Why Chelsea boys fall over so often



eva c 1


eva club

Eva-Carneiro (1)


Chelsea's Kevin de Bruyne, white jersey, is carried away on a stretcher after getting injured during a friendly soccer match against Malaysia XI at a stadium in Shah Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday, July 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Lai Seng Sin)

Chelsea’s Kevin de Bruyne, white jersey, is carried away on a stretcher after getting injured during a friendly soccer match against Malaysia XI at a stadium in Shah Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday, July 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Lai Seng Sin)

My prediction is that if she comes back, Chelsea will start winning games and shoot up the rankings.…

The sea has always risen

What are they actually trying to do here?

Indigenous stories of dramatic sea level rises across Australia date back more than 7,000 years in a continuous oral tradition without parallel anywhere in the world, according to new research.

Sunshine Coast University marine geographer Patrick Nunn and University of New England linguist Nicholas Reid believe that 21 Indigenous stories from across the continent faithfully record events between 18,000 and 7000 years ago, when the sea rose 120m.

As Chuckles asks:

Why is the Guardian pushing this? I mean, I know it’s ‘indigenous people’ so it must be wonderful and the equivalent of carved in stone tablets, but, if it were true, it destroys their whole global warming hysteria narrative.

Or are they saying those EEEVVILLL! aborigines destroyed the world back then with their carbon emissions?

The Chumpmeter

Chumps always make the best husbands.  All the unhappy marriages come from the husbands having brains.

That was written by PG Wodehouse in 1920, in The Adventures of Sally.

I’d say it’s not so much the having of brains as the waking up to the games and irrational demands, coupled with age creeping up and no longer being willing to put up with certain inconveniences.

The allure of a woman is absolutely vital to her.  Was it F Scott Fitzgerald who wrote about some girl’s turned up, button nose which her dog bit off and suddenly all her suitors melted away into the night?  Until then she’d been acting a right prat with the one who’d fallen in love with her – she’d reasoned she had the whole field to choose from.



The term is used politically in this post, not religiously. In fact, it refers to those parts of the world which tolerate diversity of religion, of opinion and of free speech.

These nations roughly correspond to what was known, in former days, as Christendom:


There are obvious implications:…

Thursday too

#  Assembly line Bokhara, via Chuckles:

assembly line bokhara

#  More detail on that rejection by the Secretary to the Navy of that Marines study which showed mixed units did worse in combat.  Obviously this would be a major setback for PCism so it must be rejected out of hand, for no sound reason:


#  More also on Boeing and that aircraft engine:…

Two issues

1.  Katie Hopkins and free speech:

Katie Hopkins slammed for ‘mental health crisis’ dig at Jeremy Corbyn and his shadow cabinet

Only slammed by the left. It didn’t even rate a mention in the other press. What was interesting to me was the number of people commenting on that left press who said something like: “I don’t generally agree with Ms Hopkins but on this occasion …”

What she’d actually said was:

hopkins mental health corbyn



#  You can’t have it both ways, haiku points to this article – either tree rings are relevant … or they are not:

Tree rings have underlain various large claims made by those on the warmist side of the climate debate, and as such have been hotly criticised by sceptics. But, in fact, warmists might also be willing to accept that tree ring results must often be dismissed: peer-reviewed tree ring studies have also shown that the world was hotter than it now is (without benefit of carbon emissions) in Roman times; that global warming in the 20th century didn’t actually happen in some large regions, and that the warming record may not jibe well with reality on the ground; and also that the Arctic actually cooled down to pre-industrial levels from 1950 to 1990, just as carbon emissions were seriously getting into gear.

When the results annoyingly do not support the PC construct

This is going to be tricky, editorially. This article:


… is long and rambling, seemingly disjointed but does say some interesting things for those who persevere.  One of them is N5, which refers to the Marine Corp tests covered some days ago here in which all male units consistently outperformed mixed units. The linked article here goes into detail.

Interestingly and predictably, as this flies in the face of the PC construct:…