Twitter Ads API

The Twitter Ads API allows partners to integrate with the Twitter advertising platform in their own advertising solutions. Selected partners have the ability to create custom tools to manage and execute Twitter Ad campaigns.

How does it work?

Ads API Process

We provide three levels of Twitter Ads API access to support partner development needs: developer, basic and standard. The levels are sequential and partners are not permitted to skip stages.


Developer allows companies to begin creating a tool without any active advertisers. This level gives developers the ability to build out workflows using the Twitter Ads API before receiving full access. This access level will enable up to 5 oAuth Tokens and will restrict various API functionality and may be subject to additional limitations. Partners are strictly prohibited from creating, managing and/or reporting advertiser campaigns via the Twitter Ads API at Developer level.


  • One positive referral from a client, advertiser or Twitter team (outside of Ads API)
  • Clear value proposition on how how your solution will supplement the Twitter ads offering and improve advertiser performance
  • History of compliance with Twitter developer policies
  • Experience running Twitter Ads
  • Twitter App ID associated with a corporate @username, with no more than 5 active tokens



Basic access level provides increased Twitter Ads API access to ‘Developer’ partners in order to prove the efficacy of their solution.


  • Approval from the Twitter Ads API team after a formal review of the fully developed Ads API solution
  • Demonstrate added value through technology built on Twitter Ads API, that cannot be replicated via the Twitter UI (
  • Dedicated engineering resources to keep pace with updates to the Twitter Ads API
  • Advertisers commitment with budget to participate in testing
  • Existing ‘Developer’ Ads API access

Basic Access is limited to 90 days and 15 oAuth tokens and may be subject to additional limitations.



Standard access allows successful ‘Basic’ partners accessing the Twitter Ads API to scale by increasing OAuth tokens and rate limits.


  • Two case studies on improved client performance from ‘Basic’ access
  • Provide scalable technology solution for broad marketplace consumption
  • Receive positive feedback from pilot participants and the Twitter team
  • Existing ‘Basic’ Ads API access
  • Approval from the Twitter team
