Campaign Against Arms Trade

Stop The Arms Fair!

In September, the DSEI arms fair took place in London. The UK government invited delegations from repressive regimes and even helped them to shop for weaponry.

The arms fair faced stiff opposition, including two weeks of creative protest and direct action that disrupted deliveries and made headlines.

DSEI has packed up now but we need to make sure it never returns. Please ask your MP to stand up against the arms fair and against the government's promotion of arms sales.

Eurofighter Typhoon flying
UK weapons used in Yemen

UK-made warplanes are playing a central role in Saudi Arabia's attacks in Yemen. The conflict has triggered a humanitarian disaster and risks destabilising the region further. Over 2000 people have died, mostly civilians, including 64 children killed by air-strikes.

CAAT is calling for the UK to end its complicity in the attacks.

Arming Apartheid report cover
Stop Arming Israel

Our Arming Apartheid report details how the UK's arms trade with Israel makes the UK complicit in Israel’s continuing violations of human rights and international law. Please ask your MP to join the call for an immediate two-way arms embargo on the arms trade with Israel.

Arms to Renewables - Shift priorities to create better jobs and a safer world
Arms to Renewables

Imagine a world where instead of fuelling conflict and repression, the UK took real action to tackle the biggest threat we face: climate change. That world is possible – if we shift priorities from arms to renewables.

Offshore wind and marine energy could support more jobs than the entire arms industry – and help create a safer, rather than a more dangerous, world. Add your voice.

Page updated 22 September 2015