Rally for Peace – 1 Dec

As part of a national weekend of action against the impending war on Iraq, the Victorian Peace Network called a rally under the slogan “War is not the answer”. Coming as it did on the day after the State election, the rally did not attract quite as large a turnout as the previous one on 13 October – see report here, but it was still a very large gathering, sending a very strong message. (For VicPeace, see note to the 13 October rally.)

The march viewed from treasury building

Taken from the steps of the Treasury building

Show of banners at State Library

Show of banners at State Library

CFMEU and Socialist Alliance at head of march

Start of the march

Stall of No one is Illegal

No one is Illegal had a stall

Placard - War is not the Answer- and t-shirt - Lock up Ruddock

The connection of war and refugees was a constant theme of the rally

'Stormtroopers'  backing up the police

Police and reinforcements

The following pictures show Collins Street before and after…

Collins Street empty

Collins Street full

Another view from the Treasury building

Another view from the Treasury building

Bush and Howard effegies bring up the rear

Bringing up the rear – Bush as Grim Reaper with his faithful mate John“I’m with George”Howard in tow