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Dublin Sinn Féin has a long and proud history of serving the citizens of Dublin City and County. The elected representative team of four TDs, a MEP and thirty four councillors work tirelessly to deliver to their constituents across the county.

In the Dáil chamber party Vice-President Mary Lou McDonald, Social Protection spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh, Housing spokesperson Dessie Ellis and party spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Defence Seán Crowe work every day to deliver on their mandate.

Examples of the work done this year by your Dublin TDs, include a policy paper on internships aimed at radically reforming the JobBridge, the progressive proposals made to alleviate the housing and homeless crisis, the consistent questioning and scrutinising of government policy at Leader’s Questions and the introduction of legislation aimed at protecting Ireland’s neutrality.

In Europe Lynn Boylan has brought the Right2Water campaign to door of the European Parliament and is the lead author on a report for the Parliament on this matter. This is coupled with her work on food safety, the environment, workers’ rights and the Mother and Baby homes, to name but a few.

Your MEP is also actively involved in the eleven constituencies throughout county Dublin. From public meetings, to canvasing to conferences to mark International Women’s day and Palestine.

The thirty four councillors that were returned after the local elections last May have made a marked difference to the political landscape in Dublin.

In some areas we went from having no local councillors to seven and the council teams are working hard to build progressive alliances in order to deliver. Some of the stellar work completed to date includes, Fingal County Council securing a reduction in the local property tax, Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown councillors have battled to ensure equality and fair representation on the council committees and South County Dublin and Dublin City Council delivered fair, progressive budgets that put money back in people’s pockets.

Across all four councils the Sinn Féin team has demonstrated leadership and initiative on the anti-water charges movement which doesn’t begin or culminate on the national demonstrations. The movement was born and developed in local areas and communities and this continues to be the case. Sinn Féin activists all over Dublin set up information stalls and canvas on the Right2Water issue on a daily basis.

Protecting worker’s rights has also been a priority. Dublin Sinn Féin actively campaigned on the behalf of the GreyHound workers and is supporting Dunne’s Stores staff as they embark on industrial action to secure their rights.

This is a small snapshot of an extremely varied and colourful landscape of work done by your elected representatives. As long as they have a mandate they will continue to add to this body of work aimed at delivering a fair recovery for everyone underscored by Republican ideals.

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Calendar of Events


Water protest dates:
National Protest O O'Connell Street 2:30 pm 29th August


Housing protest dates:
Leinster House 2 Sept 1:00pm-2:00 pm


State Funeral of Thomas Kent in Cork:
Friday, 18th September- more details to follow


Charlie Mc Glade commemoration:
Saturday 19 September -3:30pm - Assemble at Dolphin Road Green Drimnagh, Main Speaker is Aengus O Snodaigh TD


Dublin Golf classic :Friday 25th of September. For more details contact Nicky Kehoe


Thomas Ashe Commemoration:
Saturday, 26th of September at Glasnevin. Assemble at 3:30pm


September- Fair Recovery Campaign

The Dublin Sinn Féin 1916 Centenary Committee is looking for 100 people across Dublin who will donate €10 a month to help commemorate 1916 and to finish the work started on Easter Monday. It is called the 100 Club. For more info contact [email protected]