It got their attention even if a surprising proportion of passers-by seemed to be ‘on a diet’: yummy cakes and biscuits for donations or free …
The ‘publicity’ promised “juggling, music, clowning about, anti-anz propaganda, fizzy drinks” to go with the old-fashioned lamingtons, gingerbread biscuits and banana cakes: sadly, the music didn’t make it, nor the fizzy drinks. But the ‘boys and girls in blue’ did turn up eventually – about an hour late – to reinforce the lone security guard on the door, and a good time was had by all, as they say. More seriously, new stocks of flyers had to be sent for twice to meet the demand, and a lot of members of the public did stop to listen, even if the concept of free food at lunch time seemed hard to digest…
This was the latest in a rolling series of action against ANZ provoked by its profiteering in Iraq – see previous report here.