The harp is a multi-stringed instrument which has the plane of its strings positioned perpendicularly to the soundboard. Organologically, it is in the general category of chordophones (stringed instruments) and has its own sub category (the harps). All harps have a neck, resonator and strings. Some, known as frame harps, also have a pillar; those without the pillar are referred to as open harps. Depending on its size, which varies, a harp may be played while held in the lap or while it stands on a table, or on the floor. Harp strings may be made of nylon, gut, wire or silk. On smaller harps, like the folk harp, the core string material will typically be the same for all strings on a given harp. Larger instruments like the modern concert harp mix string materials to attain their extended ranges. A person who plays the harp is called a harpist or harper. Folk musicians often use the term "harper", whereas classical musicians use "harpist".
Various types of harps are found in Africa, Europe, North and South America and in Asia. In antiquity, harps and the closely related lyres were very prominent in nearly all cultures. The harp also was predominant with medieval bards, troubadors and minnesingers throughout the Spanish Empire. Harps continued to grow in popularity through improvements in their design and construction through the beginning of the 20th century.
3 Hours of Beautiful & Relaxing Harp Music
Harp Music,Relaxing Music,Soothing Music
3 Hours of Relaxing Harp Music | Healing Meditation & Sleep Music
"Fireflies" by Owl City (Harp cover)
B. Smetana: Vltava (Moldau) - Valérie Milot, harp/harpe
Beautiful Healing Relaxing Spa Music Long Time Harp 09
Paul Baker - Celtic Harp: The Quiet Path (Music for Relaxation, Meditation, and Healing)
Relaxing Harp Amazing Healing Christian Music // Music Therapy
NIGHTWISH - Nemo (Harp Twins) Camille and Kennerly
ALISA SADIKOVA - The Fountain — Marcel L. Grandjany ( Harp Music)
2 Hours of Beautiful Cello Piano Violin Flute Harp Music (Instrumental Music Playlist)
The Harp - BBC Documentary
Relaxing Harp Music: Studio Ghibli - Hayao Miyazaki Collection スタジオジブリ癒しの音楽 宮崎駿コレクション
Studio Ghibli Music Relaxing Harp Hayao Miyazaki Collection
Accused of foul play in the accidental deaths of his former girlfriends, Internet sensation, Brick Maison uses his roommate's camera phone, audition tapes and personal documentary footage to produce a vindicating film. Haunted by all of his past transgressions, Brick meets and falls in love with his true soul mate, Karma and is forced to make some life changing decisions.
Anything is possible
The Crash Test Dummies recreated the performances of SONGS OF THE UNFORGIVEN (2004 release) at the Sacred Heart Church in Duluth in a live concert on Oct 12. Along with Suzie Roach (Roach Sisters) and the band, Low, CTD recorded some of their greatest hits in this unique setting and taped the performance on High Definition for television broadcast in 2005 on HDNet.
Narrator: [to Jack, who is catching his breath after climbing the beanstalk] Are you ready yet - I'm running out of material over here!
A down and out cynical detective teams up with a down and out ex-quarterback to try and solve a murder case involving a pro football team and a politician.
Keywords: action-hero, action-violence, actor-shares-first-name-with-character, adultery, african-american, alcoholic, alley-fight, ambush, american-football, anti-hero
The goal is to survive.
They're two fallen heroes up against the gambling syndicate in pro sports.
Everyone had counted them out. But they're about to get back in the game.
Alley Thug: All right, you want it in the chest, or the head?::Joe Hallenbeck: Yeah, that's what your wife said.::Alley Thug: Hey, would you stop with the wife shit?::Joe Hallenbeck: Ask me how fat she is.::Alley Thug: Fuck you, man! How fat is she?::Joe Hallenbeck: She's so fat I had to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot. Motherfucker, if you wanna fuck her you gotta slap her thigh and ride the wave in. Now I'm not saying she's fat, her high school picture was an aerial photograph.
Joe Hallenbeck: This is the '90s. You can't just walk up and slap a guy, you have to say something cool first.
Joe Hallenbeck: The sky is blue, water is wet, women have secrets.
Jimmy Dix: I figure you gotta be the dumbest guy in the world, Joe. You're trying the save the life of the man who ruined your career, and avenge the death of the guy that fucked your wife.
Joe Hallenbeck: Leather pants.::Jimmy Dix: Yeah.::Joe Hallenbeck: What's something like that run?::Jimmy Dix: Six-fifty.::Joe Hallenbeck: Six hundred and fifty dollars?::Jimmy Dix: Yeah.::Joe Hallenbeck: They're pants.::Jimmy Dix: Yeah.::Joe Hallenbeck: You wear them?::Jimmy Dix: YES.::Joe Hallenbeck: They don't, like, have a TV in them or something?::Jimmy Dix: Nope.::Joe Hallenbeck: I am very old.
Milo: Can we do a formal introduction here?::Joe Hallenbeck: Who gives a fuck? You're the bad guy, right?::Milo: I am the bad guy.::Joe Hallenbeck: And I'm supposed to be trembling with fear, something like that?::Milo: Something like that.::Joe Hallenbeck: Fine. I'll start trembling in a minute.
[Jimmy is being approached by a bunch of goons]::Jimmy Dix: Right now, I'm trying to figure out which one of you looks the most like my dick. If you got something to say, say it. Otherwise get the fuck outta here.
Jimmy Dix: Feel like I've been rode hard and put away wet.::Joe Hallenbeck: What the hell does that mean?::Jimmy Dix: It's horse talk, man.::Joe Hallenbeck: They got the brothers ridin' horses now, huh?::Jimmy Dix: Yeah, cars're gettin' too hard to steal.::Joe Hallenbeck: You ever wear, like, a little cowboy hat?::Jimmy Dix: [laughs] I'm really good, man. Maybe I could take your daughter out. What's she like?::Joe Hallenbeck: She's like thirteen years old, and if you even look at her funny, I'm gonna stick an umbrella up your ass and open it.
Joe Hallenbeck: I swear to Christ, Junior, if I survive this fuckin' case I'm gonna dance a jig.::Jimmy Dix: What?::Joe Hallenbeck: I'm gonna dance a jig, I swear to Christ.
Jimmy Dix: You're a real bastard, ya know that, Joe?::Joe Hallenbeck: And then some.
While in traffic court, Torchy bumps into Jackie Maguire, girlfriend of the notorious hoodlum Denver Eddie, who is sentenced to jail for shoplifting. Torchy gets herself thrown into jail by turning in false alarms and ultimately befriends Maguire. With police collusion, she escapes to San Francisco taking Maguire with in in hopes of capturing Denver Eddie. Steve and Gahagan follow undercover in hopes of collecting the $5000 reward as a down payment for house for him and Torchy, but not before Steve is spotted and Gahagan ends up in the wrestling ring and gets a chance to settle a score with an old opponent.
Keywords: african-american, airplane, arena, bank-robbery, black-stereotype, book-seller, bookstore, bribe, championship-belt, character-name-in-title
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! (original ad- all caps)
Gahagan: Torchy! The essence of romance! [sighs and laughs]
Lt. Steve McBride: Well?::Gahagan: Shhhh! Lamp that copper. He's been talkin' about us.::Lt. Steve McBride: How do yuh know?::Gahagan: He and that guy behind the desk been watchin' me and whisperin'.::Lt. Steve McBride: [Dryly] Well, lots of people do that when they first see you, Gahag.
'Jackie' McGuire: [Referring to their prison] Hey, kid, how'd you like to get outta here?::Torchy Blane: [Sarcastically] The only reason I'm staying is a couple hundred iron bars and a few guards.
Lt. Steve McBride: Don't you feel all right?::Gahagan: Certainly, only I don't like ridin' on the airplane. they make me ears feel funny.::Lt. Steve McBride: They're on your head, ain't they?::Gahagan: [after ressuring himself that they are] Yeah... why?
Lt. Steve McBride: Can I have a cigarette? [Bugsie does not respond] In Mexico when they put a guy up against the wall, they give 'em a cigarette.::Bugsie - Denver Henchman: This ain't Mexico.
Gahagan: [Seeing the Bone Crusher ifor the first time in fifteen years] Holy Mackeral! How he has grown!
Harp: Yah, we saw him down in El Paso one time. He got so tangled up he pert near bit off his own ear.
3 Hours of Beautiful & Relaxing Harp Music
Harp Music,Relaxing Music,Soothing Music
3 Hours of Relaxing Harp Music | Healing Meditation & Sleep Music
"Fireflies" by Owl City (Harp cover)
B. Smetana: Vltava (Moldau) - Valérie Milot, harp/harpe
Beautiful Healing Relaxing Spa Music Long Time Harp 09
Paul Baker - Celtic Harp: The Quiet Path (Music for Relaxation, Meditation, and Healing)
Relaxing Harp Amazing Healing Christian Music // Music Therapy
NIGHTWISH - Nemo (Harp Twins) Camille and Kennerly
ALISA SADIKOVA - The Fountain — Marcel L. Grandjany ( Harp Music)
2 Hours of Beautiful Cello Piano Violin Flute Harp Music (Instrumental Music Playlist)
The Harp - BBC Documentary
Relaxing Harp Music: Studio Ghibli - Hayao Miyazaki Collection スタジオジブリ癒しの音楽 宮崎駿コレクション
Studio Ghibli Music Relaxing Harp Hayao Miyazaki Collection
MY IMMORTAL - Evanescence (Harp Twins) Camille and Kennerly
3 Hours of Beautiful & Relaxing Harp Music | Meditation, Sleep, Relaxation, Study, Spa
3 Hours of Relaxing Celtic Music | Harp & Flute
POMPEII by BASTILLE - On Electroacoustic Harp! | Lara Somogyi
Pachelbel's canon in D - 豎琴版《卡農》- harp / harpe
3 Hours of Beautiful & Relaxing Harp Music | Soothing Relaxation
The best Relaxing music | Fantasy Harp music | Calm music
3 Hours of Romantic, Beautiful & Relaxing Harp Music
★ 3 HOURS ★ Beautiful CELTIC HARP ♫ Baby Bedtime Sleeping Music ~ Best Lullaby Sleep Songs
Don't pity this poor immigrant
My eyes were open when I caught the boat
All I wanted was your shelter
And maybe just a little hope
But you turned your anger on me
For the courage that you lack
I don't want your half assed freedom
You can have the whole deal back
So now I'll tell you something
Let's get this straight from the start
Don't call me Harp
Don't call me Harp
You said: "Bring me your poor and destitute
And I can kick them when they're down"
Cause there's always enough misery
And we'll be sure to share it round
Now I'll turn my anger on you
For the decency you lack
For the morals you fail to uphold
Your cocaine, crack and smack
To the land that wears it's heart up front
I'm screaming from the back
Don't call me Harp
Don't call me Harp
And the ghettos almost full now
It's time for trash to move uptown
And the sight of all those beggars
On the streets must really get you down
Soon they'll turn their anger on you
For the promises you broke
For all the lies you told them
As their dreams went up in smoke
And I feel I stand among them
As I shout this from the heart
Don't call me Harp
Don't call me Harp
You built your land on principles
Decent, brave and true
I find it hard to understand
Just what went wrong with you
Don't call me Harp
Don't pity this poor immigrant
My eyes were open when I caught the boat
All I wanted was your shelter, and maybe just a little
But you turned your anger on me for the courage that
you lack
I don't want your half-assed freedom
You can have the whole deal back
Now let me tell you something
Let's get this straight from the start
Don't call me harp, don't call me harp
You said "Bring me your poor and destitute
And I can kick them when they're down"
Cause there's always enough misery
And we'll be sure to share it round
Now I'll turn my anger on you for the decency you lack
For the morals you fail to uphold, your cocaine, crack
and smack
To the land that wears it's heart up front
I'm screaming from the back
Don't call me harp, don't call me harp
And the ghetto's almost full now
It's time the trash was moved uptown
And the sight of all those beggars on the streets
Must really get you down
Soon they'll turn their anger on you for the promises
you broke
For all the lies you told them as their dreams went up
in smoke
And I feel I stand among them as I shout this from the
Don't call me harp, don't call me harp
You built your land on principles decent, brave and
I find it hard to understand just what went wrong with