Infoshop Survey 2002 Results

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2002 Infoshop Survey

At the end of December 2002 and throughout the month of January 2003, ran a comprehensive online poll of our visitors and what we hoped would be a cross section of the anarchist movement in the United States. Few polls have been done with anarchists as the subjects, so there is little empirical data on who anarchists are, how they live their lives, and what they think about stuff.

Below you will find the FINAL RESULTS from the survey.

The data below was taken from 922 surveys.

What activist groups are you involved with?

Washington, DC: "Mayday DC, Homes not Jails, Healthcare Now, No Blood for Oil, sometime the ACC, others"

South Dakota: "Whoever I can help out. Prison outreaches, nursing home, library volunteer, etc."

Rochester, NY: "Metro Justice"

Finland: "local anarchists."

Boston: "Boston Angry Tenants Union, Boston NEFAC Labor Group"

Arizona: "Phoenix Anarchist Coalition"


Boston: "NEFAC, ACUB, Class Against Class"

Philadelphia: "The Dark Side Collective, NEFAC, Life Center Association"

Wisconsin: "a few local anarchists; some pacifist, liberal peace groups"

Arizona: "Phoenix Anarchist Coalition"

Philadelphia: "My local NEFAC collective, this includeds mostly work within the housing solidarity committee. We are working with many community organizations in Philly including KWRU, various tenants unions, homeless rights groups and other local groups folks on infoshop probably don't know about :)"

" I also do work with the Anarchist Black Cross and Books Through Bars."

Young anarchist: "I'm a member of the Anarchist Militia"

Kansas City: "none as of now but wanting to get involved with more "

Montana: "Wild Rockies Earth First! Buffalo Field Campaing, missoula active resistance"

Southern Ohio: "anarchist militia, School Revolutionary Front,"

Chicago suburbs: "Student Liberation Collective, Anti-Racist Action, Food not Bombs, SPACE (suburban project for autonomy, community, and equality)."

Ontario: "Soul Liberation Front, Suburban Resistance, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty"

Maryland: "i'm involved with the peace resource center in md"

Maine: "The Anarchist Militia, Maine IndyMedia (If you consider that one)"

New Jersey: "local student groups, ARA???"

Québec: "Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), General Defense Committee of the IWW (GDC)"

Mexico City: "institute for anarchist studies, institute for social ecology"

Nebraska: "Great Plains Anarchist Network, Nebraskans For Peace, IWW, EF!"

Peterborough, Ontario: "high school students (education), some environmental activism"

Athens, Ohio: "Various student and community groups at Ohio university"

Indianapolis: "Iraq Action, Peace and Justice Center"

San Francisco: "non-affiliated affinity groups"

Edmonton, Alberta: " Nothing. I'm not interested in an icon as long as it can be found and ordered. If it's not a living entity, it doesn't exist. The nucleous is in our technology, not in our banner. But we all have our list of changing ideals."

Terre Haute, IN: I actually just found some anti-war death penalty groups in TH so my amount of time being spent will soon be boosted, and I have yet to here any names.

Zaragoza, Spain: CNT-AIT. I will enter in the local hacklab (free software stuff)

Local projects: local union. making the program of the union in the local free radio

Southeast USA: Union Organizer

Phoenix: Phoenix Anarchist Coalition

Ohio: amnesty international, anti-racist action, suburban liberation front

Edmonton: Student Worker Action Group, IWW

Levis, Quebec: MOB ( collegial students mobilization )

Bronx, New York: Teachers Against the War

Minneapolis: Clean Water Action, Anti-War Committee (are the first two more lobbying?), otherwise I generally do things independently, or with like-minded friends, not a group exactly

Halifax, Nova Scotia: HAPI Halifax Anti-Poverty Initiative, Halifax Anarchist Collective, Food Not Bombs

New Orleans: Tension Collective, Food Not Bombs

Washington, DC: ARA, ACC, Brian McKenzie infoshop, AU movement, NCOR collective, radical cheerleaders of dc, autonomous feminist action, dc men's caucus, recruiters for peace/shirts off our backs

DeKalb, Illinois: NIU Coalition for Peace and Justice

Bellingham, Washington: "Radical Praxis, Mourning Commute Collective"

Culpeper, Virginia: "R.A.A.N. (Red and Anarchist Action Network) "

Chicago: "Chicago Street Medics. For the most part, I am focusing on school. "

Buffalo, New York: "WNY Peace Center most directly."

Richmond, Virginia: "better Days Collective, RVA Food Not Bombs"

Tempe, Arizona: "Phoenix Anarchist Coalition"

United States: "activists suck"

Cochabamba, Bolivia: "group to support social movements (peasants and unions)"

Troy, Michigan: "native movement, punk scene"

Tempe, Arizona: "phoenix anarchist coalition; monsoon anarchist collective."

Lawrence, KS: "ABC, Black Cat Collective / Mother Earth Library, IWW, Organized Anti-imperialist, four one one culter jamming artist collective."

Ohio: "local ARA, out of town activist groups"

Waterford, California: Anything that comes my way, i try to be open, i dont belong to anything real set or group in the "I work with ANSWER" sort of way

Salt Lake City: "Food Not Bombs, Ex-Organizer for Burn the Olympics"

Portland, Oregon: "Indymedia, CBLOC, JwJ, IWW, Student Labor..."

Willimantic, Connecticut: "WHUS Radio is a college/community radio station. I volunteer with the Public Affairs programming department there. We aren't an activist group per se, but the station does help activists keep informed. ("

Cuba: "French federation"

Rural anarchist: "Mostly local groups, various small international aid and activist organizations."

Riverbank, California: "MJC Student Activist Club, Modesto Food Not Bombs, Modesto Peace and Life Center, NOW "

Springfield, Virginia: "NLG, DC indymedia"

Connecticut: "loosely affiliated with ARA/East Coast Antifascist Network, support NEFAC from a distance"

Alabama: "none, i do consider my anarchist gathering to be a bit of an activist group"

Alabama: "none, i do consider my anarchist gathering to be a bit of an activist group"

London, UK: "New internet project which is currently developing RTS (London): involvement in Reclaim The Future parties... and a future street action. Social Centres Network: although not having as much time to provide to this, I am in the fortunate position to be able to help on other levels (financial, emotional, medical, etc...)"

Appalachian nomad: "Earth First! (a little bit)."

Akron, Ohio: "Peace, media."

Olympia, Washington: "Out of the circle now. Used to be involved heavily in student groups when I was a student."

Cleveland: "Cleveland anarchist coalition, Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition."

Alberta: "Local ones."

Quebec City: "Tenant union, community groups."

Rhode Island: "Just some coalitions for peace. Not many activist groups around."

Montreal: "NEFAC, CLAC, No one is illegal (montreal immigrants rights-anti racism group)."

Philadelphia: "NEFAC, "dark side" colective, APOC, third world coalition, filadelfia con vieques, Frente Socialista, ANSWER, PRAWN- Philadelphia regional anti-war network, CLI community leadership institute."

Iceland: "None. Work alone with help from friends, punks and other interested people."

Boston: "NEFAC."

Lancaster, Pennsylvania: "War Resisters League, Industrial Workers of the World, Wallsdown! Collective."

Hawaii: "Haiku Tea Party."

Vancouver: "None."

Rural western Pennsylvania: "Pittsburgh Organizing Group, Industrial Workers of the World, Amnesty International (tangentially)."

Boston: "NEFAC, BAAM."

Central California: "Um, none at the time, unless you count a gay straight alliance as an activist group."

Peterborough, Ontario: "None formally."

Rural central Wisconsin: "Not really much..."

Columbia, South Carolina: "Carolina Peace Resource Center, SC Progressive Network."

Arizona: "STARC, Art and Revolution, United Students Against Sweatshops, Earth First!"

Philippines: "Solidarity of Sons and Daughters of the Proletariat (KAMPI), Guerilla Art Movement-Philippines."

Toronto: "Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Anti-Racist Action, Workers Solidarity Network."

Oberlin, Ohio: "Heartbreak Liberation Infoshop, MayDay Infoshop."

Ohio: "green party, bicycle activism"

Baltimore: "North Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC), Anti-Racist Action (ARA), Black Planet Books, Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE), part of the Direct Action Network (DAN), Baltimore Independent Media Center (Baltimore Indymedia IMC)."

Ireland: "Reclaim the Streets, anti war, grassroots gathering, Indymedia, gluaiseacht."

New York City: "Common Wheel Collective, Staten Island Action Coalition, Staten Island "Winter Palace," limited recent involvement with Wetlands (perhaps that will continue); and a variety of rotating, unfixed, often unnamed affinity groups and brainstorming groups."

Houston: "Working on organizing local egalitarian group."

Lancaster, Pennsylvania: "None."

Philadelphia: "4134 Lancaster radical community center, the defenestrator newspaper, NEFAC, Phila Regional Anti War Network."

Sudbury, Ontario: "PETA, Anti-Racist Action."

Victoria, British Columbia: "Was involved with: east coast Anti-Racist Action, mobglob (ugh), the wrath (feminist collective), some other things... "

Belgrade, Serbia: "Anarcho-syndicalist initiative."

Guelph, Ontario: "Llocal anti-war group."

Tampere, Finland: "Oikeutta Eläimille (an radical Finnish animal rights organization), Earth First, Eco anarchist community in my own town."

Seminole, Florida: "None at the moment; but I really would like to be involved in my community."

Los Angeles: "Food Not Bombs, Crimethinc."

Portland, Oregon: "Ya, right! I know you might not do anything with this but I'm not on a secure connection."

St Paul, Minnesota: "IMC, local Crimethinc like group."

Rockaway, New Jersey: "Whatever is going on and is close to me. I don't have much free time."

Camden, New Jersey: "Progressive Student Alliance."

St. Louis: "My looseknit crew of comrades here--we collaborate on various projects."

Maryland: "Ummm... I like to give Chuck0 money so he can do the excellent work that he does. "

Galveston, Texas: "Director of sorts for Anarchist Black Cross of Galveston, Texas. Attempting to organize a copwatch however this is becoming a lengthy process."

Columbus, Ohio: "Columbus Anti-Authoritarian Media."

Windsor, Ontario: "No formal groups really. Mostly local leftists of various persuasions but little in common."

Anchorage, Alaska: "IWW."

Newark, Delaware: "Green Delaware."

Colorado: "Nothing I legally trust sending over the net with the terrorist act in place besides Crimethinc."

Montréal, Québec: "Not really activist but NEFAC."

Virginia: "House of The Goddess (HotGoddess Center) for Pagan Wombyn, SOAW (School of The Assassins Watch), SOAWPC (School of The Assassins Watch Pagan Cluster), SOAWTVA (School of The Assassins Watch Tidewater Affinity Group), FPN (Feminist Peace Network), LivRiv (Living River Pagan Cluster), ACC (peripherally)."

Toronto: "OCAP (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty)."

Detroit: "Coalition Against Police Brutality."

Madison, Wisconsin: "Rage, an infoshop, Madison Area Peace Coalition."

New Orleans: "Tension Collective, Food Not Bombs."

Washington, DC: "ARA, ACC, Brian McKenzie Infoshop, AU movement, NCOR collective, Radical cheerleaders of dc, autonomous feminist action, dc men's caucus, recruiters for peace/shirts off our backs."

DeKalb, Illinois: "NIU Coalition for Peace and Justice."

Athens, Georgia: "Above, it's 10% at most, I'm also a grad student working on enviro and social issues. I work a little with a half-way local chapter of Earth First! and the School of the Americas Watch."

Beavercreek, Ohio: "Free the Children (run entirely by under 18 year-olds, excellent structure: and local homeless shelters."

Lexington, Kentucky: "Tried Kentuckians for the Commonwealth. But all talk, no action."

Seattle: "Neighborhood anti-war group, Hate-Free Zone (immigrant rights)."

Malden, Massachusetts: "NEFAC, local anti-war group."

Gainesville, Florida: "The Civic Media Center, the Onward newspaper, the Groundswell Collective, Alliance for Freedom and Direct Democracy."

Montreal: "None at the moment. I got tired of being attacked by people who were supposed to be my friends."

Perth, Western Australia: "Anarchist WA."

Berkeley: "Reclaim the Streets, Critical Mass, whatever comes up for the next demo."

United States: "Local police and prison issues."

Amarillo, Texas: "IWW, local anti-war peace farm."

Tempe, Arizona: "Tempe copwatch, Phoenix copwatch, Phoenix anarchist coalition, anti-poverty coalition."

Juneau, Alaska: "Health care groups."

Vancouver: "Check Your Head: the Youth Global Education Network ("

Hartford, Connecticut: "AFSC, local queer/feminist group, CT Coalition for Peace and Justice, CT Central Labor Council."

Seattle: "Mourning Commute Collective, Alliance for Freedom and Direct Democracy."

New York City: "Small affinity group."

United States: "Friends of Camilo, Lucy Parsons Center."

Fredericton, New Brunswick: "All local groups."

Fredericton, New Brunswick: "Fredericton Residents for Education on the Economically-motivated Deployment of the Military and many others..."

Moncton, New Brunswick: "Prison abolition, anti-water privatization, earth/ecological groups."

Camdenton, Missouri: "None."

Sparks, Nevada: "Reno Anti-War Coalition."

Boston: "Local anarchist and environmentalist groups. Local anti-sprawl groups. Other local groups."

Albany: "ACC, IWW."

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: "Food Not Bombs kuala Lumpur."

Adelaide, Australia: "My activity would not be zero per cent as I do stuff both on-line and in 'zines, but it is far less than it has been and certainly not enough to call myself an 'activist'. part of my problem has been moving a lot in the last five years so i have not put down roots in a community that I feel attached to and would do things for. The only group I am involved with is an anarcho-syndicalist propaganda group."

Reading, PA: "RACC students for PEACE. Anti-war group at Reading Area Community College. Free-lance anarchist."

Saginaw, Oregon: "A bunch of anarcho-redneck treehuggers."

Lansford, PA: "Due to the fact that I live out in the middle of a black hole where no one cares and I do not have transportation to any nearby cities, none."

Eugene: "Sargassum Collective."

Boston: "NEFAC."

Philadelphia: "ARA."

Louisville: "I fly solo but work with the Enrages Collective on occasion."

Canberra, Australia: "Anarchist show on community radio. Trying to start anarchist reading group / general anarchist group."

Finland: "Antifa."

Tallahassee: "None, because we have no local activist groups, and I'm too young to organize any. I can't find any anarchist organizations here."

Burlington, Ontario: "Y.A.R. (Youth Anarchist Resistance), P.L.F. (Penguin Liberation Front)."

Minot, North Dakota: "NYRA (national youth rights association), and i want to get involved with the ACLU."

Louisville: "None at this time."

Isleworth, UK: "IWW."

Durango, Colorado: "PETA, FLC Punx, Service Tree, Sociology Club, Fort Lewis College Environmental Center, Rainforest Action Network, Southwest Colorado Peace and Justice Coalition."

Los Angeles: "None."

Calgary: "Logistics (Social centre project), High School organisin."

Wellington City, Aotearoa/New Zealand: "When I can I'll work with big activist groups tend to be spontaneous with activism."

Longwood, Florida: "Unfortunately, due to the reasons stated above, I am not involved in any activist groups. I tried to contact the Anarchist Federation and the North Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists for information about anarcho-communist federations in my region, but so far no results."

Charleston, West Virginia: "Workers Solidarity Alliance."

Washington, DC: "DC ACC, AU Movement for Global Justice, AU Animal Rights Effort, AU For Peace, DC Men's Caucus, United for Peace."

Berkeley: "Anti-War Action, Anti-Capitalist Convergence, Anti-Racist Action."

Auburn, Michigan: "None."

Worcester: "Student Advocates for Freedom & Equality; Peace Action; AFSC."

Denver: "Food Not Bombs, All Nations Alliance, (CO) anti-patriarchy collective and a myriad of affinity groups."

Toledo, Ohio: "Food Not Bombs, RAIN, Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition."

St. Paul, Minnesota: "Santa chaos."

Danville, Indiana: "Digital imaging/image creation for west coast mags."

Rural Georgia, USA: "Workers Solidarity Alliance."

Newport News, Virginia: "None at the moment. Plan on joining the ACC, NEFAC, Food Not Bombs, and the like."

Santee, California: "ALF, S.H.A.C."

Venice, California: "RAN; Earth First!; Greenpeace; IndyMedia LA; Reweaving; schoolteacher."

Cornwall, Ontario: "None on a regular basis, but have done some time helping out with Food Not Bombs, various populat antiwar fronts, antipoverty organizations, etc."

Ruskin, Florida: "Rural Social Services Partnership, Neighborhood Community Center, Progressive Librarians, Social Responsibility RT of ALA."

Pittsburgh: "Security."

Arcata, California: ", Indymedia, Earth First, local peace and justice center."

Pensacola: "None."

Philadelphia: "Infoshops, Food Not Bombs, IWW, student groups."

Boston: "IWW, BAAM!"

United States: "None right now."

Rowley, Mass.: "None...yet"

Virginia: "ACC."

New York City: "I have some involvement in many but the most important are the anarchist groups - the IWW, anarchist bookstore etc. Indymedia has some anarchist tendencies. I am in contact with a whole range of community/leftie groups though."

Cleveland: "Cleveland Anarchist Coalition, Phoenix Anarchist Coalition, Ohio Citizen Action (this is where I am employed), las passionarias (local radical feminist group."

Boulder, Colorado: "Colorado ACC, Mile High Resistance, Misc. Anarchists of Colorado."

Chapel Hill: "Local political book store."

Mobile, Alabama: "No names."

Yonkers, NY: "None."

Glasgow, Scotland: "Black flag collective, Freedom, Anarchist groups in Scotland!"


Nevada City, California: "Mostly my employer (a local enviro group) and a couple of other local enviro groups. I used to be involved with several collectives or other groups when I lived in a sizeable city, but am not now that I live out here in the sticks."

Heath, Ohio: "Against the war."

New York City: "Local publishing collective."

United States: "Valley Anarchist Organization, IWW, Oneidas for democracy, prison book project (sometimes)."

Providence, Rhode Island: "IWW."

Canada: "Federation of Northwest Anarchist Communists."

Quebec: "AFADD."

Halifax, Nova Scotia: "Various groups-- campus stuff, antiwar, anti-poverty initiative."

Aotearoa/New Zealand: "Anarchist collective, Anarchist publishing collective, People's Global Action, Anti motorway, Antiwar collective."

Peterborough, Ontario: "Trent Central Student Association, Ontario Public Research Group, Redwash (Trent Women's Centre)."

Edmonton, Alberta: "Edmonton anarchist reading circle, a university feminist collective."

Burlington, Vermont: "Burlington Anti-War Coalition (BAWC)."

Los Angeles: "Long Beach R.E.A.C.H Center, RACUN / Cop Watch, Raise the Fist, Long Beach Coalition Aainst Police Brutality."

Thunder Bay, Ontario: "Thunder Bay Coalition Against Poverty."

Spain: "MRG, CGT."

Arlington, VA: "ARA, ACC, Reclaim The Streets, DC.Action Medical Network."

Calgary: "Alberta Coalition Against Poverty, Food Not Bombs, News Hole Media, Calgary Anti-War Coalition."

Canada: "IWW, OPIRG, PCAP, OCAP, Peterborough Anarchist Collective, Action-Medical, neopagan community building, Queer issues of all types."

Uxbridge, Ontario: "Currently none, but once i am able to move out of rural Canada I plan on becoming very involved."

Ottawa, Ontario: "Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), Anti-Capitalist Action (ACA), The Garden Spot (vegan food collective)."

Newark, New Jersey: " worker's collective, Student Voices for Peace radio, Ever Reviled Records, No Blood for Oil, the New York Social Forum, Desiderata Communitas."

Richmond, Virginia: "The Better Days Collective."

Lecanto, Florida: "We have no names."

Gambier, Ohio: "Activists United, Amnesty International, Students for a Free Tibet, Crozier Center for Women -- all at Kenyon College. SpiritHouse (Washington, DC internship)."

Mechanicville, New York: "Free the Children, Saint Francis Ecology Club, Capital Region Alliance for fair Trade, New York state Labor-Religion Coalition."

Charlotte, North Carolina: "Barakti Collective (Charlotte)."

Aurora, Illinois: "Autonomous Zone, suburban Project for Autonomy, Community, and EQUALITY (SPACE)."

Washington, DC: "Indymedia, ACC a little, school activist group."

Carbondale, Penn.: "Amnesty International."

New Brunswick, New Jersey: "Desiderata collective, northeastern federation of anarcho-communists, new jersey anti-racist action."

Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand: "Haven't found any groups yet."

Dublin, Ireland: "Anarchist Federation Ireland."

Healdsburg, California: "Local school club, local anti-war movement."

Dousman, Wisconsin: "None. My situation allows me little time for activism. I try to educate and gain support, and if I ever felt like I could rally enough support I would be fighting the system twenty four hours a day."

Colborne, Ontario: "Unconditional Thinking."

Platte City, Missouri: "I am independent. I am dedicated to the principles I believe in, and I cooperate with anybody that will cooperate back. But I will not define and fragment myself from what I am: human."

Grand Rapids, Michigan: "Campus groups -- students against sweatshops and the campus animal rights league."

Lisbon, Portugal: "Grupo de Intervenção Revolucionário, Centro de Cultura Libertária, Greenpeace, Federação Anarquista Ibérica, Cruz Negra Anarquista"

Boston: "LPC, NEFAC, Critical Breakdown, etc."

Windsor: "Windsor Coalition Against War, Windsor Peace Committee."

Amesbury, Mass.: "Boston Anarchist, hopefully the IFA soon..."

Seattle: "Tons, and not really want to tell you..."

Reading, Penn.: "Green party, berks peace community."

Halifax, Nova Scotia: "Uh... NOVAE, planning on getting involved with Food Not Bombs..."

Martin, South Dakota: "Lakota student alliance, wita naji okolakiciye, AIM."

Apache Junction, Arizona: "I am isolated where I live like I said before."

Washington, DC: "I just want to say I think local community issues ARE activist campaigns and protest. I put 10%, because I, like many others here, are stifled right now for numerous reasons. It's certainly not always been only a 10% effort. And I'm not going to list to you the groups I've been involved with. I know this is well intentioned and meant to be useful, but I feel like I'm already displaying too much in one space."

East Lansing, Michigan: "A direct action group."

Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand: "Auckland Animal Action, SAFE, Communist League, Young Socialists, Class War."

Spring, Texas: "Earth Club, Gay and straight alliance, and have been trying to get involved in habitats for humanity and Food Not Bombs but transportation is rather a problem."

Chicago, Illinois: "local anti-war and community anarchist groups."

North Branch, Michigan: "None, but I should be involved and would like to be involved in far more. Contact me via e-mail with info on groups in Michigan please."

Charlotte: "Barakti Collective in Charlotte, NC."

Frankfort, Ohio: "I am not enrolled with any clubs but i try to do things on my own as much as possible."

Wantage, New Jersey: "Currently, a non-profit which encourages economic self-sufficiency for young parents, single parents and displaced homemakers."

Borås, Sweden: "AFA-Sweden (Antifascist action), SUF-Sweden (Anarko-Syndicalists), SAF (Swedish Anarchist Federation)."

Madison, Wisc.: "Earth First! Greens, Family Farm Defenders, Industrial Workers of the World, United Students Against Sweatshops."

Canberra, Australia: "Just anarchist ones."

Richmond: "Food Not Bombs, Living Wage, Virginia Organizing Project, Richmond Peace Education Center, Lift With Your Legs Affinity Group (anti-ableist allies), various anti-war coalitions."

Colorado Springs: "Whoever is willing to work with me."

Madison, Wisc.: "Food Not Bombs, local animal rights group, five lakes anarchist guild."

Madrid, Spain: "Red Libertaria Apoyo Mutuo."

Boston: "NEFAC and a group on campus."

College Park, Maryland: "Maryland Action Collective, Peace Forum, Homes Not Jails DC, Mayday DC, DC ACC."

Washington, DC: "D.C. food distro, bmc infoshop, anti-authoritarian baby-sitters club, SUSTAIN (stop u.s. tax-funded aid to israel now)."

Orlando: "None."

Minneapolis: "I live in a cooperative housing complex and am active in an informal since with my neighbors."

Chicago: "None though I have thought of trying to find like-minded folks to coordinate actions with."

Baltimore: "Food Not Bombs, ARA, AFA, APF, ALFCIO, IWW, ACC."

Washington, DC: "positive force dc, national lawyers guild."

Richmond: "Living Wage Coalition, Food Not Bombs, local anti-war, city workers' union, palestine solidarity, latin american solidarity. Too many."

Cincinnati: "Cincinnati Animal Defense League, Students Anarchists Against Capitalist Oppression, various anti-war groups."

Sarasota, Florida: "Not affiliated with any groups right now."

London: "Anarchist Federation (UK), direct action against the war."

Vancouver: "Spartacus Books, Students for Class War."

Indianapolis: "I do my part with a few differt groups. Right no it would Anti-war shit."

Balikpapan, East Borneo, Indonesia: "Libertania collective."

Chicago: "Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, Animal Defense League, Reclaim The Streets."

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: "Crimethinc, radical faeries."

Skellefteå, Sweden: "Syndicalist Youth Federation (Syndikalistiska Ungdomsförbundet)"

Kentucky: "Remember security culture."

Boston: "Progressive Student Alliance at Northeastern University."

Boston: "Northeastern University Progressive Student Alliance, Boston Student Labor Action Project, Jobs With Justice."

Minneapolis: "Depends on how you would define "activist group.""

Birmingham, UK: "West Midlands Anarchists, Anarchist Youth Network, Class War Federation, Animal Campaigner, Catalyst (general activist group in the tiny town of Stroud where i'm originally from, they're good at putting on gigs and have started organising food, housing and film co-ops), Movement Against the Monarchy."

Stevens Point, Wisconsin: "sporadically with many of the big name groups like amnesty and the aclu and such, depending on how reformist i feel at the time."

Denver: "Food Not Bombs, derailer bike coop (denver), dino-riders (denver chapter), IWW."

Montreal: "Anti-Racist Action."

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: "AAE."

Oakland: "Anti-Racist Action, Reclaim the Streets, Not In Our Name, California Peace Action."

Madison, Wisconsin: "Primary the local Infoshop."

Salem, Oregon: "CrimethInc."

West Virginia: "WV Peace, International ANSWER, Green Party,Amnesty International."

St. Louis: "St. Louis anarcha-feminist group, IMC, Food Not Bombs."

Tucson, Arizona: "Earth First! Journal takes up all my time these days!"

Philadelphia: "The Dark Side Collective, North Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists."

Nijmegen, Netherlands: "Reclaim the Streets."

Marshall, Wisconsin: "It's not big enough for a name."

Cliffside Park, New Jersey: "Food Not Bombs / Direct Action Volunteering."

West Hartford, Conn.: "Food Not Bombs, CT peace and justice coalition, PETA, anti-racist action, refuse and resist."

Salem, Virginia: "Environmental club, women's issues club, ELF-ALF, local anarchists, gay-straight alliance."

Madison, Wisc.: "Five lakes anarchist guild (madison, wi), IWW."

Minneapolis: "Free Radio Twin Cities."

Salem, Virginia: "Local punks."

Concord, Mass.: "Grafvolution (aka me and 2-3 friends)."

Kansas City: "IWW, Great Plains Anarchist Network."

London: "Anarchist Youth Network, Class War."

Saginaw, Michigan: "Tri-City Action for Peace."

Elyria, Ohio: "Mercy for Animals, Anti-Racist Action (Columbus)."

London: "I'm mostly a recluse, but the Walthamstow Anarchist Group when I can be bothered. Also help out Class War from time to time."

Newton, Massachusetts: "USAS, Pace University Vanguard Coalition, Times Up, Wetlands."

Washington, DC: "A.N.S.W.E.R., GWAC."

Halifax, Nova Scotia: "HAPI - Halifax anti-poverty Initiative."

Portland, Oregon: "Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights."

Santa Cruz, California: "Standing United for Peace (UC Santa Cruz), IWW."

Wilkes-Barre, Penn.: "Food Not Bombs, Anti-racist action, The local Workers Collective, Irish republican Socialist Committees of North America, Anarchist Black Cross, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)."

Worcester, Mass.: "Environmental, justice, anti-war, social change."

Malta: "An anarcho-communist organization called Moviment Graffitti."

New Brunswick, New Jersey: "NEFAC, new jersey Anti-Racist Action."

Laguna Niguel, California: "So far just me and a few of my friends locally. I participate with anti-war protests frquently, as well as some animal rights movements."

Bowling Green, Kentucky: "CAN (celebrate Activism Now)."

Miami, Florida: "Native american rights (AIM), EF!"

San Francisco: "Global Exchange, Radical Women."

Denver: "Anarchist brigade, Anti-Racist Action."

Yorktown Heights, New Jersey: "Amnesty, hudson clearwater revival."

Palm Springs, Calif.: "Hotel and restaurant employees union, nefac (somewhat), peace and social justice group at our lady of solitude church."

Somerville, Mass.: "Independent Media Center."

Toronto: "OCAP/OCF."

Sandy, Utah: "I don't officially belong to any group, but I help with Food Not Bombs every now and then, and attend rallies that I agree with."

Waukegan, Illinois: "None, I'm on many mailing lists for MANY activist groups, but I don't regularly attend meetings. I'd rather work to make new ones rather than search for ones in existence. I'm also an ex-CRAYON (Chicago Revolutionary Youth Organizing NetworK)."

Montreal: "RedBlackFlag.Org, Indymedia Montreal and sometimes with CLAC."

Canada: "Trying to start up/join Food Not Bombs..."

Sheffield, UK: "Earth First!, various direct action groups, AP networks."

Milwaukee: "Earth First, various anti-war groups and anti-school of americas groups."

Homeless anarchist: "Various groups in Latin America."

Columbus, Ohio: "The Committee for Justice in Palestine, I'm marginally involves with ARA as well."

Los Angeles and Santa Cruz: "Casa del pueblo (los angeles community-center soon to be open), Na'Otan (heatl food and holistic medicine co-op in los angeles) and the Comite Zapatista De Los Angeles."

Lexington, Virginia: "Anti-Capitalist Convergence."

Seattle: "Earth First, Food Not Bombs."

Edmonton, Alberta: "Local feminist and sexual liberation groups, organic food co-op, anti-war groups, tution protest movement, student-worker alliances."

Vergennes, Vermont: "Black Bloc, R.A.Y."

Brussels, Belgium: "Indymedia, Amnesty."

Akron, Ohio: "Ohio Citizen Action, Feminist Majority, International A.N.S.W.E.R., Beers for Peace, American Friends Society, Greenpeace, NARAL Pro-Choice activist network, Al-Awda Ohio, Working Assets activist network, Women in Business."

Sydney, Australia: "Food Not Bombs, Reclaim the Streets, social centre network, the ham-(anarchist/autonomist newsheet), black rose anarchist books, others from time to time."

Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand: "Local animal liberation groups, anti war groups, local campaign against motorways, anti privatization, etc, blah, blah."

Belgium: "Anarcho-Syndicalist Union, Mainstream 'left' Union, Anarcho-Communist Group."

Storrs, Connecticut: "No national or semi-national organizations."

Morton Grove, Illinois: "Was involved w/ Chicago suburb youth group "C.R.A.Y.O.N.""

Beirut, Lebanon: "No Frontiers: ILG (independent leftist groups)."

Oakland: "Challenging White Supremacy, Active Solidarity - a collective for anti-racism education..."

Brookhaven, New York: "Students for Animal rights, PETA."

New York City: "Kind of joined a collective...but have not done anything as yet."

Toronto: "OCAP, Greenpeace, other..."

Palo Alto, California: "I was involved with the San Francisco IWW."

New York City: "War Resisters League, NION."

Merritt, British Columbia: "Council of Canadians, ACC."

Warsaw, Indiana: "Raise the Fist, Iraq Peace Pledge, Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives of the Great Lakes Region."

Montréal: "UFP (in Québec)."

Brooklyn Park, Minnesota: "Right now it's mostly anti-war both locally and organizations like"

Berlin, Germany: "The pingpong-Guerilla."

Arlington, Massachusetts: "Boston Mobilization, Arlington High School NWA (No war association)."

Philadelphia: "NEFAC, Anarchist Black Cross."

Tacoma, Washington: "NION, NARN, socal APF, and local organizers (no specific group name)."

Hackettstown, New Jersey: "Vegan outreach, SHAC, various anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-war, animal rights, and environmental groups."

Sacramento: "Crimethinc."

Tampa: "Alliance of Concerned Students, I write for the internet and local newspapers."

Eugene, Oregon: "Students for peace, my affinity group."

Bannister, Michigan: "As above, I'm completely isolated."

Williams Lake, B.C.: "University PIRG."

Minneapolis: "Minnesotans for a united Ireland, Got No Class (a cable access show)."

Berkeley, California: "General antiwar stuff with friends."

Atlanta: "Indymedia, Atlanta Palestine Solidarity"

Austin, Texas: "Austin Against War."

Frederick, Maryland: "ACC."

Los Angeles: "Indymedia, the fine art world (again, not a wise ass comment)."

Simla, Colorado: "Indy Rocky Mtn.Media Collective, TAO."

Vancouver, Washington: "The student book collective."

Brisbane, Australia: "Save the gully."

North Platte, Nebraska: "5A, Re-entry."

Midwest, United States: "I'm generally freelance. I work with Indymedia from time to time."

Tucson, Arizona: "ETAN, Amnesty, AZ-IMC, Beyond Tolerance, SASS, HEATWAVE-Tucson, many, many, more."

Hereford, UK: "Anarchist Federation (UK and Ireland), Hereford Anarchists."

Oxford, UK: "(Of total time alive?! - above qs). PGA style network, anti-war, Palestine solidarity campaign, Globalise Resistance (I know, tut tut)."

Rochester, Minnesota: "IWW."

St. Paul, Minnesota: "IWW, Indymedia, Counter-propaganda Coalition, Free Radio."

Fernwood, Pennsylvania: "The Transformation Party; Threefolding (R. Steiner initiative)."

Edinburgh, Scotland: "Art cafe, film group, anarcha-feminist group, indymedia, fempages, grossraumzeitung, radio-z, and whatever activist group exists at the moment in this place- yearly turnover of people here bring in various points of agitation."

Aurora, Colorado: "Earth First!, YRUU, Crimethinc, Amnesty International."

Philadelphia: "Indymedia, greens, acorn, local bike coalitions."

Manchester, UK: "Earth First! South Pacific Solidarity."

Toronto: "New Socialist Group."

Philadelphia: "Green Peace."

Oxford, UK: "Wallingford action."


Toronto: "SASWI, Amnesty International, Homes not Bombs/TASC, NEWS on Iraq."

Portland, Oregon: "Since I've moved to Portland, I have mostly been going to the anti-bush, anti-war protest. i have not organized anything."

Ankara, Turkey: "1.ankara anarchists 2.anti-militarist network 3."mecmuA" anarchist magazine 4.AN kara fanzine 5.Abolishing the Borders from the Below 6.Anarchist Black Crescent - Turkey."

Stockholm, Sweden: "SAC, various other groups in the Stockholm scene."

Los Angeles: "Rather not say."

Dublin, Ireland: "Anti-bin charges campaign, Abortion rights, Trade union anti-social partnership, Grassroots Network Against War."

Cork, Ireland: "Gluaiseacht- for global justice. One World Society UCC, Earthwatch - ucc."

Pittsburgh, PA: "Pittsburgh Organizing Group."

Stockbridge, Massachusetts: "Indymedia."

Quebec: "IMC Ottawa, Enviro-Action OPIRG."

Portland, Oregon: "Spontaneous uprisings that are in need of voices."

St. Louis: "Committee against US empire, freepalestinenow, peace groups."

Concord, California: "Anti war action, animal rights direct action coalition, greenpeace."

Oxfordshire, UK: "Out of the loop at present (but with a plan to return). Previously EF and animal rights stuff."

Sherbrooke, Québec: "Alerte ZLÉA (campus non-sectarian anti-capitalist group)."

Torslanda, Sweden: "Grön Ungdom, Miljöpartiet de gröna, P.E.T.A., Förbundet Djurens Rätt, Food Not Bombs, Fredskoalitionen."

San Francisco: "Reclaiming, Art and Revolution, Ruckus, Rainforest Action Network."

San Francisco: "Formerly Food Not Bombs. Currently ad-hoc @parenting group. Heads Up."

Oakland: "Art and Revolution collective, Action for local global justice, Direct action to stop the war, anti-capitalist cluster (of affinity groups."

Tucson, Arizona: "Border Action Network, La Red de Solidaridad Sin Fronteras."

Philadelphia: "Anti-racist, queer, university graduate student union."

Philadelphia: "PICL, ALF, ELF, Crimethinc..."

Oakland (non-anarchist): "Asian Pacific Islander Coalition Against War; Jamaesori (SisterSound); Korea Solidarity Committee; National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; RJ 9-11."

Oakland: "Radical Cheerleaders, Americans for Safe Access to Medical Marijuana."

San Francisco: "Challenging White Supremacy Workshops, Colours of Resistance and Heads Up anti-war collective."

Sonoma County, California: "A lot."

St. Louis: "SEAC- student environmental action coalition, Crimson Wave."

Brooklyn: "Paper Tiger Television, NYC Indymedia, Witness, MediaChannel, MediaTenor."

Prague, Czech Republic: "prague indymedia ( and English for activists, meets every friday to help Czechs improve english skills by drinking beer and talking to native speakers;-)"

Yonkers, NY: "Student groups, antiwar coalitions."

Portland, Oregon: "Students for Unity @ Portland State U., The STARC Alliance, ROOTS."

Australia: "Labour, international solidarity, indigenous solidarity."

Santa Cruz, California: "Colours of Resistance, my union, and un-named, informal groups."

Brisbane, Australia: "Brisbane Indymedia, stop food irradiation alliance, foe, australian national anarchist conference (anarcon)."

Glassboro, New Jersey: "Progressive student alliances, glassboro, camden, Trenton."

Brisbane, Australia: "Brisbane Indymedia; Brew Not Bombs; Stop Food Irradiation Alliance; 4ZZZfm; Anarcon (Australian National Anarchist Conference)."

Victoria, British Columbia: "Victoria Campaign Against War and Sanctions on Iraq, APOV."

Corvallis, Oregon: "Wrench, a student community organization with left, anticapitalist and antiracist politics."

Willimantic, Connecticut: "Absence of light, r.f.q. (radical feminist queers), student labor action collective."

Tel-Aviv, Israel: "indymedia + local animal rights groups."

New York City: "My affinity group."

Lansing, Michigan: "Direct Action (local, not affiliated with anybody else).,Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives, Nightvision Anarchist Collective."

Seattle: "MicroRadio.NET, an activist website that promotes the fusion of internet distribution of live streaming, and archived audio downloads to neighborhood micro FM broadcasters. A DIY micro-radio network."

Pasadena, California: "Art in action LA, incite!LA, YOC, fmla, critical mass, gender pac, abcf."

Melbourne, Australia: "Informal groups of friends the disbanded woomera2002 network, affinity groups."

Corvallis, Oregon: "Wrench, a student group at oregon state university."

Berkeley, California: "Climate Liberation Front."

Ashland, Oregon: "I tried to organize an IMC in Sacramento but my involvement ended when I moved to Oregon. Plus the only people that were responsive were silly Green Party liberals intent on being "objective", like we shouldn't draw any conclusions or have opinions. There was also the crazy conspiracy theorist who ranted a lot about the Illuminati."

White Plains, New York: "Workers Solidarity Alliance, Libertarian Book Club."

Tucson, Arizona: "Local tenant organizing."

Toronto: "OCAP - ally, Justice For Workers - getting petitions signed for 'em."

Thunder Bay, Ontario: "Peace coalition, IWW"

Arkansas: "Peace Conspiracy."

East Lansing, Michigan: "Direct Action!"

Minneapolis: "Pagan and Wiccan, Bisexual, Green."

Tucson, Arizona: "Beyond Tolerance, IndyMedia, Food Not Bombs, Anti-Capitalist Action Group Tucson, Arizona International College, PanLeft, Derechos Humanos, Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault."

Córdoba, Argentina: "Grupo Anarquista de Córdoba, Peuma, ecología social, Okupación Kasa L@s Gat@s, Grupo Cooperativo Remolino."

Quillota, Chile: "Indymedia Chile (, Colectivo Involucion ("

Calgary: "Anti-racist action."

Indianapolis: "Too many to list."


Brisbane, Australia: "None in particular, I just do my own ideas with several people at times."

Eugene, Oregon: "Support Coalition International ("

Denver: "Industrial Workers of the World, various anti-war groups."

Toronto: "Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, CUPE, New Socialist Group."

Lancaster, PA: "IWW."

Phoenix: "Phoenix Anarchist Coalition."

Montréal: "Anti-capitalist convergence-CLAC Montréal."

Chicago: "Anti-Racist Action, abc, a-zone (chicago infoshop)."

Washington, DC: "Anticapitalist people of color, & starting some of my own - local shac, local free support group, etc."

Chicago: "Various."

Houston: "Copwatch, Houston IMC, Anarchist Black Cross, various prisoner defense committees."

Germany: "antifa/risingtide/jukss/no-olympia/bund."

DeKalb, Illinois: "Mainly the Northern Coalition for Peace & Justice (local student anti-war group)."

Philadelphia: " (founder), Student Environmental Action Coalition."

Somerville, Massachusetts (socialist): "Boston Global Action Network, very heavily, to the near-exclusion of other groups. (Have pulled back lately due to unemployment and job search.) Also some work with antiwar coalition, coop housing network."

Chicago: "Anti-Racist Action, Brick collective/Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives."

Los Angeles: "'Activism' bothers me, it makes me feel like it's a job, a professional task for the enlightened."

Monterey, California: "Local, on campus stuff. Coalition work with mecha and bsu. Some of the issues we are working on: Janitor exploitation, Institutional/Administrator racism, Toxic waste dump on campus."

Bristol, UK: "The Bristolian, Bristol Anarchist Black Cross, Bristol Nestle Resistance, Popstar Liberation Front."

Oslo, Norway: "Humla, Blitz, Nihilist Assault Group, plus a couple smaller non-permanent networks."

Peoria, Illinois: "Food Not Bombs, Crimethinc., vegetarianism, we know who you are productions (my production collective that puts on shows, passes out literature, and distributes stuff., ARA, the revolution of my own life."

Urbana, Illinois: "Indymedia, green party, anti-war group, whatever comes along."

Philipsgrad, Netherlands: "local community-issues: think Global, ACT local!"

Oslo, Norway: "Local networks."

Greensboro, North Carolina: "Food Not Bombs, copwatch, anti-war activities, crimethinc, collective housing."

Salamanca, Spain: ", ..."

Portland, Maine: "People Organized to Win Economic Rights, Portland Tenant's Union, Maine IndyMedia, People's Free Space, Veterans for Peace, Veterans for Common Sense."

San Diego: "Very little these days. Occasionally attend marches/rallies."

New York City: "Rather not mention."

Chicago: "Currently attending EMT school and studying Spanish -- Chicago street medics, but only peripherally, as I'm quite busy, and previously indymedia."

Boston: "Young Religious Unitarian Universalists, SOA Watch, a white anti-racist allies group."

Providence, Rhode Island: "None directly and long-term."

San Francisco: "Work on own/with friends, only some support for other."

Mechelen, Belgium: "anarchist periodical, squatting (peoples kitchen,..), organizing federation and networking."

Olympia, Washington: "Local queer groups, unaffiliated."

Berlin, Germany: "Lots. As their counsel, ergo: not "really" involved but mostly down to special (limited, authoritarian) function. Except there is food & fun....."

Jacksonville, Florida: "United for Peace, Grandparents for Peace."

Jessheim, Norway: "None, yet. I support AFA, ELF and ALF and know they exist in Norway."

New Brunswick, New Jersey: "I float, but have contact with many large groups and smaller affinity level groups...undecided as to which is better right now."

Brooklyn: "NYU Peace Coalition, Radical Arts Collective."

Minneapolis: "Indymedia, various others as situations arise."

New Brunswick, New Jersey: "HEP/CAT (Homeless Empowerment Project/Community Action Team), Korean Friendship Association, National Irish Freedom Committee."

Ottawa, Ontario: "OCAT/OCF-Ottawa, I am also an member of the IWW as an organizing union, though I wouldn't identify that as "activist" in the generic sense."

East Coast, USA: "On a regular basis? None. I don't have the money nor the connections for such practices. It sucks being a virtually lonely anarchist. (Not meant to evoke sympathy)."

Maryland: "UMD Peace Forum, Maryland Action Collective!, Students And Workers Unite!"

Vancouver: ", social justice centre (like a pirg)."

Madison, Wisconsin: "Street team for PETA."

Guelph, Ontario: "Guelph Action Network."

Brooklyn: "Reclaim the Streets, Crimethinc, ACC."

Antwerp: "Working as an editor of the Flemish anarchist magazine De Nar. Too much working, actually, too much of the dirty work also. (And little time for University left sometimes.) Trying to get different brains organized in order to build up some intellectual capacity for the movement. Darn difficult work, and so sensitive! Trying too save our local Indymedia from the most sectarian Maoist party in Europe."

Iowa City, Iowa: "Students Against Sweatshops, Campaign Against War, Iowans for Peace."

Washington, DC: "Friends."

Tallahassee, Florida: "None."

San Francisco: "Street medics, IndyMedia, queer activists."

Zephyrhills, Florida: "None at the current time."

Montréal: "CLAC (Anti-Capitalist Convergence - Montreal) and others..."

Melbourne, Australia: "Anarcho-syndicalism federation, Barricade Books."

Cranbrook, British Columbia: "None so far. I am leaving on a Year Quest and intend to get involved while travelling."

Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand: "Anarchist communist group, anti-war group, direct action anti-motorway group, Indymedia."


Columbia, Missouri: "Students for Progressive Action, Rock Bridge Peaceworks, Hickman Peaceworks (Our two high schools...)"

Zagreb, Croatia: "Books to prisoners, Food Not Bombs."

Ottawa, Ontario: "Many activist groups are underground, and members may not be willing to give themselves up."

New York City: "Neither east nor west-nyc."

Lafayette, Indiana: "I am a trained crisis volunteer, anti-war groups, and a buying club for organic fair-trade food. "

Milwaukee: "Anti-Racist Action."

San Francisco: "National Lawyers Guild, ACLU, supporting antiwar and anti-globalization organizations with writing."

Great Barrington, Massachusetts: "The Active Solidarity Collective, The Berkshire Alliance for Direct Democracy."

New Brunswick, Canada: "environment, public health, student issues (tuition)."

Philadelphia: "ALF, PETA, ELF."

River Vale, New Jersey: "Student labor groups, union organizing, students transforming and resisting corporations, ACC, anti war stuff."

Savannah, Georgia: "Savannah Peace Coalition (local), Fellowship of Reconcilliation, Amnesty International."

Kansas City: "ANSWER, TAO."

Hamilton, Aotearoa/New Zealand: "Greenpeace."

Lawrence, Kansas: "Coordinate an anarchist affinity group (the Voluntary Cooperation Movement) and also affiliated with the local Great Plains Anarchist Network."

Louisville: "A lot."

Jaffa, Israel: "Indymedia, green action, no border, taayush, ISM."

Lisbon, Portugal: "An anarchist paper; a workers library; an internet project."

Ankara, Turkey: "Ankara anarchists, ABC-Ankara and some other local newsletters or zines etc. I also work for A-infos project as editor of Turkish section."

Ottawa, Ontario: "Peace groups here in Ottawa."

Montreal: "The No One Is Illegal Campaign; the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC); Rebel Desis (affinity group); and many other ad hoc collectives and groups."

Oakland: "Work full time at The Ruckus Society. Organize with UCAWAr (united communities against war and racism) and work on INPOCDAT - the independent network of people of color direct action trainers."

Cambridge, UK: "Anti-war groups, Indymedia, web site."

Burlington, Vermont: "I find that every political group in my area is devoid of rational individuals. They seem to be sheep willing to trade one flock for another... i.e. Mainstream for 'alternative'."

Clyde, California: "I run/maintain/own"

Charlotte, North Carolina: "The Barakti Collective is our main group. Other sub-groups for my-self is building a radical anti-war movement and a men's group."

Rochester, New York: "RIT anti-war group, gonna get into Food Not Bombs."

Victorville, California: "None, though I study many and aid when I think it's worthwhile."

Torrance, California: "Currently isolated w/ no car..."

Boulder, Colorado: "Food Not Bombs, Revolutionary Anti-War Response (RAWR!) (soon to probably have a name and focus change), Boulder Anti-Authoritarian Movement (BAAM!)."

Toronto suburbs: "Suburban Resistance Network (specifically Oakville Resistance and Brampton Resistance), Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), myself!"

United States: "Long Beach infoshop."

San Antonio: "Quite a few."

Madison: "Madison Food Not Bombs, Madison anarchist potluck, family farm defenders, Madison infoshop, blackshield collective,, IMC."

Rochester: "Alternatives to Marriage Project (, and just doing my own thing, spreading my own words."

Salem, Indiana: "Salem Anarchists (, also the Salem Anarchits Affinity Group (same website, but password protected)."

St. Louis: "SEAC."

Portland, Oregon: "Break the Chains Prisoner Support, Justice for Eddie Hatcher."

Los Angeles: "Black cross, autonomia, newearthproject, black star, global street party, indymedia, and lots more."

Baltimore: "Feminists for Life, Rock for Life."

Berkeley: "Student housing co-op activist group, anti-war activist group."

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