Stopping Fracking in Wrexham

IGas are bringing fracking to Wrexham, against the wishes of the local people and the local council. Frack Free Wrexham are a coalition of worried locals, business owners, and politicians who are determined to stop them.

The National Assembly in Cardiff, over-ruling Wrexham Council, have given permission for iGas to perform test drilling in Borras, and this is where Frack Free Wrexham have established a protection camp. In occupying the land, Frack Free Wrexham (FFWxm) are blocking Dart Energy’s access to proposed drilling site.

The camp is receiving an amazing amount of support from local residents, press, and councillors, and is proud to be part of the on-going anti-fracking resistance across Wales.

As well as those are the camp, FFWxm includes dozens of others lobbying politicians and companies, providing legal assistance, and going out into the community to provide education and ways for people to get involved and show their support.

Take a look around our site for more information on the FFWxm coalition, why we’re determined to stop fracking, what you can do to help, and stay up-to-date on our fight with our regularly-updated News page.