Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Rand Paul Made Sense on Iran at the GOP Debate. Huckabee, as Usual, Did Not.
The five-minute rule is on a short break.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Sometimes Marco Rubio Forgets the U.S. Has 7,650 Nuclear Weapons
And more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
The White House Meeting With Black Lives Matter Is a Right-Wing Rage Fantasy
Glenn Beck is salivating.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Maine's Governor Worries About Snowmobile-Riding Welfare Queens
This week in the laboratories of democracy.
Alicia Vikander in Ex Machina
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
This Is How Breitbart Talks About Sex
Here's some stupid for lunch.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Carly Fiorina: Strong, Crisp, and Effective if You Ignore the Facts
Breaking down the broken down CNN Republican debate.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
No, Jeb Bush, Your Brother Did Not Keep Us Safe
Jeb looked delusional, but he wasn't alone.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Facts Go on Trial at Second Republican Debate
How much of this bullshit is going to go unchallenged?
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Donald Trump Was the Biggest Blowhard of the First Hour (Surprise!)
You don't say.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
You Missed Some High Quality Warmongering in the JV Debate
Lindsey Graham will fight anyone, anywhere.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Bobby Jindal's Sad Pandering on Common Core Is His Career in a Nutshell
The Louisiana governor really ought to give it—and his national ambitions—a rest.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
President Obama Has No Time for Trigger Warnings
Meanwhile, places that don't heed political correctness are, shockingly, discriminating against people.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Your Weekly van Loon
In which we learn that humans are dumber than squirrels.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Reminder: All of These Republican Candidates Are Horrible
The clown car parks itself at the Reagan Library tonight.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
A Canadian Mining Company Is Polluting Zambia
Bringing the tar sands of Alberta to a stream near you.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Illinois to Sick State Workers: Good Luck
Bruce Rauner is another GOP governor helping his state shine.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
The Texas Conspiracy Theory That Never Quite Off the Ground
Here's some stupid for lunch, Jade Helm edition.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Everyone Should Treat Thin-Skinned Donald Trump Like He Treats Them
But they won't.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Scott Walker: Still Doing That Whole Union-Crushing Thing
The Wisconsin governor wants to pull the presidential field to the right on organized labor, much like Trump did with immigration.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Spies Have Feelings, Too
John Brennan, James Comey et al. despair of "the Snowden Effect."
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Bernie Sanders Gives Liberty University a Lesson in Christianity
The senator from Vermont reminds his audience that there's more to being Christian than being pro-life.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Reports of Hillary Clinton's Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated
Here's some stupid for lunch.
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