Friends of the Earth (FoE) Melbourne  is a non-for profit organisation working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. The international Friends of the Earth network is  active in 77 countries with over 2 million members. Read more.


Friends of the Earth welcomes Andrews Govt. commitment to state renewables target and calls for energy ambition

IMG_5653.JPGFriends of the Earth has welcomed the Andrews government's commitment to a Victorian Renewable Energy Target, and has highlighted the need for ambition to attract investment and create jobs while tackling climate change. 

The Andrews government announced a Renewable Energy Target of no less than 20 per cent by 2020 while launching its Renewable Energy Roadmap in Portland today. It has committed to establish targets for 2020 and 2025 and it will seek the community's views on what they should be.

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Rally to Declare Victoria Gasfield Free

CGFV_Square.jpgWith the state inquiry into unconventional gas coming to a close we need to make our message clearer than ever before, that unconventional gas will never be welcome in Victoria.

Join the over 60 communities that have already declared themselves for a rally that has been over 3 years in the making!

We can't wait to see you midday on Sunday 20th September at the State Library to declare our state Gasfield Free!

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Communities heartened by Auditor General's warning of potential "damaging legacy" over unconventional gas mining

Uncon_gas_inquiry.jpgmedia release August 19, 2015

Friends of the Earth

Communities across Gippsland and Western Victoria are relieved and heartened that today's Victorian Auditor General's report has warned the government that well recognised risks may make unconventional gas mining unsuitable for Victoria because of it's dense population, scarce water resources, and high reliance on agriculture.

The report, called Unconventional Gas: Managing Risks and Impacts, released this morning, outlines that "substantial national and international studies have comprehensively identified the potential and known risks that unconventional gas poses to the environment and the community ... Environmental and social values are integral to this conversation if we are to avoid a damaging legacy in years to come."

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The next stage in our community campaign

kitchen_table_conversations.jpgAfter almost five years of working to build the campaign against new coal and gas and in support of renewable energy in regional Victoria, we are pleased to announce a new stage in our efforts to protect the environment.

Starting from August we will be getting active in new areas and regions.

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Garden Sprays and Water Pollution

monarch.jpgFriends of the Earth has called for people to reconsider their use of pesticides in their gardens, due to offsite impacts of such spraying. Friends of the Earth is also calling for restrictions on the herbicide Simazine.

Friends of the Earth spokesperson Anthony Amis said, “In recent years a number of pesticides have been detected in urban waterways. It is likely that a proportion of this pollution is coming from domestic use of pesticides in gardens and around the home.

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Our best chance to stop unconventional gas drilling in Victoria

front_page_of_card.jpgToday, Avant Card has started to distribute thousands of cards around Victoria urging people to support a permanent ban on unconventional gas drilling.

With a state government Inquiry into this industry currently underway, this is the best chance we will ever have to stop this destructive industry before it gets established in our state.

The Committee is due to release it's interim report on September 1.

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