Save VICNET rally – 13 May

(First posted to Melbourne Indymedia)

The future of VICNET is threatened by the State Library’s decision to make half the workforce redundant. Of the 30 targeted, the majority are members of the CPSU – including all three union delegates. See background here
About 70 Library staff rallied outside the SLV at lunchtime today (while postal workers were meeting in force at Trades Hall) before marching to State Parliament for a further show of opposition.

State Library CPSU members with banner

On the march, led by CPSU banner

RMIT speaker outside State Library

At the student rally yesterday, Jill Sparrow, CPSU delegate at SLV spoke in support – and explained the threats faced by staff there. Here a representative of the IT department at RMIT returned the compliment

Child of one of the marchers

The youngest marcher

Another view of march with CPSU banners

More of the march

Lineup with placards on steps of Parliament House spelling message of defiance

Staff were informed of the intended sacking by means of a colour-coded chart on the notice board when they arrived at work – red meant you were gone, yellow you weren’t going to be renewed, green you were ok by management – getting this organised on the steps of PH took a little while, but the message is clear enough