Defend and Extend Medicare – 5 September

There was a turnout of several hundred for a rally called by the Defend & Extend Medicare campaign to protest at the Howard Government’s program of dismantling Medicare under cover of so-called “reforms” – the proposed “A Fairer Medicare”. Speakers included Senators Kerry Nettle of the Greens and Lyn Allison of the Democrats, Labor Shadow Minister for Health Julia Gillard, as well as Leigh Hubbard from Victorian Trades Hall Council, Rod Wilson from the Victorian Medicare Action Group, health consumer activist Helen Lee, and Dr Joe Toscano from Defend and Extend Medicare, which was prime mover for the rally and produced a fact sheet/flier distributed at the rally.

[Inactive links removed; a report by Takver on Melbourne Indymedia can be recovered from click here.]

Union banners in crowd outside State Library

Part of the crowd – note strong union turnout

Julia Gillard and young protestor

Julia Gillard waiting to speak – note young protestor next to her

Howard effigy

The evil genius behind it all