For information on the proceedings, the Jurors, the cases  heard, please go to:  

       People who attended the tribunal

Stop the U.S. Wars Abroad and At Home!
UNAC Conference Calls for Coordinated National Actions October 2-11, 2015
And supports a range of other actions being organized throughout the country

Four hundred antiwar and social activists from 29 states and representing over 110 organizations spent the weekend of May 8-10 at a Secaucus, New Jersey national conference, with international guests from a score of countries, planning and preparing a series of local and national actions to keep our fighting movements in the streets.

The UNAC conference unanimously approved a broad and multi-faceted Action Plan aimed at engaging and uniting a broad range of groups in ongoing struggles against the seemingly never-ending wars across the globe and the deepening wars against working people, especially oppressed nationalities, at home. The theme of Black Lives Matter and the vibrant conference participation of anti-racist fighters across the country were integral to all of the conference proceedings. [read more]

Other Actions this Fall by UNAC member groups and others include:

    Days of Action for Justice & System Change       

    Justice or Else by the NOI

    Fall action by the National Campaign for Non-violent Resistance and other

    Fall actions by Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

    U.S. Actions around the UN Climate Talks in Paris

    Upstate Drone Walk

               (also click here for on-going drone actions and information)

In the aftermath of the horrific white-supremacist massacre of nine African-Americans in Charleston, S.C., calls are being raised across the country for the removal of Confederate symbols from public places. But in Richmond, Va., the former capital of the slavery-defending Confederacy, during the 150th anniversary year of Emancipation and the end of the Civil War, prominent elected officials are defending their decision to spotlight racist symbols in an international sports event. [read more]

There are wars that the U.S. fights in its own name or jointly with NATO, or “the U.S.-led coalition” currently bombing Syria and Iraq with the justification that they are fighting against ISIS and Al Qaeda.  In other instances, the U.S. stays in the background but fully supports its allies and proxies (Saudi Arabia and Israel) to destroy any independent movements that arise, attempts by governments to break from U.S. control or offer any possible advantages to competitors like Russia, China, and Iran.  When the Saudis and the other oil-monarchs in the region choose to intervene to return a dictatorial puppet regime to power, the U.S. provides unconditional support.  [read more]


U.S., Saudis and ISIS Collaborate to Destroy Yemen

Tell the City of Richmond, VA not to showcase Confederate "heroes" during International Bicycle Race in September

Please click here to sign the petition to re-route the bicycle race

UNAC supported the International Peoples' Tribunal organized by BAYAN, USA, a coalition of Filipino groups along with other organizations.  The tribunal took place in Washington, DC, July 16 - 18.  Three hundred people attended and found the Benigno S, Aguino government and the U.S. government guilty of crimes against the Filipino people. A march and rally were held on the day after the tribunal ended to present the findings to the Philippian and U.S. governments.  Please view the video of the tribunal here: 

Thousands March in Newark, NJ as part of the MILLION PEOPLE’S MARCH Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice, and Economic Inequality on July 25, 2015


May 8-10, 2015,  Secaucus, N.J.

Against a background of seemingly endless U.S. wars abroad and growing domestic movements against racist police killings, low wages and devastating climate change, more than 400 activists gathered just outside New York City May 8-10 for a “Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad!” conference that ratified an Action Plan addressing both domestic and international issues.

Sponsored by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), the conference, held at a hotel in Secaucus, New Jersey, brought together a wide range of activists, from those who primarily concentrate on international issues to mostly younger activists in the emerging movements such as Black Lives Matter, Fight for $15 and environmental change.

Conference delegates came from 29 states, as well as Canada, Britain, Germany and Ukraine. A number of now-U.S.-based activists represented struggles in their home countries of Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Mexico, Palestine, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Syria and Venezuel also attened.

Solidarity messages were received from Cuba, Ireland, New Zealand and Russia  [Read more]

Rasmeah Odeh found guilty

Campaign to free her continues

Rasmeah's sentenced on March 12, 2015.  She needs support at appeal in Cincinnati in September.

click here for more information



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United National Antiwar Coalition