Wis[s]e Words

Ceci n'est pas un blog

Mon 23 Mar 2009

I moved. You will be redirected.

Posted by Martin Wisse at 5:34PM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Thu 19 Mar 2009

A modest proposal: nationalise the bankers

what every well dressed banker would wear under my proposal

Though it would undoubtly be cartartic to enact the solution proposed by the Financial Times to the current economic crisis, to shoot the bankers, nationalise the banks, we should not let our emotions get the better of us. We need practical solutions, not rash action.

The economic crisis cannot be solved with a single act; it's a crisis of capitalism and only radical change can solve this crisis. But we can make a start at solving two of the most pressing short term problems facing us: the need to punish the people responsible for the crisis and the need of our governments for large amounts of money to combat the crisis with.

The solution is simple: nationalise the bankers. Every banker and retired banker above a certain level of responsibility to be determined will be divested of their capital and possessions, then put on public work schemes for at least ten years or to the mandatory retirement age, whichever is greater. A portion of the funds raised with this action should be put aside to pay the bankers affected a miminum wage and provide them with a council flat, the rest should be earmarked for combatting the recession.

Naturally the bankers participating in these public works schemes will be wearing the same sort of dayglo orange now reserved for petty criminals and other scallywags.

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Posted by Martin Wisse at 1:51PM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Mon 16 Mar 2009

Verb Noire

If you read this blog regularly you'll probably be aware by now of Racefail 2009, the ongoing discussion/flamewar about cultural appropriation and racism, systemic and otherwise in the science fiction/fandom community. This discussion, long overdue, has been generating a lot of heat and little light (most of the latter can be found through the excellent services of Rydra Wong's daily link list). One positive outcome of Racefail '09 has been the founding of Verb Noire, a new publishing initiative aiming at providing greater diversity in science fiction:

The mission:

To celebrate the works of talented, underrepresented authors and deliver them to a readership that demands more.

What does that mean? That if you're a talented writer with an awesome, original story about a POC girl/guy/transgendered character, there is a place for you. And that if you're a sci-fi/fantasy fan who has grown tired of the constant whitewashing of these genres, there is a place for you, too.

Now that isn't to say that we will accept ANY ol' manuscript as long as it features a POC protagonist, because we will NOT. What we're looking for is quality, soul and PASSION, something that will resonate with readers for years to come.

"Everyone has a story." These words are the driving force behind this project, because we believe that EVERYONE has at least one good story in them, and that story demands to be shared with the world.

As start-up costs can be enormous, we're relying on the generosity of strangers to help us launch. So far, you guys have been absolutely fabulous in donating your money, time and effort, and we hope you will continue to do so as we grow. Even if you can't volunteer at this time, feel free to spread the word (and the widget) around.

So help them out will you:

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Posted by Martin Wisse at 5:24PM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Sun 15 Mar 2009

Byzantium -- Judith Herrin

Cover of Byzantium

Judith Herrin
392 pages including index
published in 2008

In her introduction Judith Herrin explains she was inspired to write this book by a conversation she had with two workmen knocking on her office door. They had been doing repairs on the building in King's College where she worked and noticed the sign on her office: "Professor of Byzantine History" and were interested enough to ask what this meant. As she puts it, she found herself "trying to explain briefly what Byzantine history is to two serious builders in hard hats and heavy boots". From their suggestion that she should write a book explaining Byzantium to people like (or me, for that matter) who knew little if anything about the subject, this book arose. Byzantium -- The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire is an attempt to explain more than a thousand years of Byzantine history, as well as the many facets of this history.

It sounded like the perfect book to read, now that I had temporarily exhausted my library's stock of interesting looking books on Roman history. Byzantium was after all a clear succesor to Rome, I knew little about it and Herrin's book easily passed the page 37 test. She isn't a historian I was aware of before, but with Byzantium she's become one of the names I'll pay attention to when looking for new books, no matter the subject. She manages to write a good introduction to a complex subject without talking down to the reader.



Posted by Martin Wisse at 12:18PM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Fri 13 Mar 2009

If it's not online it doesn't exist

Via Caveat Lector we learn that physicists think that if it's not online it isn't worth reading:

In brief, the author asked a bunch of physicists and astronomers about how they prefer to access materials. No big surprise; they’d rather grab it online. What is curious is a connection drawn by some respondents between online accessibility and perceived quality. In my paraphrase: “if it’s not online, if nobody’s taken the trouble to scan it or throw it up somewhere, how important can it be?”

Whoa. Every single librarian reader I have just cringed. I admit that even I winced a little.

From personal experience, where I see this bias a lot is on Wikipedia. Subjects that have little to no online presence are much less well represented but worse, when the importance of an subject cannot be easily established online, they're much more likely to be deleted as non-noticable. So you get a sort of systemic bias towards subjects that are so obviously important that you'll also find them in the Encyclopedia Brittanica, or new enough to have a deep online presence or with enough of a following/interest in them for an active online community to spring up around it. Subjects that fail those requirements though, even if there are proper offline sources for them are much vulnerable to deletionism.



Posted by Martin Wisse at 8:43AM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Thu 12 Mar 2009

A juxtaposition

Lenny summarises a Home Office study on violence against women:

16% of people in England and Wales think it is acceptable for a man to beat his wife or girlfriend if she nags; 13% think it is acceptable for a man to beat his wife or girlfriend if she flirts with other men; 20% think it is acceptable for a man to beat his wife or girlfriend if she dresses in sexy or revealing clothing in public; 11% think it okay to beat if the wife or girlfriend doesn't treat the man with respect; 8% think it okay to beat if she is caught cheating.

Further, 36% think a woman should be held co-responsible for being raped if she is drunk; 26% if she is wearing revealing or sexy clothing; 43% if she flirts heavily beforehand; 49% if she does not clearly say 'no'; 42% if she is using drugs; 47% if she is a prostitute; 14% if she is out walking alone at night.

Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre in a speech to the society of editors:

The judge found for Max Mosley because he had not engaged in a “sick Nazi orgy” as the News of the World contested, though some of the participants were dressed in military-style uniform. Mosley was issuing commands in German while one prostitute pretended to pick lice from his hair, a second fellated him and a third caned his backside until blood was drawn.

Now most people would consider such activities to be perverted, depraved, the very abrogation of civilised behaviour of which the law is supposed to be the safeguard. Not Justice Eady. To him such behaviour was merely “unconventional”.

Nor in his mind was there anything wrong in a man of such wealth using his money to exploit women in this way. Would he feel the same way, I wonder, if one of those women had been his wife or daughter?

As Justin notes, dacre's Daily Mail has no problems spicing up an article on degrading advertisments to women up with some of the advertisments in question, despite Dacre's moralising...

Do you think the results found in this Home Office study are surprising, considering the combination of patriarchal morality as displayed by this prominent newspaper editor in his speech and the salaciousness of the newspaper he edits?

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Posted by Martin Wisse at 9:05AM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Tue 10 Mar 2009

Happy birthday to me

Or at least, the blog. It just turned seven today I just realised, while slogging through the archives manually converting posts to the new Wordpress based incarnation of this blog that escaped slightly too soon into the wider world. On this day seven years ago I blogged my first post. It wasn't very interesting, hopefully that has changed over the years even if I sometimes feel that I'm forever plodding where others seem to be able to jot down great posts with no effort at all...

I still have a lot of fun blogging even if the hopes of getting famous through it have long since faded. There's been some good writing here, also some pretty horrible writing, but who cares?


Posted by Martin Wisse at 6:15PM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

Greg Egan does the right thing

So yesterday I posted about Greg Egan's somewhat dumb and insulting comparison of "geek" and "nerd" to certain incredibly offensive racial insults. What made it even worse was that he made this comparison in the context of responding to Adam Roberts' review of his latest novel, Incandenscence. Well, Egan popped up in James Nicoll's post discussing this action. He got into a discussion with Carlos and after some prodding, decided Carlos was right in thinking this comparison was offensive. Egan therefore altered the paragraph in question and it now reads:

These days there's often ranting about "nerds" and "geeks" -- terms that the world would be better off without, though I have to admit there's something gloriously awful, in a Love And Death on Long Island kind of way, when would-be sophisticates who spend half their time discussing Joyce or Sophocles switch to a vocabulary whose current usage was largely forged in the supremely inane universe of American high school cliques.

I still wouldn't agree with his argument that nerd or geek are slurs; they used to be but they've long ago been reclaimed. But this doesn't matter. What's important is that Greg Egan saw he had made a mistake and had inadvertently insulted people and then apologised and took action to recitify this. Well done!

In related matters, cluefulness has not broken out everywhere in science fiction land, as another of James' posts shows:

Apparently in their current version, the skin of Drow who convert to good becomes lighter coloured while the "blackness of the drow's skin has become a permanent sign of their depravity". The Curse of the Lamanites angle seems to have been introduced by self-confessed Canadian author Lisa Smedman in The Lady Penitent.

Oi. That really is some old skool racist imagery, isn't it? With fantasy there's always the danger, if the writer isn't careful, that old racist stereotypes are redeemed by applying them to orcs or other fantasy races, but this is so obvious that there really is no excuse. This isn't just an awkward appropriation of an "exotic" culture to populate some generic fantasyland with, but use of an old idea that has served as a particular pernicious justification for slavery: the "curse of Ham". From wikipedia:

According to pro-slavery literature, Ham’s transgressions, particularly the shaming of his father by looking upon his nakedness, provoked "Noah’s curse". Allegedly, Ham’s son Canaan and his descendants were thereafter doomed to serve their American lines for all of eternity. Indeed, when discussing the slaves of the pharaoh in Exodus, Origen specifically identifies them as descendants of Ham who were punished due to their ancestor’s skin color. In 1823, amidst controversy concerning the justice and morality of slavery, South Carolinian Frederick Dalcho argued: "and perhaps we shall find that the negroes, the descendants of Ham, lost their freedom from the abominable wickedness of their progenitor (Ham)."

Much worse than some of the offenses that have driven racefail 2009...

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Posted by Martin Wisse at 4:36PM EDT [ Permalink] End of post.

No War on Iran

This is not a weblog. Nu-uh.

This is just a place for me to jot down some random thoughts and reactions to the news so I don't have to yell at the television or radio, or mutter to myself whilst reading the news.


Self promotion

Progressive Gold
Linkse Gedachten (In Dutch)


The blogging vanguard

Adventures in Historical Materialism
Snowball's blog looks at the history of Marxist struggle.

American Leftist
Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. -- Eugene V. Debs

Apostate Windbag
A journal of assorted leftwingery with a decided preference for discussing how the late Christopher Hitchens is a twat

Bionic Octopus

Dead Men Left
James is active in the RESPECT coalition, but don't hold it against him

The Early Days of a Better Nation
By Ken MacLeod, socialistic science fiction writer.

A few words before we go
By Justin Horton, surviving in a hostile world.

Gaping Silence
Ruthless criticism of all that exists, except for the good bits. By Phil Edwards.

If There Is Hope...
Doug is a Canadian socialist.

International Rooksbyism
Not just another scummie student commie's blog. By Ed Rooksby.

Jews sans Frontieres
Mark Elf's anti-zionist blog.

Left I on the News
A leftwing view of the day's news and the way it's represented in the media. By Eli.

Lenin's Tomb
Erudite English SWP supporter.

by Alister Black, Scottish socialist. Writes mainly about local issues.

Reading the Maps
Kiwi socialists.

The Sharp SideBarbaric Document
Erudite, very readable blog by Ellis Sharp

Socialist Unity Blog
News, debate and analysis by and for socialists.

Splintered Sunrise
Irish socialist blog.

Take it as Red
Thoughts from an ex-pat SWPer.

Theft is Good
...but it depends who’s doing the stealing and who from

Through the Scary Door
Another socialist group blog.

Unrepentant Marxist
By Louis Proyect, veteran Marxist

Yorkshire Ranter
Blogging a noisy and socialistic view on politics, security, and whatever may take my fancy.

red flag
Leftist parties of the world
Marxist thought internet archive

Comix blogs

(Postmodern Barney)
A sufficiently sarcastic look at modern comics

Comics Reporter
Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

Dave's Long Box Invincible Super-blog
I'm going to review my comic book collection and you're going to like it! History's Greatest Villain since 2005

Eddie Campbell
One of the best cartoonists in the world

Howling Curmudgeons
Two-fisted comics commentary and criticism!

The Hurting
Tim O'Neil's rather good comics weblog.

I'm Not the Beastmaster
Essays, analysis, and commentary from some other guy named Marc Singer.

The Comics Journal weblog.

Maaike Hartjes' comix and photo blog.

Progressive Ruin
Mike Sterling's unabashed comics blog.

In which Reinder Dijkhuis, Adam Cuerden, Timm Brand, Geir Strøm and Jeroen Jager talk about comics, music, politics and the impending apocalypse.

treeoctopus tentacle
I support the Pacific
Northwest tree octopus!

Science fiction and fandom

David Langford's near legendary fanzine and website.

Charlie's Diary
By science fiction writer, technogeek and old style UK liberal Charlie Stross.

Kathryn Cramer
An editor of science fiction anthologies, Kathryn writes intelligently about sf and other stuff.

Making Light
Teresa and Patrick Nielsen Hayden's blog embodies the best of fandom.

More Words, Deeper Hole
James Nicoll's livejournal

Sore Eyes
Excellent science/science fiction/fandom/tech orientated blog.

Cower before my obviously superior musical taste!

Science and technology

A science orientated weblog by Tim Lambert.

Encyclopedia Astronautica
Incredibly cool site about the history of space travel, with lots of info about the various space programs. Recommended for all spacenuts.

The Loom
A blog of biology and bioscience, written by Carl Zimmer.

Panda's Thumb
On evolutionary theory and the fight against the intelligent design loons

Science, politics and the intersection between them. By PZ Myers.

Real Climate
A commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists.

voer eendjes, geen oorlog
Feed ducks, not war

All the rest

Dave Weeden's weblog

Blazing Indiscretions
Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people.

Blood and Treasure
a man of excellent naturall Parts; but very Sarcastick and the greatest Buffoon in the Nation

Technology, comics and other stuff by Branko.

Caveat Lectorzilla
Written by Dorothea, this is an exuberant mix of geekery, personal issues and sharp observations.

The liberal answer to Instapundit?

Frothing at the Mouth
Greg Morrow is a comics, RPG and science fiction fan as well as very smart.

Written by games designer/sf writer Greg Costikyan, focuses on what it says in the title.

A blog about globalisation. By General Glut.

Going underground
a blog about the London Underground.

Google News NL
The latest news from the Netherlands.

Halfway Down the Danube
Our exciting life in the Balkans.

Hip Hop Music Dot Com
Where hip hop blogs. by Jay.

Hugo Zoom
Raising money to shoot a documentary in Iraq

Joel on Software
As the title indicates Joel writes about good software producing practises.

Komma Punt Log
Briljant en bescheiden. In Dutch.

Long Story; Short Pier
Kip is back, erudite and wellspoken as ever.

Michael Greenwell
Erudite, intelligent blogging.

Michel Vuijlsteke
An excellent weblog about lots of things.

Monkeys in My Pants
By Mitch Wagner, computer journalist and sf fan. Good on tech news and internet issues.

Rich Puchalsky
Politics, peotry, geekery and criticism.

Riverbend/Baghdad Burning
What is really happening in Iraq.

Shadow of the Hegemon
Written by returned from the death Greek demagogue Demosthenes so is very eloquent.

The Sideshow
Avedon makes me think. Her weblog revolves around US politics.

An American blogger in Amsterdam.

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