3a498ed1.jpg

(Motown NN14 Detroit, Michigan / copyright Justice Putnam)



(Rail Road Crossing, Sonoma California / copyright Justice Putnam)


Farm Road Olema, California - copyright Justice Putnam photo FarmRoad_zps99a508b7.jpg

(Farm Road Olema, California / copyright Justice Putnam)


"Many heroes lived before Agamemnon, but they are all unmourned, and consigned to oblivion, because they had no bard to sing their praises."

 -- Horace

"Still the race of hero spirits pass the lamp from hand to hand."

-- Charles Kingsley


Lamp and Post Berkeley, California - copyright Justice Putnam photo LampandPostBerkeleyCalifornia-copyrightJusticePutnam_zps17e491e0.jpg

(Lamp and Post Berkeley, California / copyright Justice Putnam)

House Ruins of Poet St Pol Roux Brittany, France - copyright Justice Putnam photo HouseRuinsofPoetStPolRouxBrittanyFrance-copyrightJusticePutnam_zps2736d08b.jpg

(House Ruins of Poet St Pol Roux Brittany, France / copyright Justice Putnam)


Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind.
Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky
And the affrighted steed ran on alone,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

      Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment,
      Little souls who thirst for fight,
      These men were born to drill and die.
      The unexplained glory flies above them,
      Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom—
      A field where a thousand corpses lie.

Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

      Swift, blazing flag of the regiment,
      Eagle with crest of red and gold,
      These men were born to drill and die.
      Point for them the virtue of slaughter,
      Make plain to them the excellence of killing
      And a field where a thousand corpses lie.

Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
Do not weep.
War is kind.

-- Stephen Crane
from "War is Kind"


Rest in Peace Aaron Swartz



(Morning Fog And Surf, Muir Beach, California / copyright Justice Putnam)


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