

 DPAC Membership:

Disabled people can  join online as DPAC members by clicking:HERE

If you have previously tried to join as a non disabled member of DPAC-apologies- we’ve had problems with our database and details have been lost to cyberspace-to complete membership please email: mail@dpac.uk.net

we are currently updating our membership system for organisations, unions and DPOs please email us if you wish to affiliate, join or donate to DPAC

Read about Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) and our policy

DPAC Logo and Copyright Notice

DPAC Constitution 2014



 The loss of ILF doesn’t just affect ILF users-it affects everyone

We’re all in it together – aren’t we? from Moore Lavan Films on Vimeo.

Read more Tweet/share from HERE

John McDonnell MP Praises DPAC at DPAC national Conference 2014

Read more on #DPAC2014, tweet from HERE

 Video from outside Courts of Justice 13th March 2013: Challenging DWP on the Closure of ILF

Tweet/read more on ILF  HERE

A response to Tomlison minister for Disabled People

Below is a response to Tomlison’s piece in Able magazine published earlier this week The Minister for the Disabled People says: “We should do everything we can to give people the dignity of a job, the opportunity to achieve their career aspirations and the security of a pay cheque. The focus should always be on… Continue Reading A response to Tomlison minister for Disabled People

So DPAC triggered the UNCRPD inquiry but what does it really mean?

We have received lots of emails from the UK, Europe and internationally asking us about the UNCRPD inquiry what it really means and what DPAC actually did. We set out the main questions and answers below: What is the UNCRPD? UNCRPD stands for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The… Continue Reading So DPAC triggered the UNCRPD inquiry but what does it really mean?

Want Revenge on IDS but not able to travel? Help sponsor an activist who can

The Conservative Party Conference is taking place at Manchester in October.  DPAC are organising two protests on Monday 5th and Wednesday 7th October during the week of the Tory party conference actions, and would like to support as many DPAC members to come to Manchester and attend our demonstrations, the details of the actions can… Continue Reading Want Revenge on IDS but not able to travel? Help sponsor an activist who can

Join the campaign to stop the changes to Access to Work!

Since the publication of the Sayce Report (2011), employment support for Deaf and Disabled people and in particular, Access to Work, has been under attack. The last coalition government and the current Tory government, seem determined to change Access to Work from being one of this countries “best kept secret”, to a scheme that no… Continue Reading Join the campaign to stop the changes to Access to Work!