
"How to Stop Climate Change" from subMedia.tv

Posted September 7, 2015 by k_c_ in Film & Video | Comments (0)

The latest installment from the Stimulator and subMedia.tv

This week we re-think our critique of the People’s Climate March, then we go to Germany where trouble makers have been regularly shutting down Europe’s largest source of CO2. Then on to Greece, to look at a growing resistance against a gold mine and finally to the longest running blockade of oil and gas pipelines in Turtle Island. On the music break, we have Alas and Savage Fam with “Go Away.” We conclude with a special report from Ecuador, where indigenous peeps opposed to extractive industries, blockaded roads last month, paralyzing the country.

Armed By Design/El Diseño a las Armas Book Pre-sale

Posted August 28, 2015 by jmacphee in Books & Zines | Comments (0)

ArmedCatalogCover01.jpgI've been hard at work this week on another big Interference Archive project, the book to accompany our next exhibition, Armed by Design/El Diseño a las Armas. It's an 88 page, full color look at the posters and publications of OSPAAAL, the Organization of Solidarity of the People of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. OSPAAAL is a Cuban organization that has produced over 500 posters, books, and magazines since the mid-1960s, with some of the most kick-ass design, ever.

The book is going to be great, completely bi-lingual (English/Spanish) with almost 100 images, 6 original essays about OSPAAAL's art and politics, and a new interview with Bay Area artist Jane Norling, the only North American to work in Cuba with OSPAAAL and design a poster for them.

But we need your help paying to print it! We're pre-selling the book for $13 ($2 off the cover price), and you can get yours HERE. Help out a great project, and get a great book!

(T)ERROR - Support Journalistic Freedom

Posted August 27, 2015 by k_c_ in Inspiration | Comments (0)

With less than a week to go please help our filmmaker friends raise the necessary funds to release their award winning documentary about FBI terror entrapment cases.

Go to (T)error's kickstarter page to donate now!

(T)ERROR is a new documentary we recently completed that marks the first time journalists have gone behind the scenes of an active FBI counterterrorism sting operation. The film features unprecedented access to an active informant and offers viewers a rare glimpse of the government's counterterrorism tactics. (T)ERROR illuminates the murky justifications behind those tactics, and asks: Who is watching the watchers?

Although (T)ERROR has received numerous awards and garnered critical acclaim on the festival circuit, there is a risk our film, and the critical issues it explores, won't reach wider audiences.

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Looking for Harriet Tubman CPH Posters!

Posted August 25, 2015 by jmacphee in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)

Harriet_CPH.jpgI'm working on a big project to celebrate 100 poster designs printed in the Celebrate People's History Poster Series over the past eighteen years. I'm working with Booklyn to put together twenty-five sets of these first 100 posters which will be sold to educational institutions across the country for research and display. The money from this will be a head start on printing the next 100 posters!

But I need your help! I'm short a handful of Harriet Tubman posters (designed by Darrell Ann Gane-McCalla), one of the first posters printed. My apartment had a fire in 2001, and I lost a chunk of these.

Does anyone have one I can get back from them? I will be forever indebted! Drop me an email at josh (at) justseeds.org

All of Us or None: Response & Resistance to Militarism

Posted August 20, 2015 by jmacphee in Posters & Prints | Comments (0)


The American Friends Service Committee has been putting together cool traveling exhibitions of political posters (often in concert with the Center for the Study of Political Graphics) over the past couple of years. This year they pulled together a great collection under the banner of "All of Us or None: Response & Resistance to Militarism." Justseeds is represented in the show by myself and Kevin Caplicki. The show is currently in Greensboro, NC, and is heading to San Francisco in September. Check out all the image and more info on the website http://allofus.afsc.org/.

Craft in Time: A Celebration of Essential Labor

Posted August 19, 2015 by justseeds in Art & Politics | Comments (0)

This show presents a series of large linoleum block print portraits created by Meredith Stern in 2014. This is a work in progress: the ultimate goal is to work with dozens of creators from a variety of disciplines living in many places, and to showcase their group work at multiple locations. These pieces depict a selection of her colleagues: individuals who work in proximity to her and who inspire her. These portraits amplify the dedication and creative magic that individuals express while practicing their craft. Subjects are depicted in their studio, workplace, or home where they build, practice, or express their artistic craft. These pieces celebrate the complex, dynamic lives of our contemporaries who can teach, inspire, and inform our own work. By presenting people I interact with, rather than depict celebrities or strangers, the narrative is shifted away from objectifying individuals and instead emphasizes the importance of loving and celebrating our creative community.

Artists portrayed: Jenine Bressner, Priscilla Carrion, Ian Cozzens, Suzy Gonzalez, Corey Grayhorse, Hilary Jones, Cheryl Kaminsky, Yvette Koch, Jaime Lowe, Reba Mitchell, Sakiko Mori, Kartina Richardson, Shey Rivera, Tatyana Yanishevsky


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Beehive Collective fundraising campaign

Posted August 15, 2015 by k_c_ in Art & Politics | Comments (0)


Check out and support the Beehive in their current fundraising drive:

The Beehive Design Collective is building a campus of community arts and cultural spaces and resources to serve Machias and the DownEast coast of Maine. We are creating a community letterpress print shop and work space for artists and printers. An exciting program of art walk exhibits, dance workshops and other events in the Grange is also happening this summer. This vital season of local works is now underway.

A Tale of Two Cities

Posted August 6, 2015 by john in Film & Video | Comments (0)

How the atomic bomb destroyed the people and cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, 70 years ago.

Little Boy, the first nuclear bomb used in war, was dropped at 08:15 (Hiroshima time). It took 43 seconds to fall from the Enola Gay aircraft flying at 31,060 feet (9,470 m) to the predetermined detonation height about 1,968 feet (600 m) above the city.

The radius of total destruction was about one mile (1.6 km), with resulting fires across 4.4 square miles (11 km2). Americans estimated that 4.7 square miles (12 km2) of the city were destroyed. Japanese officials determined that 69% of Hiroshima’s buildings were destroyed and another 6–7% damaged. Some 70,000–80,000 people, or some 30% of the city’s population, were killed by the blast and resultant firestorm, and another 70,000 injured. Out of those killed, three quarters of them were civilians.


Another Protest Song: Karaoke with a Message (This Wednesday!!!)

Posted August 3, 2015 by jmacphee in Events | Comments (0)

4-ANVT-aps-copy-777x1024.jpgWednesday, August 5, 2015
Doors open 7pm

Silent Barn
603 Bushwick Ave. Brooklyn

$5 – $10 (sliding scale)**

As part of the Interference Archive’s if a song could be freedom… exhibition, Angel Nevarez & Valerie Tevere will host an evening of protest karaoke with their project Another Protest Song: Karaoke with a Message at Silent Barn.

Another Protest Song: Karaoke with a Message (2008 – ongoing) looks to the karaoke songbook as potential for political enunciation through song. Karaoke is communal, social, musical. With protest karaoke, our song choices may speak of present political struggles and histories, rather than music consumed primarily as products of popular cultural.

**All money collected at the door (beyond paying Silent Barn) will go directly towards printing the if a song could be freedom… booklet/exhibition catalog. This booklet will be included with the 7″ record we are pressing as part of the exhibition (for more info, and to pre-order record, click HERE!)

Join us and sing your favorite songs of protest!

For more information:

JBbTC 217.5: More Coming Soon!

Posted July 27, 2015 by jmacphee in Judging Books by Their Covers | Comments (0)


You wouldn't know it, but we're working full-stop behind the scenes on a brand new Justseeds website—with an entirely new content management system. I'm sorry I haven't had time to post new Judging Books entries of late, I've been too busy migrating the JBbTC archive over to the new site. We'll be launching in the Fall, and lots of more book covers are forthcoming! (ps. I've been posting some covers on instagram: @jmacphee)

CPH : IVAW in SF August 13th

Posted July 26, 2015 by jmacphee in Justseeds Group Projects | Comments (0)

CPH4.jpegCelebrate People's History: Iraq Veterans Against the War
Ten years of fighting for peace & justice

One Night Only!
Thursday August 13th, 2015
6PM - 10PM

Mullowney Printing
931 Treat Ave, between 22nd & 23rd
San Francisco, CA

—Print Exhibition—
—Live Printing—

Celebrate People’s History: Iraq Veterans Against the War—Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice is a portfolio project celebrating Iraq Veterans Against the War’s (IVAW) ten year history. IVAW was founded in July 2004 to give voice to the large number of active duty service members and veterans who were against the war, but were under various pressures to remain silent. Over the past ten years, IVAW members have spoken out and taken action to end the wars they served in and to transform the society that fostered those wars.

This portfolio features contributions from IVAW members, Justseeds Artists' Cooperative members, along with allied veterans, artists and writers. It highlights key ideas, moments, projects, tactics, and individuals from IVAW history in order to uplift IVAW's ongoing struggle, inspire others to take action, and preserve the movement’s history for future generations.

Culinary Art Contest for Hudson Valley Seed Library

Posted July 20, 2015 by k_c_ in Calls for Art | Comments (0)

HVSL_Bean.jpgCall for art from the Hudson Valley Seed Library:

We're doing a special seed pack to celebrate a pioneering collaborative project headed up by Glynwood Center. And we need a work of art for the pack!

The project:
Six farmers are each growing our rare local 1940's heirloom Hank's X-Tra Special Baking Bean from Ghent, NY. Each farmer will be providing one chef with locally grown beans. Each chef from the six Hudson Valley restaurants involved will be creating a unique dish to serve at their restaurant. To complete the circle of seed, to farm, to chef, to plate, and back to seed, each farm will be saving 10% of the beans they grow to return to the Hudson Valley Seed Library and keep this variety alive for future generations.

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Up the Queer Scouts!

Posted July 14, 2015 by justseeds in Art & Politics | Comments (0)


Breaking News:

Boy Scouts of America have just voted to lift the ban on gay scout leaders.
The executive director of Scouts for Equality, Zach Wahls, said:

“For decades, the Boy Scouts of America’s ban on gay adults has stood as a towering example of explicit, institutional homophobia in one of America’s most important and recognizable civic organizations.”

Thanks to Bitch Media and Jes MacCormack for cluing me in to this very good news!

This Queer Scout badge that Justseeds artist Mary Tremonte designed almost 4 years ago and recently redid in gold is available on Justseeds HERE. There is also a poster available HERE.

Believe achieve!!

In//Appropriate Opening!

Posted July 10, 2015 by justseeds in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)

Here are some photos from IN//APPROPRIATE, a show of visual and audio media on display during July of 2015 at the Littman Gallery at PSU in Portland. The show incorporates digital collages and wearable “Whiteness Goggles” that make the colonial/military/police violence that underpin white supremacy disappear. It also includes a reappropriation of the gallery space by indigenous artists Sara Siestreem and Camas Logue, who are using it for drying basketry materials for fall workshops. Voicemails from Portland residents expressing their opinions on the subject play on two media players. The show is up until the 29th! The show website is here, where you can see all of the banner images and listen to all of the voicemails.






The latest from SubMedia.tv

Posted July 7, 2015 by k_c_ in Film & Video | Comments (0)

Anarchy Now! Chile Elects to Revolt from subMedia.tv on Vimeo.

if a song could be freedom mixtape series from Interference Archive

Posted July 3, 2015 by k_c_ in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)

In conjunction with the if a song could be freedom...Songs of Organized Resistance exhibition Interference Archive is releasing a mixtape of political music each week. Check out their first two installments posted on the Interference Archive blog and Archive.org.


This mixtape is curated by Felipe Mujica & Johanna Unzueta on Artists from Chile.


This weeks mixtape was put together by Skot! Oh, host of Sunday Morning Coming Down a radio show on People Will Radio.org. Skot! has been a DJ for the last 12 Years on various pirate radio stations in Austin, TX and also an organizer with the literacy and books to prisoner project, the Inside Books Project.

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New exhibition opening at Interference Archive

Posted June 24, 2015 by k_c_ in Art & Politics | Comments (0)

IA_IfASong_.jpg Opening tomorrow if a song could be freedom…Organized Sounds of Resistance, at Interference Archive. An exhibition about music and politics.

Opening Thursday June 25
7-10 pm
June 25 – September 6, 2015

Music has been at the core of hundreds of political and social struggles across the globe. With if a song could be freedom . . . Organized Sounds of Resistance, Interference Archive examines the social context for landmark recordings, the relationship between music makers and on-the-ground organizing, and how visual aesthetics complement musical production and circulation.

if a song could be freedom . . . Organized Sounds of Resistance is organized by Chris Bravo, Kevin Caplicki, Josh MacPhee, Amy Roberts, Valerie Tevere, and Ryan Wong. It features the picture sleeves of over 200 political recordings, showing the broad intersection of music and politics. The gallery will also serve as a collective listening room, where visitors can select and play records from Interference Archive’s collection. The exhibition includes written contributions from activists and musicians, flyers, lyric sheets, buttons, publications, and other ephemera. A series of programs, to be announced on Interference Archive’s website, will offer the chance to collectively listen to and discuss how music has shaped the manners in which we understand ourselves in the past, present, and into the future.

With the advent of the vinyl record album in the early 20th century, people were able to record and distribute these songs, allowing them to transcend geography and rapidly influence musicians around the world. From anarchist folk songs to anthems of African liberation movements, Latin American ballads to the songs of the Civil Rights Movement here at home, the record album has played a key role in our understanding of how social movements communicate. More recent music subcultures such as punk and hip-hop are both political and politicizing in their own ways, and created worlds and communities which both moved with and beyond the music, becoming ends in and of themselves. In addition, pop music began taking on an active role in politics in the 1960s: songs such as “Free Nelson Mandela” by the Specials successfully galvanized the anti-apartheid movement, while more suspect attempts like “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” by Band Aid promoted charity not change. Either way, popular music articulated a complex vision of globalization long before it was a catch-word for the evolution of capitalism.

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"This changes fuck all" by Submedia.tv

Posted June 16, 2015 by k_c_ in Film & Video | Comments (0)

Another great episode from the slaves at Submedia!

This week we take on the NGO led spectacle called the people’s climate march plus a look at Peru’s spectacular resistance against a copper mine, and the call from the east to disrupt oil extraction and infrastructure. On the music break, Ontario based hiphop group Flowtilla with Line 9. We wrap things up with an exclusive interview with Sea, an inhabitant of la ZAD, Europe’s largest post capitalist occupation.

New Impeach Freights/Graf 45

Posted June 9, 2015 by jmacphee in Street Art & Graffiti | Comments (0)


"Support James Risen and Freedom of the Press."

JBbTC 217: This—is Grenada

Posted June 8, 2015 by jmacphee in Judging Books by Their Covers | Comments (0)

Kay_ThisIsGrenada.jpgNo in-depth analysis this week, but a peek at one really cool book, inside and out. Frances Kay's This—is Grenada is a beautiful self-published travel book from 1966. After skimming the book a couple times, I'm still unsure if Kay is from this small Caribbean island or is a long-time transplant. She definitely put an immense amount of love and care into this publication, writing and illustrating it, as well as compiling a classified directory in the back to help pay for the printing. The paperback book has a sewn binding and both the images and text are struck from plates, making it a really handsome object.

The book is nice guidebook with a home-spun feel, like Kay is taking us on a tour of her neighborhood, with all its quirks and unique facets. The illustrations that start each chapter are a highlight, riding the nice line between outsider imagery and simple drawings by someone with an amateur hand.

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MayDay is Grey Day from SubMedia

Posted June 5, 2015 by k_c_ in Film & Video | Comments (0)

Here's an episode we missed posting to our blog.

In this sedition, a round up of global May Day riots, plus a re-cap of the Baltimore insurrection propelled by the police murder of Freddie Gray. To top it off, a double cheeseburger with bacon exclusive interview with HIlda Legadeño, mother of one of the missing Normalista students.

Big Brother, eh? from Submedia.tv

Posted June 2, 2015 by k_c_ in Film & Video | Comments (0)

This week we break Bill C-51, down Klanada’s sinister new law, that would give the Canucks increased spying powers over its population. On the break, long standing hip-hop act Onyx, returns with “Fuck The Law.” We wrap things up with an interview with Antoine, a computer security ninja, about how we can protect ourselves from surveillance.

For links to encryption software, to comment on this show, to sign up to the stimulator email list, to get the show as a podcast or to find a playlist of the music we played just visit his effin' website stimulator.tv

New Impeach Freights/Graf 44

Posted June 2, 2015 by jmacphee in Street Art & Graffiti | Comments (0)


"Stomp Out the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

JBbTC 216: A Little Bit o' Lenin

Posted June 1, 2015 by jmacphee in Judging Books by Their Covers | Comments (0)

Lenin_Arabic.jpgFirst off, we've been hard at work on a brand new Justseeds website, which will vastly transform the experience of both the posting and reading of blog entries like these. That's been taking a lot of my time, which has made it harder to keep up with these book cover posts. I'm hoping to get back onto a more regular schedule once the new site launches in a month or two. Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

I've never been a huge Vladimir Ilyich enthusiast, and even less so of his contemporary fan base. Whether of the newspaper selling or Žižek-ian variety, most seem to oscillate between boring and annoying. Yet some how I have still ended up collecting a Lil' Lenin Library all my own, without any conscious effort. I was doing some cleaning, and found almost two dozen books with his pointy chin beard featured prominently on the covers. He's definitely a major trope of Left book publishing, so why not do a post about these covers?

I must admit, he looks good in Arabic. The bright red field of the cover is punctured by his name in long, precise script. His portrait—rendered in block print, or at least illustrated to look like it—is strong, his gaze looking leftward, off the cover and towards the content of the volume (Arabic reads right to left, so the covers open on the opposite side of English books). It's great propaganda, and intended as such. Although in Arabic, the book was produced by Progress Publishers, and printed in Moscow (in 1970).

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The Vaquita Vanishes

Posted May 31, 2015 by justseeds in Today's Extinct Animal | Comments (0)


It's way too early to call the Vaquita extinct, but the world's smallest cetacean (the group which includes whales, dolphins and porpoises) is hanging on by the slenderest of threads. A recent article in Mongabay (perhaps the single best site for environmental news on the internet, outside the excellent Earth First! newswire) highlights the plight of the tiny stub-nosed swimmer- which, if it does pass away into the void of evolutionary time, will have done so almost entirely accidentally. People don't eat vaquitas, they don't hunt them down because they eat too many fish (unlike what's happening to cormorants in the Columbia River) and they don't process them into industrial products. The vaquita are being wiped out almost exclusively by being caught in gill-nets set to catch the totoaba, a gigantic croaker found only in the Gulf of California, whose swim-bladders fetch astronomically high prices in some Asian markets, where they are believed to have medicinal properties. This is another unfortunate example of the damage that aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine's focus on animal products are doing to the world's wildlife- from bear bile, to tiger penises, to rhinoceros horn, to totoabas; big, rare, slow-breeding species are being annihilated at breakneck speed to fuel a status-driven industry of palliative care. Much of this trade is controlled by large criminal organizations. I wrote before about the totoaba here- and although the Mexican government has just issued a total gill-net ban in the upper reaches of the Gulf, it's doubtful whether the enforcement necessary to stop the perilous decline of the vaquita will emerge. I really want to make prints about these creatures, but I want to make celebratory prints, not eulogies. Fingers crossed.

(Image credit: Omar Vidal)

New Impeach Freights/Graf 43

Posted May 26, 2015 by jmacphee in Street Art & Graffiti | Comments (0)


"Frack 'Quakes."

if a song could be freedom… 7″ Pre-Sale

Posted May 22, 2015 by jmacphee in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)


Interference Archive is preparing for its next exhibition, if a song could be freedom . . . Organized Sounds of Resistance. As an accompaniment to the exhibition and catalog, we will also be pressing a limited edition 7” vinyl record in collaboration with Textual Records. As a friend of the Interference Archive, you can help us press this record by pre-ordering a limited edition 7” and catalog!

We have a pre-sale page up on our website HERE.

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A View of the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum

Posted May 21, 2015 by shaun in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)

Last Saturday, after two years of organization and building renovation, the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum finally opened it's doors to the public on May 16th!

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Justseeds at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair May 23rd

Posted May 19, 2015 by Jesse_Purcell


Join Mary and Jesse at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair from 10am-5pm Saturday May 23rd we will be on the main Stage in the CEDA building 2515, rue Delisle, Montreal QC.
(Please note that vendors will only be tabling on Saturday this year)
click here for links to the 100+ vendors

We will also be exhibiting a selection of Justseeds prints and the Celebrate Peoples History: Iraq Veterans Against the War Portfolio as part of Art and Anarchy May 22nd-24th on the 3rd floor of 2515, rue Delisle.

Workshops and Presentations will be taking place through out the day Saturday and Sunday click to check the Schedule.

Signal:04 Editors' Round Up

Posted May 19, 2015 by justseeds in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)


Signal is journal of international political graphics and culture and is edited by Josh MacPhee and myself (Alec Dunn). We produce Signal because we believe that art and culture have a strong role within movements and we hope to engage in and contribute to a dialog about art and culture in political struggles.

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New Impeach Freights/Graf 42

Posted May 19, 2015 by jmacphee in Street Art & Graffiti | Comments (0)


"Cancel US–Peru Free Trade Agreement."

Endangered Species Murals- Mountain Caribou

Posted May 17, 2015 by justseeds in Justseeds Member Projects | Comments (0)


Justseeds artists Roger Peet and Mazatl are heading to Sandpoint, Idaho today to start the process of painting a big mural about the endangered Mountain Caribou herd that lives in the nearby Selway Mountains. These caribou are a relic of a larger population, much diminished by the transformations of western mountain forests over the past hundred years. They're interesting beasts, with huge flat hooves that help them walk on thick winter drifts of snow as they migrate up into the mountains in search of the lichens they eat. Other caribou descend to the valleys in the cold season- but these caribou rely on the deep snowfalls to bring them closer to the lichens on high tree branches. As the climate changes and the snow levels decrease, their precarious existence is even further threatened.

This project is funded by the Center for Biological Diversity- you can follow the progress of this mural and the future murals on Instagram at @endangeredspeciesmurals.

We're All In This Together Mural

Posted May 17, 2015 by jmacphee in Street Art & Graffiti | Comments (0)

A couple weeks back Chris Stain and I (Josh MacPhee) painted a new mural at Houston and 2nd Ave. in Manhattan for Lower East Side History Month. It was great opportunity for us to mix up Chris' social realist figures and my wormy arm drawings! We worked with the Fourth Arts Block, and below is a cool time-lapse film by Mr. O.

Call for artwork on "Militarism"

Posted May 17, 2015 by k_c_

We frequently receive "calls for art" from various places and are happy to broadcast them through our network. This is from the American Friends Service Committee regarding an upcoming, nationally touring exhibition on Militarism. The details on how to submit are below. Please share with any cultural workers you know. Also remember to send us your projects so we can share and participate as well!


The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has created a new, nationally touring poster exhibit called All of Us or None: Responses and Resistance to Militarism. The exhibit will launch in June and is already scheduled to travel to Chicago, Greensboro, Providence, and San Francisco with many other stops anticipated. We are looking for some additional work to include in this show.

From Ferguson to Gaza, we can see how militarism directly impacts all of our lives.
Militarism refers to physically violent and coercive ways of settling conflict or maintaining control what we see in the everyday actions of armed security forces such as the military, militia, police, border enforcement, and school security.

But do militarist policy decisions actually keep our communities safe and secure? What if we instead invested in the things that help communities, countries, and the globe thrive?

Our new nationally touring poster exhibit will explore these issues.


Work must be sized 22x28" and Hi-res digital file uploaded to our site by June 1.

Submission Form


The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization devoted to service, development, and peace programs throughout the world. Read more about AFSC - afsc.org/about

AFSC is the creator of the internationally acclaimed Eyes Wide Open exhibit, which traveled the country for years. AFSC’s mural art exhibit Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan, composed of work donated by U.S. and international artists, traveled to 60 cities in the U.S. AFSC also produces the If I Had a Trillion Dollars youth video festival.​

New Impeach Freights/Graf 41

Posted May 12, 2015 by jmacphee in Street Art & Graffiti | Comments (0)


Je Suis Charlie.

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