Socialist Party

 |  Mobile  |  28 September 2015 | 

The Socialist Party says

Organise to fight cuts!

23 September Corbyn under fire: To ensure the anti-austerity politics that have won Corbyn such support are not imprisoned within a few individuals in the leadership of the Labour Party, his supporters must get organised in every town and city of the country More...

Socialist Party photo

NSSN lobby of TUC 2015

National Shop Stewards Network lobby of the TUC (click here for report)

18 September 2015

Corbyn victory: A political earthquake

Jeremy Corbyn's victory is a political earthquake that transforms the situation in Britain and poses stark questions for how a new mass socialist force can be built. Peter Taaffe writes for the October issue of Socialism Today. More...

23 September 2015

EU referendum: what attitude should socialists take?

The EU is, in essence, an agreement between the different national capitalist classes of Europe, with the aim of creating a large arena for big business across Europe to conduct their hunt for profits with as few barriers as possible.

23 September 2015

Refugees brutalised by thug EU governments

European states have closed their borders to prevent desperate people from entering their countries. More...

23 September 2015

Greece: Widespread abstention dominates election

On 20 September, Syriza was returned to power in a snap general election and is set to share power again with the right-wing Independent Greeks. What does this mean for Greece's anti-austerity left? More...

More news and analysis...

25/9/15 TUSC

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition conference 2015  Saturday 26 September, 11am-4.30pm at Student Central, Malet Street, London More...

23/9/15 Socialist Students

Organise the student fightback!  March against the Tories 4 October. Join the national student demo 4 November. Fight for student strikes. More...

23/9/15 Unison

Nominate Roger Bannister for Unison general secretary  We cannot accept Labour councillors continuing to slash jobs and services, argues Roger Bannister More...

15/9/15 London

Refugee Lives Matter - large turnout for demo  Thousands upon thousands of people thronged through central London on Saturday More...

14/9/15 Teesside

Pay the Rate protest  Friday protests of construction workers have been restarted at the Energy from Waste plant at Wilton More...

11/9/15 Shirebrook

Protesting against Sports Direct's 'workhouse conditions'  On the day of Sports Direct's AGM, Unite the Union protested outside the company's HQ More...

8/9/15 National Shop Stewards Network

Lobby the trade union leaders this Sunday!  The vicious anti-union bill is designed to shackle the unions More...

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The Socialist newspaper, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party:

The Socialist newspaper, 23 September 2015, issue 871

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The Socialist newspaper, 16 September 2015, issue 870

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The Socialist newspaper, 9 September 2015, issue 869

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The Socialist newspaper, 2 September 2015, issue 868

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The Socialist newspaper, 19 August 2015, issue 867

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The Socialist newspaper, 5 August 2015, issue 866

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The Socialist newspaper, 29 July 2015, issue 865

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The Socialist newspaper, 15 July 2015, issue 864

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The Socialist newspaper, 8 July 2015, issue 863

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The Socialist newspaper, 1 July 2015, issue 862

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Click here for more issues of The Socialist newspaper

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Socialist Party and CWI

Committee for a Workers' InternationalThe Socialist Party is part of the Committee for a Workers‘ International (CWI) which fights for socialism world wide.

Socialism Today

Socialism Today 191 - September 2015

Socialism Today is the monthly magazine of the Socialist Party
Click here to subscribe

- In this month's issue:

Editorial: the Corbyn insurgency

Council cuts and the Corbyn campaign

Greece and the latest phase of the EU crisis

Socialism: past or future?

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Youth and student

Youth Fight for Jobs

Click here for our youth and student pages

- See also:

Youth Fight For Jobs website

Socialist Students website

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Marxist guides

Karl Marx Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Communism, grotesque caricature: see Soviet Union. See also What About Russia?


Dialectical materialism

Genuine communism: see Marxism, What is it?

Historical materialism

How would a socialist economy work?

Lenin Lenin: On Marxism

Marxism: What is it?

Philosophy, Marxism

Russian Revolution

The State and Revolution

Socialism: What is it?

Socialist Countries?

Socialist Party manifesto

Soviet Union

State, The

Terrorism: Marxism Opposes Terrorism

Trotsky Trotsky: On the Russian Revolution

What about Russia?

What is Marxism?

What is Socialism?

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