Monday, September 21, 2015

Links 9/21/15


SEC’s Mary Jo White Plots to Oust Effective Accounting Regulator, in Face of Escalating Criticism Over Conflicts

The evidence that SEC Chairman Mary Jo White needs to go becomes more overwhelming with every passing day.

Iran Deal May Redefine The Middle East

A detailed discussion of how the US-Iran nuclear agreement is leading to considerable changes in alliances and priorities in the Middle East.

The History of Witchhunts and Their Relevance to the Present Day

Primitive accumulation, the peasant wars, and witchhunts as a means of social control.

Links 9/20/15


Electronic Health Record Vendors Use Gag Clauses to Hide Lethal Bugs in the IT Systems They Sell

Computer and business personnel – through arrogance, selfishness, narrow-mindedness and other issues – have made a mess assuming that business software practices apply to clinical medicine and healthcare IT.

Links 9/19/15

snail and frog links

Building a Historical Index of Happiness Using Google Books

Is there merit in trying to measure happiness hundreds of years ago versus now?

John Helmer: MH17 – The Lie to End All Truths, and New Evidence

Helmer concludes his series on the evidence in MH17 crash, and argues that it is inconsistent with a Buk missile having downed the plane.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/18/2015

Today’s Water Cooler: More debate fallout, Trump on the trail in NH, leading indicators mediocre, Corbynsteria, Dylann Roof’s trailer, bikes

Links 9/18/15

portuguese man of war links

Will Banks “Cough Up Executives” in the Treasury Bid-Rigging Scandal?

The Department of Justice may face an early test of its long-overdue policy change, that the government will seek to prosecute individuals, including executives, in a simmering Treasury bid-rigging scandal

Wolf Richter: Bankers Threaten Fed with Layoffs if it Doesn’t Raise Rates

Yes, banks really do want the Fed to raise interest rates.

The Star Trek Fallacy: Romanticizing Imperialism

Was Star Trek wrong in promoting the notion that peaceful exploration is possible?

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/17/2015

Today’s Water Cooler: Republican debates, mothers’ diet, Google’s code, Corbynsteria, Abbott’s wreckage, FOMC ZOMG!!!!!!