Yale's Lucrative Wet Kiss Anoints #BlackLivesMatter's Deray McKesson Their Kind of “Transformational” Leader

A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon


Police “Training” is the Problem: They are Trained to Oppress Blacks

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

Black people don’t need more “training” of the cops that patrol their communities. What’s needed is a new mission for the police – one that is radically different than the current armed occupation – and Black community control over both the project and the personnel. U.S. police are already well trained – in containing, controlling, terrorizing and incarcerating Black people. “For decades, the essential U.S. police mission has been military in nature.”

Freedom Rider: Anti-Russian Propaganda

by BAR editor and senior Margaret Kimberley

Everywhere the U.S. “pivots” to in the world, it spreads dehumanizing propaganda. President Obama has methodically demonized Russia, stoked fears of the “peril” from China, and fanned the flames of Islamophobia. The corporate media are eager accomplices in the imperial politics of mass death. “If a nation and its people are disparaged and dehumanized enough its enemies can attack in any number of ways without fear of debate or popular opposition.”

The Yemen Tragedy and the Ongoing Crisis of the Left in the United States

by BAR editor and columnist Ajamu Baraka

With their support for Bernie Sanders, much of the Left has decided that “lives in the White West matter more than others.” The Democratic presidential candidate encourages Saudi Arabia to “get its hands dirty,” when the Wahabbist monarchs are already killing thousands in Yemen, oppressing the people of Bahrain, and funding jihadists in Syria – all with U.S. support. The Sanders campaign “is an ideological prop of the logic and interests of the capitalist-imperialist settler state.”

The Refugee Crisis and the Truth Behind Imperialism's "Humanitarian" Response

by Danny Haiphong

The same imperialist powers whose proxy war created the Syrian refugee crisis claim a “humanitarian” responsibility to wage more war against the country – “a reworking of the centuries-old imperialist logic that US and European domination brings ‘civilization’ and ‘democracy’ to the native.” Europe will now reap the whirlwind of blow-back, “this time in the form of uncontrollable migration.”

Scholar Says Rwandan Massacres Were Class War; Faces Deportation

Ann Garrison's picture

by Ann Garrison

Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame sends hit squads around the globe to eliminate critics of his minority-based government. The regime is seeking to silence dissident Léopold Munyakazi through deportation back to Rwanda from the United States. The author interviewed Munyakazi's lawyer, Ofelia Calderón.

South Africa’s Deal with the Devil, Revisited: Mandela’s ‘Faustian Pact’ with World Capital

by Patrick Bond

An intelligence document has surfaced claiming that the white establishment through the private sector has a huge influence in the running of the South African National Treasury and that the history of this influence dates back to the early 1990s when the ANC and the white, apartheid-founding National Party were in negotiations. The white establishment felt it was too risky to leave the running of the government solely in the hands of the ANC.

Black Agenda Radio for Week of September 14, 2015

Justice Department Blowing Smoke on Prosecuting Corporate Execs

“There’s nothing new” in a U.S. Justice Department memo that claims it will bring more criminal prosecutions against corporate executives, rather than merely fining their companies, said Russell Mohkiber, editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter. “The Department was under so much heat for not criminally prosecuting even one major financial institution or one executive from those financial institutions that led to the 2008 financial collapse, that it decide it had to ‘do something,’” said Mohkiber. “What it did was release a memo basically codifying” previous policy, while changing nothing. “Don’t believe the hype!”

Baltimore Mayor is “Rattled,” Won’t Run for Re-Election

Jill Carter, the most radical member of the Maryland House of Delegates, believes Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake decided not run for re-election, last week, “due to the stress of the last months and the lack of confidence that has been expressed across the board in the mayor.” Rawlings-Blake’s announcement came on the heels of the city’s $6.4 million settlement with the family of Freddie Gray, and a judge’s refusal to change the venue of the trial of the six police officers charged in Gray’s death. The mayor “appeared to be very rattled and off balance,” said Delegate Carter, a lawyer from a family steeped in the Black rights movement, who has herself run for mayor – and may run again. Carter said a “shadow government” of rich donors actually runs the city.

Movement in Need of an “Ideological Lens”

“What has been missing” from the current U.S. Black political awakening “is an ideological lens and guide that movements require to expose the contradictions of the system,” said Danny Haiphong, a contributing writer for Black Agenda Report and activist with FIST – Fight Imperialism, Stand Together, in Boston. Haiphong is author of an article in the current issue of BAR, titled “Why George Jackson Matters,” which explores the legacy of the former Black Panther leader who was killed by guards in San Quentin Prison, in 1971. In today’s activist circles, said Haiphong, “I think there is a fear and a relative hostility to the idea of socialism, to the ideas of the Black Liberation Movement, and I also think there’s an aversion to history.”

Uhuru Movement Gets Low-Power FM Radio Station

The African People’s Socialist Party, commonly known as the Uhuru Movement, won permission to operate a low-power FM radio station in St. Petersburg, Florida, where the Party is headquartered. “It’s going to be the only Black-owned station in the city” and will provide “a sharply defined format that deals with Black issues, and every aspect of Black culture,” said chairman Omali Yeshitela. “We’re talking about even teaching people how to do gardening.” Fundraising for the station’s broadcasting equipment begins on Sunday, September 20, at Uhuru House, with the goal of raising $50,000 so that the station can begin operations early next year.


The Trumpocalypse: Democrats Rule Blacks by Fear

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

Donald Trump is a very useful man, to both the Democratic and Republican factions of the ruling corporate party. The “White Man’s Party” (Republican) faction can blame excesses of hate on him, and the other faction (Democrats) can make their case as the lesser evil. Black people will once again feel they have no choice in the matter. “It is fear of Republicans that holds Black people captive to the Democratic Party.” That’s why the party is a trap.

Day 24, #FightForDyett Hunger Strike Continues, Black Political Class Stands for Privatization

By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon

The national fight against school privatization is focused on Chicago, were Sept 9 is the 24th day of the #FightForDyett hunger strike. Parents and community members are resisting the national polices of school privatization being forced down our throats by the Obama administration and often black politicians across the country. Successful schools are a key to viable communities.

Freedom Rider: Refugees Flee American Aggression

by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

Americans are made uncomfortable by pictures of drowned refugee children, but most cannot accept that their own government’s “unrelenting effort at regime change in Syria is the cause of this crisis.” U.S. corporate media parrot Washington’s lies, keeping tally of the displaced and doomed, but blaming Syria’s government for defending itself against western-backed jihadists. Rather than demand the West leash its dogs, “they call for more war.”

Why is Cornel West Sheep-Dogging for the Democrats – Once Again?

by BAR editor and columnist Ajamu Baraka

Cornel West has thrown his support to Bernie Sanders, the nominal socialist – but unquestionable Democrat – running for president. Dr. West says Sanders “tells the truth about Wall Street, white supremacy, empire, patriarchy and homophobia.” Really? The author says West has some explaining to do. “Brother West, you can’t quote King on his stance against militarism and support a candidate that is unable to utter a word against U.S. militarism.”

Former Leader of Chad and CIA Tool Denounces U.S. Imperialism at His Trial

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by executive editor Glen Ford

It is said that the Americans have no permanent friends, only permanent interests. Actually, the U.S. seems to have no friends at all, but only tools to be used and disposed of, especially in Africa. Hissène Habré helped the CIA inflict a serious defeat on Col. Muammar Gaddafi. A few years later, he was replaced by another Chadian warlord, and now sits before an Extraordinary African Chambers court to answer for his – and the U.S.’s – crimes.


Web of Secrecy Surrounds Federal Half-a-Billion Handout to Charter Schools

by Jonas Persson

Hell-bent on quietly forcing the bipartisan neoliberal project of school privatization down the the unwilling and oft unwitting throats of mostly black constituencies across the land, the Obama Administration's cynically misnamed Department of Education is handing out another wad of public money to private charter school operators.

Black Lives Matter: A Call to Pan-African Unity – Justice for Emmanuel!

by BAR editor and columnist, Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo

A Nigerian mother started out at the bottom in the United States, raised and educated five children, and bought a spacious home in one of the nation’s wealthiest counties. But that didn’t stop a cop from shooting her son to death and claiming he had wielded an ice-pick in his broken right hand. Olubummi Comfort Oludipe has now found her voice and mission: "to make sure that no other Black family suffers the death of their children by killer cops."

My Wise Country Cousin on Da Man He Call ‘Rump’

by BAR poet-in-residence Raymond Nat Turner

Rump playin’ “Great Wite Hope”, fo po lil’ wite men
Trickin’ dey dum asses into thinkin’ dat he dey frien…
‘Cause dey jus’ too stooped, hatin’ Brouns an Blaks—
Dummies stickin’ de 1% knife in dey own baks!

Why George Jackson Matters Through the Lens of Blood in My Eye

by Danny Haiphong

George Jackson was a giant that U.S. State could not contain – so it killed him. “It was Jackson who developed a foundational theory of the prison state in relationship to the design of the imperialist system.” Jackson said revolutionary movements require three elements: “an above ground organization that carries out political work, an independent media, and an underground organization committed to creating crises for the establishment.”

Dark Waters: Hurricane Katrina, the Politics of Disposability and the Racism of Malcolm Gladwell

by Henry Giroux

Ten years after the Katrina catastrophe pushed 100,000 Black people out of New Orleans, it has become acceptable in polite society to advocate involuntary dispersal of Black and poor people. “This is the reasoning in support of creating the dehumanized Other, one that rationalizes not only an intolerable violence, but also supports producing new forms of disposability, new zones of social death, and terminal exclusion.”

Remembering Dedon Kamathi

by Thomas C. Mountain

Dedon Kamathi, the former Black Panther and All African Peoples Revolutionary Party activist who educated listeners weekly on KPFK radio, touched many lives, including the author’s. “His spirit, embodied in the revolutionary consciousness of Pan Africanism and revolutionary internationalism, lives on.”

Mom, Is it War Yet? – Part II: Two Suns in the Sunset

by Dr. T.P. Wilkinson

The United States has been under no threat from any other nation since the end of World War Two, but has invented various menaces to mask its own unrelenting quest for world domination. The Soviets, the “Red” Chinese, falling dominos, and now “terrorists” (created by the U.S.) provide “imaginary enemies that would continue the super-profits that had begun in the West.”

Ten Troubling Numbers Labor Day 2015

by Bill Quigley

U.S. workers are in bad shape. Two-thirds of poor people have jobs that don’t lift them out of poverty. Actual unemployment is at least twice as high as the official figure. Blacks are twice as jobless as whites, as they have been for generations. CEO’s make hundreds of times more than their employees. The employment disaster is closely linked to the act that “union membership is at its lowest rate in 70 years.”

Stop the execution of Imam Jamil, the former H. Rap Brown, by medical neglect in federal prison

by the Imam Jamil Action Network

Imam Jamil Al-Amin, the former H. Rap Brown is an internationally recognized political prisoner. A former member of SNCC personally responsible for cranking up the early and mid-1960s organizng drives in Alabama, and longtime community leader and iman on the west end of Atlanta, he has lived an exemplary life in struggle for the betterment of of humanity. He must not be murdered in prison.

Black Agenda Radio for Week of September 7, 2015

Solitary Confinement to be Sharply Curtailed in California

A settlement between activist inmates and California prison officials will sharply limit the use of solitary confinement in the state. “I do believe there is a deepening movement away from solitary confinement in this country, and I think this settlement is a key moment in that movement,” said Alexis Agathocleous, of the Center for Constitutional Rights. He credits the victory to prisoners at the infamous Pelican Bay lockup and elsewhere who have staged hunger strikes against solitary confinement and other abuses since 2011. California leads the nation in enforced isolation of prisoners, with nearly 3,000 inmates locked down for months, years or decades at a stretch. Nationwide, about 80,000 inmates are in solitary on any given day – more than the total prison population of most countries.

DC Mayor is a Fugitive Slave Catcher

Muriel Bowser, the Black mayor of Washington, DC, proposes targeting all 10,000 of the city’s residents on probation or parole for surprise day or night searches, in their homes or on the street. Ex-offenders caught breaking any number of rules could be held for 72 hours without charge, before being set on a path back to prison. The mayor claims she’s trying to get guns off the street. However, renowned whistleblower Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, an activist with the Hands Up Coalition-DC and an editor and columnist for Black Agenda Report, said Bowser’s “recommendation is basically just a warmed-over regurgitation of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793,” which was based on the dictum “Once a slave, always a slave.” Bowser “is essentially saying, once you’ve been convicted of a crime, you are always a criminal,” said Coleman-Adebayo.

The Afro-Colombian Model for Self-Determination

Blacks in the U.S. can learn something from African descendants in Colombia, South America, the third-largest concentration of Black people outside of Africa, behind Brazil and the United States, said Ajamu Baraka, a founder of the U.S. Human Rights Network and editor and columnist for Black Agenda Report. Baraka lives in Colombia and took part in a conference of the Black Communities Process, or PCN, the country’s premier self-determinist organization. “They have built structures of organization in which they address, not just the political needs of their communities, but the material needs of their communities,” said Baraka. The PCN pursues a “dual power” strategy, building institutions outside of state control to confront challenges in education, culture, employment and food distribution. “PCN provides models that we can take a look at,” said Baraka.

New Film Documents Ferguson Rebellion

Independent filmmaker Ralph L. Crowder III has spent much of the summer screening his documentary Hands Up Don’t Shoot Our Youth Movement in cities across the country. Crowder says he set out to find what was unique to Ferguson, Missouri, that compelled “these strong Black people to make this kind of stand for justice.” But he soon learned that conditions in Ferguson “were the same as in the very city that I drove from,” Minneapolis. “The bottom line is that our youth are intelligent, they’re engaged with their own struggle, and in many ways they’re very disappointed and disengaged from the adults that claim to have leadership in our communities.”

High Stakes Testing Opt-Out Gains Momentum

The movement among parents to opt their children out of high stakes standardized tests is “growing by leaps and bounds,” said Dr. Pete Farruggio, a veteran educator and anti-privatization activist. “Experts in “psycho-metrics” – testing – “uniformly are opposed to the use of standardized tests to make any important decisions” in education, such as closing schools, firing teachers, and handing schools over to the private companies. The testing regime, said Farruggio, “is part of the whole neoliberal program of social control of the population, dumbing down the population, preventing critical thinking, and preventing the development of troublemakers – like you and me.”


#BlackLivesMatter Hurts Democrats’ Feelings

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

The #BlackLivesMatter organization this week rejected the endorsement of the Democratic National Committee, embarrassing top members of the party. However, the DNC resolution was a perfectly logical outcome of the #BlackLivesMatter strategy to make no substantive demands of presidential candidates.” No demands on power, no threat. Why not endorse?

Where's #BlackLivesMatter In the Struggle Against School Privatization?

By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon

#BlackLivesMatter's national board promptly reacted to a fulsome DNC endorsement with an apparent repudiation. While rhetorical opposition to Democrats is fine, on-the-ground work against their concrete polices is a step further. Apart from the prison and police state itself, no Democratic policy affects our communities more adversely than school privatization, which urban Democrats are forcing upon black communities from coast to coast.

Freedom Rider: U.S. Turns Teen into “Terrorist”

by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

The U.S government has sentenced a 17-year old to 11 years in a adult prison for little more than expressing admiration for ISIS. The youth’s offenses included trolling a State Department web site established to dissuade young people from jihadism. Yet Washington and its allies gave birth to the international jihadist movement. “The United States created the monster and now wants to punish anyone who interacts with it.”

Making Black Lives Matter in Riohacha, Colombia

by BAR editor and columnist Ajamu Baraka

The organized descendants of Africans in Colombia have some lessons to share with Blacks in the U.S. For one thing, it would be “inconceivable” for any Afro-Colombian organizer, “no matter how inexperienced, to get into a meeting with a presidential aspirant and frame a question around what that person ‘felt’ about their role as an oppressor.”


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