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How White People Sound When They “Disagree” With PoC About Racism

This morning on Twitter, Mia had a few words for white people who “disagree” with PoC about racism. It’s funny because it’s true.


— 1 month ago with 239 notes
This Is Why Everyone Cheering Gay Marriage Should Stand With the White House “Heckler” Now

While many in our community post about how Caitlyn Jenner is so courageous for transitioning, they are somehow blinded to seeing the real heroes before them. Real courage is being the lone voice in a room full of fake allies and still speaking up. Real courage is putting your immigration status and life on the line to fight for your immigrant trans sisters. Real courage is crashing a party at the White House to demand liberation for your people.


— 2 months ago with 4251 notes
“They Were So Nice”: 4 Reasons I’ve Been Nice About Racism and Why I Won’t Be Anymore

I’ve always believed that I should be kind, above all other things. Treating people with respect in this unjust world sure isn’t a bad thing. At times, kindness can be courageous, can be loving, can be bold. It’s kept me safe, helped people around me feel good, feel comfortable.

Only there’s nothing good or comfortable about sitting with white supremacy as it destroys our communities. Being nice has its limits. It can’t mean facing racism with a smile, trying my damnedest to kill it with kindness while it comes at us with bullets.


— 2 months ago with 66 notes
Submit your writing to BGD! Raise your voice AND get paid! http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/submissions/

Submit your writing to BGD! Raise your voice AND get paid! http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/submissions/

— 3 months ago with 17 notes
Queer or Trans and Think You Don’t Deserve Religion? Here’s How I Reclaimed My Faith

“I found a new community of queer people of colour, queer brown people and queer desi people. But for most of these people, religion was not important. It was never spoken about and it taught me not to speak about it. I understood religion in a way that was so tied to culture, heritage and language, it became something I acknowledged in a different way. Something that was in my past, something that I let go of.”


— 3 months ago with 29 notes

WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS BABY SAD??? Give to BGD for @GiveOUTday and support QTPoC media!


— 3 months ago with 13 notes
How to Support QTPoC Voices If You’re Broke

Want to support Black Girl Dangerous but broke as hell? NP! Join our Thunderclap to help us spread the word about GiveOUT Day so we can continue our work! Donating a tweet or Facebook post or Tumblr post is a great way to support us! Thanks!


— 3 months ago with 43 notes
What’s Missing When We Talk About Self-Care

“When I see us, as oppressed people, talking a lot about survival, but not talking as much about joy and happiness, I wonder…what are we surviving for?”

— 3 months ago with 59 notes
We need you! Support Black Girl Dangerous and QTPoC media! https://giveoutday.givebig.org/c/GO/a/blackgirldangerous

We need you! Support Black Girl Dangerous and QTPoC media! 


— 3 months ago with 24 notes
Full Stop: White Supremacy, Trans Women of Color and Bruce Jenner

People are illogical in their bigotry: how can one support Bruce Jenner while simultaneously shaming and attacking Amiyah Scott (who has always been a lightning rod for transmisogynoir, for daring to be herself) and Laverne Cox, or any trans woman of color? The same people cheering “YAAAAAS BRUCE! LIVE YOUR TRUTH!” were calling Amiyah a “man” and “a fake woman” just two weeks beforehand. The same people cheering Bruce today will be erasing black trans women tomorrow.


— 3 months ago with 40 notes
Healing From Trauma As a Person of Colour: 3 Things I’ve Learnt As a Queer Black Boy

White definitions about how to deal with trauma are steeped in the privileged assumption that you have been told by the world that you are fully human. That you have been told that you can heal, can hurt and can access help. As a Black Queer person living under these oppressive systems, that is not something I have been told. Before I could begin to heal, I had to learn to access the humanity I had been denied under these systems.


— 3 months ago with 95 notes
Broken Ends: When People Won’t Take No For An Answer When It Comes To Touching Your Hair

“After I’d just had my hair cut, I bounced along my college reception on a bubbly cloud. My friend gasped, stuck a hand out and patted my hair.

My spine stiffened. I pulled away.

She grabbed me again. I felt jolted out of my body, my skin crawling. More people crowded in. I told them, first laughing, to stop. They didn’t. They never did.”


— 4 months ago with 40 notes
Jealous of Your Friends? Me, Too: Social Media, Scarcity and the Capitalism of Jealousy

There are so few resources for people of color, period. Not to mention our vibrant intersectional identities and creative work. We either have to make spaces for ourselves – often unsustainable and without funding – or push past one another to get into positions of opportunity. And even our victories face outward. The acknowledgment serves to prove that we matter to people in power, even if we know that these are our stolen resources handed back to us. I’m not ignorant of the ways oppression sets us against our own, but how do we work against the impulse to covet and tear each other down?


— 4 months ago with 43 notes