Private Eye research into foreign-owned property

check out for useful info from H M Land Registry on property recently acquired by foregin companies. Some will be for tax dodging purposes, maybe a few not, but useful info anyway, and they want people to add their own information.

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ASS 40th birthday update

This Saturday, 12th September

The venue for the day is Brass Tacks, 300 Brixton Hill SW2

The starting time is 12 midday, for chatting, nibbles and getting
everything together, then, possibly
1pm How it all began, with those who were there
2pm(ish) further reminiscing including later generations
3pm quick break, then How things have changed (presentations / discussion)
4pm What is to be done (possibly in smaller groups)
5pm less formal networking / discussion

(but to be honest, with many people, quite reasonably going to the refugee demo (or other useful stuff), it might all be a bit higgldy piggldy)

And then the evening party from 7 till late at Lost Society, 697 Wandsworth
Road SW8
with stalls from housing struggles, and music from current and former collective members, and others

Hope to see you

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Saturday September 19th midday

from Stratford Park, West Ham Lane E15 4PT

organised by Focus E15 Mothers

To mark the second anniversary of Focus E15 campaign we are organising a march in Newham against evictions and for decent housing for all.

Please contact us if your group is coming to the march and can help spread the word across your networks and if you want to see your campaign or group added to the active supporters list which is at the bottom of this page.

Get Angry! Get Active! Get Involved!
Across the country, the eviction rate has never been so high with 126 families being evicted every day. The housing crisis is escalating and none of the major political parties are offering convincing solutions.

Newham Council is led by Labour Mayor Robin Wales, an unashamed advocate of gentrification, supporter of sanctioning and kicking out the poor and most vulnerable.

Under his rule, 400 homes on the Carpenters Estate remain empty while homeless people, whom the council has a statutory duty to house, are forced to move out of London.

On the second anniversary of the Focus E15 Campaign, we will be marching for these issues.

All welcome. Bring friends, colleagues and family – let’s make our voices heard! Homes for people not investors! Repopulate the Carpenters Estate!

Nearest tube: Stratford Stn/Stratford Int.
Buses: 25, 86, 69, 104, 262, 238

The march is being supported by other groups and campaigns including:
Boleyn Dev 100, Revolutionary Communist Group, Newham Monitoring Project, Action East End, Streets Kitchen, Reclaim Hackney, Reclaim Tower Hamlets, Eviction Resistance Network, Left Unity, People Before Profit, Lewisham Housing Action Group, Grenfell Action Group, South Essex Heckler, Basildon and Southend Housing Action, National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, Clapton Ultras, (London) Radical Assembly, Disabled People Against Cuts, Movement for Justice, Freedom Without Fear Platform, The Trewps, United Voices of the World, Brick Lane Debates, Architects for Social Housing (ASH) Fuel Poverty Action, Camden Resists, Digs, The Fourth Wave: London Feminist Activists, Housing Action Southwark & Lambeth, National Bargee Traveller’s Association, Sweets Way Resists, Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS), Our West Hendon, Newham Peoples Alliance, Anarchist Federation, Friends of the Joiners Arms, 999 Call For NHS, Class War, Tower Hamlets Green Party

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Advisory Service for Squatters is 40!

We’re not sure how it happened but it did, and there seems to still be need for ASS, or something like it.

As part of our celebrations, we are planning a day of reminiscing, planning and partying, on the 12th September. Not a particularly momentous date as far as we know – the decision to start was around February and the actual opening was in October.

We currently plan for an afternoon of reminiscing and planning, followed by an evening of partying and networking. Current plans are for a daytime gathering at Brass Tacks, 300 Brixton Hill, SW2 1HT with the evening session nearby.

We’ll start at 12 with nibbles and chat, then an hour of reminiscing from those who were around at the start, and then later generations. Following this we need to talk about how much harder things have got and where we go from here. We might break up into smaller groups to talk about bailiffs, campaigning, archiving, other aspects of support (ideas welcome). There will be a crèche space but we might have to call for support. Input still welcome.

ASS is not the only show in town, so we’ll try to make space for the many inspiring current campaigns and struggles. There will be space for stalls

For the evening there will be music and dancing and chatting and whatever you want to make of the space.

love and stuff

the ASS collective of today and tomorrow.

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CALL-OUT: Keep Mostafa’s family in Sweets Way!

Monday, August 10, 8am, 
46 Sweets Way, N20 0NT 
(Meet at Sweetstopia, 95 Sweets Way)

Come and join at any point in the day – you can take the chance to look at the beautiful new Sweets Way Show Home while you are there!

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Our latest enquiry to Central London County Court

Dear Mr XXXX

Re: Spiritualist National Union v Persons Unknown

Thank you for your letter of the 22nd July.

Since April we have been trying to find out from the court what happened with this case, which has clearly been at least irregular. We have had to make complaints to get any kind of response and the matter is still not clear.

Now you are demanding a “notice of change” giving a solicitor’s details for us to receive any further information. Can you please let us know what law or rule states that only a solicitor can investigate a court not following its own rules and procedures.

You state that a full order was made on the same day as the interim order. This means that your court issued the interim order when it had already ceased to be valid, while it did not issue the full order which would have clarified the situation. The interim order includes criminal sanctions and the actions of your court put people under threat of arrest for an offence which they would not have been committing.

You also state that a certificate of judgement was issued by a different court. Could you please explain how this is allowed under rules which state that application should be made to the court (i.e. the County Court where the judgement was made) for transfer to the High Court. It is clearly the duty of the County Court to give notice to the defendants that this has happened, which did not take place.

I hope that someone in your court can explain these numerous legal anomalies.

Yours faithfully




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any old Green / White books please

hey, legal types,

we really need a more up to date version of the Civil Court Practice / Civil Procedure rules

We are currently using a 2012 Green Book, which doesn’t even have CPR 83, the new rules on enforcement. Someone must be working somewhere that has the 2015 version in and could give us your hand-me-downs


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ASS on twitter

catching up with the 21st Century, ASS can now be found also at @ASSquattheworld

if you’re down with that kind of thing


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Squatters Handbook callout

We really want to get a new edition of the Squatters Handbook out, even if this would be tempting fate under present circumstances.

What we need from you is photos, cover design, ideas and feedback on the previous edition of the handbook, our current leaflets, any crap advice you got from us ……….

Offers of help with subbing, layout, that kind of thing, also welcome.


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Victory for Jasmin!

Jasmin from Focus E15 had been arrested under S144 because of her campaigning activities.

Focus E15 say:

The Police have decided there is not enough evidence to charge Jasmin (But we knew this anyway).

WE SHALL NOW BE HOLDING A VICTORY RALLY Saturday on our Street Stall. Plz come and join us 12-2pm Stratford Broadway E15.

Jasmin Stone, 20, a member of the Focus E15 housing campaign, was released on police bail following a raid on the night of Monday 13th April 2015 by Scotland Yard officers and Newham council on the two-bedroom top floor council flat in Kerrison Road, Stratford E15.

We had loads of fantastic support at the police station on that evening with ‘FREE JASMIN STONE’ banners etc.

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