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He is still our governor, isn't he?

by: Bill Orr

Tue Sep 15, 2015 at 11:50:42 AM EDT

So when is the last time Christie took a public position or action on New Jersey governance? It's been a while. He is busy flailing his way through a losing campaign, acting in desperation mode, and ignoring his New Jersey duties.

Yesterday's Monmouth University poll in New Hampshire, a "make or break" primary, places him tied in 9th position (2%). Real Clear Politics has him in 11th place (2.3%) in South Carolina, 13th (1.5%) in Iowa, and in national polls at 11th (2.0%). In 2013 in July, August, and September he was leading in the national Republican nomination polls and by December he was at 20%, above the nine other potential contenders. Since then it has all been downhill to 2.2%.

His desperation on the campaign trail is increasingly apparent. In New Hampshire he now takes sole credit for keeping the 2nd Amendment alive in NJ, although his position on gun control in the past has been more moderate. He says about President Obama, "He looked right in that camera and lied to the American people [about Iran]." He boasted that if elected he would track immigrants like FedEx packages. To satisfy voracious conservative primary voters he has also dished out red meat on planned parenthood, common core, teacher unions, marijuana, taxes, and more. All desperate political blather, flip-flopping and posturing.    

He makes generous use of press releases to announce actual actions and policies, but the releases attest to how little he has done recently. You have to go back to August 28 when he signed one bill, August 26 he filed direct appointments, August 25 he signed another bill and August 19 he announced a buy-out for the Blue Acres program. Following a meeting with US Secretary of Transportation Fox and others on August 18 he issued a joint release regarding a new tunnel which told us nothing new. This is the complete record for the last 30 days, and the prior period is equally unsatisfying. In the meantime pressing issues here are ignored.

His presidential prospects have sunk like lead balloons, his desperation out on the hustings is becoming pitiful, and his involvement with his day job seems casual at best. So yes he is still our governor, if only by law, but he has rendered New Jerseyans mad at him and the broader public disinterested.

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Freeheld, NJ's true story of Laurel Hester's fight for equality, opens at Toronto Film Festival

by: Rosi Efthim

Mon Sep 14, 2015 at 01:07:00 PM EDT

Freeheld Red Carpet

Oh, this is joyous.

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News Roundup & Open Thread for Monday, September 14, 2015

by: Bill Orr

Mon Sep 14, 2015 at 08:48:10 AM EDT


  • Christie's reaction to the news about former PA Chair David Samson: "Let's stop just reading the newspapers." Oh really?

  • After NYC Police Commissioner said Christie made "a bit of a fool of himself" for criticizing NYC's mayor on crime statistics, Christie, ignoring NJ's crime problems, charged the commissioner with being "completely ridiculous."

  • An interesting article on the origin of the feud between Christie and NYPD.

    The GOP's "uninformed attack dog" is what a Star-Ledger editorial calls Christie. He even continues to support and joke about the mean and unnecessary way he dealt with nurse Kaci Hickox when she came back from treating Ebola patients in West Africa.

    Is there room for Reagan in this race? Charles Stile says, "Christie has all but ditched that brand in recent months."


  • "What we know about United Airlines makes this PATH project suspect." This Star-Ledger editorial urges investment instead in a new trans-Hudson tunnel and Port Authority Terminal.

  • A once cozy alliance turns sour: dinners and deals brought Christie allies and airline execs together.

    NJ hospitals excluded from Horizon's proposal worry about their future. Horizon seeks to forge a partnership with only 34 hospitals which could affect the financial viability of those excluded.

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    In the event of emergency, please place the oxygen mask on Mary Pat before yourself

    by: Rosi Efthim

    Sun Sep 13, 2015 at 11:51:55 AM EDT

    Cartoonist Drew Sheneman sees Christie crashing, like pollster John Zogby does. Personally, I think Christie can keep that plane in the air on the sheer volume of hot air and determination. I hope he reads this and continues his quest, because the weather is nice, the birds are chipping and I don't want him back.

    Drew Sheneman cartoon Chris Christie
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    Quote of the Day

    by: Bill Orr

    Sat Sep 12, 2015 at 10:30:00 AM EDT

    On Friday former Texas Governor Rick Perry dropped out of the Republican presidential primary race.

    Asked to predict who would be next to exit the 2016 field, Pollster John Zogby said:

    Aside from the also rans, like George Pataki, Bobby Jindal and Jim Gilmore? It will be Christie."

    Zogby had previously predicted Perry's departure.

    What do you think?

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    Americans United Puts Cape May City Government on Notice

    by: deciminyan

    Fri Sep 11, 2015 at 09:02:52 PM EDT

    The upcoming visit of Pope Francis to Philadelphia and the accompanying World Meeting of Families (which may bring 2 million people to Center City) presents many challenges regarding the Constitutionally mandated separation of church and state.

    Because the Pope is a head of state, the normal security afforded to a person in that position does not present a constitutional problem. But there is also a religious aspect to his visit.

    Recently, the Cape May city government announced that they will be streaming a live broadcast of the Papal Mass in their Convention Center and one of the outlets handling ticketing will be their City Hall. This is clearly a case of the government promoting a religious event.

    When this was brought to the attention of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, they sprang into action. They sent a letter to the Cape May city government (see the letter below the fold) outlining how the event, as currently planned, may violate both the U.S. and New Jersey constitutions. Appropriate judicial precedents are cited, and AU goes on to provide suggestions on how this event may be provided without government sponsorship.

    Pope Francis' popularity among Americans, both Catholic and non-Catholic is unprecedented. But the organizers of his visit need to pay as much attention to the Establishment Clause as they do to safety and logistics.

    Disclosure: I am a card-carrying member of AU because I believe the First Amendment clearly requires separation of church and state.

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    News Roundup & Open Thread for Friday, September 11, 2015

    by: deciminyan

    Fri Sep 11, 2015 at 06:58:46 AM EDT

    Stockton Report Documents Mismatch Between NJ Legislature and NJ Citizens

    A report from Stockton University claims that "The New Jersey state Legislature does not look a lot like the statewide constituency it represents" by analyzing the demographics of both sets. The legislature is older, more male-dominated, and less ethnically diverse than the population as a whole. The report also points out that the legislature is better-educated than the overall population (is that a bad thing?). Notably missing is the comparison of LGBT population in the legislature vs the state as a whole.

    More Bridgegate Fallout

    Senators Weinberg, Gordon, and Sarlo call on the Port Authority to redirect funds that would benefit Wall Street commuters in light of United Airlines' involvement in Bridgegate's "Chairman's Flight." From their press release:

    "The funds now designated for the PATH extension should be redirected to a new Hudson tunnel and a new bus terminal. Both are critical transportation needs that should be priorities for the Port Authority, and both clearly outrank the PATH extension in importance and ridership.

    Even More Bridgegate Fallout

    Bridgegate investigation may stall in mid-air due to problems at United Airlines.

    Chris Smith Conspires to Shut Down Government

    New Jersey Representative Chris Smith (R-Troglodyte) is among the far-right members of Congress who are conspiring to shut down the government over women's health issues.

    Need a Ride? Need a Job?

    Uber is expanding in New Jersey. Can an unregulated, non-union service succeed in a blue state?

    One Small Dent in the Third Rail of New Jersey Politics

    The Borough of Fieldsboro in Burlington County is so small and has been referred to in the press as "Tiny Fieldsboro" so often that I thought that was its official name. But now, they are taking a small and sensible step to ease the burden of their taxpayers.

    What About the Refugees?

    New Jersey Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky writes a powerful piece on the Syrian refugee crisis.

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    News Roundup & Open Thread for Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    by: Bill Orr

    Wed Sep 09, 2015 at 07:26:43 AM EDT

    Bad omen for former Port Authority Chair David Samson: United Airlines Chief Executive and two other senior officials have stepped down during a federal corruption investigation on whether the airline had improperly sought to influence senior officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Samson was granted "The chairman's flight" to South Carolina where he has a home.

    Federal government awards $256 million to PATH: to repair damage sustained by the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) rail system during Superstorm Sandy.

    Feds drop study of cancer risks near nuclear sites including Oyster Creek, arguing they don't haver the time or resources.

    Christie is officially continuing his four-year, multi-million dollar battle for legal sports betting despite appellate court ruling. The state Legislature and the New Jersey Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association filed similar motions.

    Pinelands burning: Firefighters are battling a blaze that has burned through about 1,000 acres of the Pinelands.

    Obama said about Christie: "And then there was the guy - these guys are running for office, they're running for the presidency - who said a union deserves a punch in the face. Really? Tell me how you really feel."

    Thursday the NJ Economic Development Authority will consider a host of new tax breaks to corporations, including $253 million for a Camden venture. NJ Policy Perspective has detailed in the past that the subsidies the state has offered to companies to relocate in Camden are highly risky, "come at a tremendous taxpayer cost per job and mostly shifted existing jobs around the region, doing little to grow the broader economy."

    If Christie were mayor of New York City he says, "Stop-and-frisk would be back in about five minutes." Guess what guv: "Stop and Frisk" searches remain legal in NYC, just under more appropriate regulations.

    Finally Rep. Bill Pascrell says, he will vote for the agreement curbing Iran's nuclear program.

    Mayor Steve Fulop indicated yesterday, he would oppose the nuclear deal with Iran reached by President Obama.

    Mayor of Jersey City takes another step toward gubernatorial candidacy. He opens his new website Steve Fulop 2017.

    Former Senator Joe Lieberman was in Teaneck yesterday to support Democrat Josh Gottheimer, who is considering a 2016 challenge to U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett.

    Pot Smokers beware: NJ Appellate Court ruled that police may still search people without a warrant when they detect the smell of marijuana.

    Add Bon Jovi to the list of artists scheduled to perform in China only to have their concerts canceled due to some sort of affiliation with the Dalai Lama.

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    News Roundup & Open Thread for Tuesday, September 8, 2015

    by: Bill Orr

    Tue Sep 08, 2015 at 09:37:11 AM EDT

    Summer shore season closes with sun, warm water. In Atlantic City it ended with packed casino pools, a full beach, and a busy boardwalk on a perfectly sunny day, but tough times are ahead for this city.

    With the unofficial end of summer behind us, it is now:


    Tom Moran interviews Dale Russakoff, author of new book on Newark school reform, with some interesting answers.

    Unresolved labor issues loom large over Newark Schools: Talks on new teacher contract hang fire while administrators enter 6th year without new pact.

    After winning their first game, Five Rutgers football players dismissed: but questions remain.


    Today riders on 55 bus routes, including 40 NJ Transit lines, will find their buses assigned to new gates as part of an effort to reduce delays at the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

    Since 2000, New Jersey has lost more than 153,000 union workers. But the median annual wages for union workers in New Jersey was 27 percent higher than non-union employees in 2014.


    Assembly candidates will start to gin up their campaigns. All Assembly seats are up for election in November.

    Christie's attack on clean water: Star-ledger editorial.

    Guns, privacy rights and public workers' pensions are some of the key issues before the state Supreme Court as it begins a new term this month.

    Patchwork of laws keep coastal development in check. NJ Spotlight: "The goal is to rein in too much construction, but critics say regulations don't go far enough."

    Rep. Frank Pallone wields wide power, as the ranking Dem on the House Energy and Commerce Committee - important for New Jersey.

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    DNC Summer Meeting From a LGBT Perspective

    by: Babs NJSD

    Fri Sep 04, 2015 at 12:10:13 AM EDT

    A DNC leader herself,  she tells us, "Today 3 out of the 9 DNC officers are members of the LGBT community. We are encouraging and expecting a record number of delegates, alternates and committee members in 2016 at the DNC Convention in Philadelphia."
    Promoted by Bill Orr
    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) held its Summer meeting from August 27 -29 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since next year is a presidential election year, this meeting featured a "meet the candidates" session, as four of the announced candidates, Governor Lincoln Chafee, Secretary Hillary Clinton,  Governor Martin O'Malley and Senator Bernie Sanders ( in alphabetical order) addressed  the membership. Only Senator Webb who has been polling next to zero was not present reportedly for family obligations. Although he has not announced, Vice President Biden had supporters present who were meeting with DNC members and State party senior staff.

    There were opportunities to meet and greet the candidates and their campaign staff at the host hotel as well as at receptions both at the hotel and at offsite venues.

    As the Republican Party becomes more reactionary in policy and action, it's apparent that the DNC's support  for LGBT rights becomes stronger and more inclusive.

    At our LGBT caucus meeting there were several positive things on which to report:

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