Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme




YA books about LGBT characters of color

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In a break from our usual format, we are sharing some important writing on the shooting in Santa Barbara by a gunman who sought revenge against womankind for having refused to offer him sex and love.

Jessica Valenti writes at the Guardian about the mistake of identifying this incident as one person’s isolated delusion. Violence against women happens worldwide and every day on unfathomable scales. The gunman’s terrifying views have been shared so widely because they resonate with people. Shame from rejection is a powerful emotion, and is so often redirected as misplaced anger. And, tragically, fear of retribution for simply exerting our autonomy is a daily reality for many women, as the #YesAllWomen hashtag makes plain.

We will never stamp out violent incidents altogether, but it is a heartless mistake to continue ignoring the readily identifiable forces that drive violence against women. To be clear, nobody “owes” anybody else sex. Women do not exist for other people’s pleasure.



Yuri Kochiyama Passes: From 2008, Speaking on her Internment & Malcolm X

Rest in power sister



This Is How Maya Angelou Wants To Be Remembered

(Source: sonofbaldwin)

Beyond Biracial: When Blackness Is a Small, Nearly Invisible Fraction



an interesting convo that many latinegrxs may have already be experiencing. what, if anything, may the US learn from looking to all of the Americas and Caribean around this topic?

blah blah blah the biracial boom is a myth. sometimes i think it all really boils down to experiences, which are obviously influenced by how the world sees you. 



Angela Y. Davis on what's radical in the 21st century


“I still believe that capitalism is the most dangerous kind of future we can imagine.”


President Obama continues to deport queer and trans immigrants. The Obama administration has deported a record number of more than 2 million deportations, which has resulted in the separation of parents from their children and queer and trans immigrants from their families and communities. There are more than 267,000 undocumented queer and trans immigrants living in the United States who continue to be persecuted by the current inhumane immigration policies of the White House. Queer and trans immigrants are coming together to demand President Obama to stop all deportations of LGBTQ undocumented immigrants and our families, and expand the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for all undocumented immigrants in this country.
Famila: Trans Queer Liberation Movement and DeColores Queer Orange County are brining together Queer and trans immigrants from across the country to proclaim “liberation and not incarceration” and denounce the deportations separating our families and communities. We will continue to organize and mobilize in order to ensure all of our families are safe and remain together. Queer and trans immigrants rise up to demand “not one more deportation” of our queer and trans undocumented brothers and sisters and our families.
Endorse Queer & Trans Immigrants in Saying “Liberation and Not Incarceration”
RSVP to the LGBTQ+ Immigrant Rights Rally.


President Obama continues to deport queer and trans immigrants. The Obama administration has deported a record number of more than 2 million deportations, which has resulted in the separation of parents from their children and queer and trans immigrants from their families and communities. There are more than 267,000 undocumented queer and trans immigrants living in the United States who continue to be persecuted by the current inhumane immigration policies of the White House. Queer and trans immigrants are coming together to demand President Obama to stop all deportations of LGBTQ undocumented immigrants and our families, and expand the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for all undocumented immigrants in this country.

Famila: Trans Queer Liberation Movement and DeColores Queer Orange County are brining together Queer and trans immigrants from across the country to proclaim “liberation and not incarceration” and denounce the deportations separating our families and communities. We will continue to organize and mobilize in order to ensure all of our families are safe and remain together. Queer and trans immigrants rise up to demand “not one more deportation” of our queer and trans undocumented brothers and sisters and our families.

Endorse Queer & Trans Immigrants in Saying “Liberation and Not Incarceration”

RSVP to the LGBTQ+ Immigrant Rights Rally.



I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
RIP Maya Angelou. I will never forget how you made me feel (via kawrage)
Power is being able to say complete and utter nonsense and have it be believed, powerlessness is where no matter how much cogent evidence and proof one has, to not be believed.
Catharine MacKinnon (via youhauntyourbagofbones)

(Source: 46004070)




Inspired by the truth and power of #ITooAmHarvard, people of colour who are students at University of Oxford in the U.K. created #ITooAmOxford to speak of their experiences with racism on campus. The photographs are diverse (there’s more on their site) and here I included some of the ones of Black women/women of African descent (my apologies if I misread any genders) as I did when I posted my now viral post on I Too Am Harvard because again it reveals the racist assumptions about both their intelligence and appearance, something I dealt with as a Black woman when I was younger and in undergrad/grad. I also noticed the sense of “place” and nationality that impacts the stereotypes that they face. 

This is a point for the lies about racism being uniquely American to stop. Now. Today. I am tired of weekly emails from Whites ahistorically announcing how racism does not exist in the U.K. It is not their place to make that determination anyway; only Black and other people of colour can. The person who experiences the oppression, not the oppressor, the oppressed, not the privileged, speak truth to the experiences.

These students are speaking their truths. Do not ignore them. Their lives matter. They deserve better than the stress and even physical/mental health issues that dealing with racism can cause. Stereotype threat is real and impacts academic performance and health. 

I wish these students the best. Much love.