Earthday – 22 April

Friday 22 April was Earth Day, and the highrise flat community of Building 106 Elizabeth St, North Richmond got together to celebrate with music, food, painting and talk …

[The original post consisted of this text surrounding a short video clip, which unfortunately cannot be posted here -this is a free site.]

Friends of Earth, along with North Richmond Tenants Association, the Melbourne East Timorese Activity Centre and the Jesuit Social Service organised a celebration of the 35th anniversary of Earth Day under the slogan “Protect our children and our future”. It was a relaxed affair: no placards or chanting, but lots of drumming and children’s painting. Unfortunately, what was to have been the centrepiece, a giant 1.7m earth ball, didn’t quite make it, but there was plenty of vegan food and things to do, and no sign that anyone was planning to pack up at the scheduled 5pm close…