Some species

 being studied by Cascadia Research Collective  (from  top left to bottom right): humpback whale, Blainville's beaked whale, blue whale, Townsend's big eared bat, false killer whale, gray whale, killer whale with harbor porpoise. All photos (c)

Cascadia Research is a non-profit, tax-exempt (recognized by the IRS under501c3) scientific and education organization based in Olympia, Washington, USA. We were founded in 1979 primarily to conduct research needed to manage and protect threatened marine mammals.

Recent news (select for details): 

Updates from our September field project off Kaua'i (10 September 2015)

New paper on mammal-eating killer whale occurrence and behavior (1 September 2015)

New paper on harbor porpoise mortality (23 July 2015)

New publication on blue whale response to ship strikes (6 July 2015)

New publication on tag impacts on a blue whale  (6 July 2015)

New publication on proportion of strandings reported (6 July 2015)


Current Projects

Cascadia's comments on proposed government actions

Cascadia's Qualifications
Biologists at Cascadia
Cascadia's Reports and Publications

Marine Mammal Strandings and unusual sightings

Bat Research

How Can I Help?

Reporting a marine mammal sighting or stranding
Positions at Cascadia (including internships)
Directions to Cascadia

Contact us

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Donate to Cascadia Research Collective


Cascadia Research, 218 1/2 W 4th Ave., Olympia, WA 98501 USA

Telephone 1-360-943-7325