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An ongoing diary of stuff, allsorts, and things wot happen ......

By: Alan Lodge

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Tuesday, 5-Dec-2006 19:38 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Window On Your World

Window On Your World

BBC Radio 4, asking for listeners to send in pix of what they're doing, or find interesting at 5PM today.


This is my contribution.

Here's how to send us your picture for Window On Your World.

By Post: Window On Your World, PM, Room G601, BBC News Centre, London W12 7RJ.
Sorry - we can't return any...in the style of Vision On.

By email: pm@bbc.co.uk - please put Window On Your World in the subject line.

From your mobile phone - 07725 100 100 - you must mark it Photo for PM.

However you send them, feel free to add any information you like. Maybe you can tell us what the picture shows, or where it was taken, or whether it's typical of your view of the world at 5pm - or how long you've been listening to us. It's up to you.

Thank you for taking part. Tomorrow, we'll let you know where the pictures can be seen.



Hi there
Please accept my offering to your "Window On Your World" report
Well, in common with many, here I am at 5pm, sitting in front of a computer in my living room / office. Hopefully a slight variation from some, in that there are two cameras involved. The one I took it with, and the other, a webcam enabling me to have a video conversation, discussing some work.
Alan Lodge, Nottingham

Thursday, 26-Jan-2006 19:29 Email | Share | | Bookmark
No2ID Graffiti found in Nottingham

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No2ID Graffiti found in Nottingham

As I wandered about in Nottingham this afternoon, my eye was attacted to the stenciled graffiti near the shops in Bottle Lane of Briddlesmith Gate.

It appears that a pixie, with a political stance on the subject of ID cards, had put this up while no-one was looking.

Such a passing pixie, might oppose the governments proposed scheme, a few reasons. Such as:

An ID scheme won't stop terrorists.
An ID scheme will not eliminate benefit fraud.
An ID scheme will cost billions in taxpayers money.
An ID scheme will mean your most intimate details will be controlled by the government forever.

You will have to pay for an ID scheme out of your own pocket.

If you agree with this, and are concerned, please check out

The national campaign site at: http://www.no2id.net

Nottingham NO2ID - anti Identity Card Group

The Lords have recently rejected the proposals as they are currently constituted, but bilieve me when I say that this is not the end of the arguement, we are still at the begining......


BBC - The government's ID cards scheme has suffered three defeats in the Lords.


Thursday, 19-Jan-2006 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Nottingham Indymedia Exhibition opens at the ASBO

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Nottingham Indymedia Exhibition opens at the ASBO

A exhibition, describing the work and objectives of Nottinghamshire Indymedia has opened to some acclaim at the ASBO Centre. Please go and take a peek!


The normal opening times are on tuesday, thursday and saturday from 2pm - 7pm...

During these times, 'Broadbean Internet Workspace' [ http://www.asbocentre.org.uk/internet/index.html ] computing and internet services are provided, so why not get down there and meet people. While there, you can post stories to Nottinghamshire Indymedia that you think the community will be interested in. Please use the facilities .....

33Burns Street, Arboretum, Nottingham
asbo< AT >squat.net


Asbo Community Space
A Simple Building Occupation...

Asbo Community Space has been opened up in the Arboretum / Radford area after a group of local people moved into three empty council buildings in August 2005...

The three adjoined houses had previously been abandoned for seven years, suffering from vandalism and misuse. With a large homeless problem in Nottingham, and the neighbourhood suffering from lack of community space - we felt this was a crime! So we moved in and, with lots of help from our very supportive neighbours, we opened up the ground floor as a community space.

All the events put on at the ASBO Space are to try and build a better community for everyone. No one gets paid for their work, and all money received goes straight back into the project. Help and donations are always welcome.

Everyone is invited and the space is there to be used as creatively as possible. From art and cookery workshops to bike maintenance and internet access... if you have ideas of stuff you would like to see or do in the space, come along on, or email us @ asbo< AT >squat.net.


Previous posts on Indymedia, showing the content of the exhibition, can be seen at:

Nottinghamshire Indymedia IMC Exhibition pages

web version of exhibition :: http://indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/05/310947.html?c=on#c115253

PDF version :: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/media/2005/05/310948.pdf

oh, and another form of exhibition[ism]

Indymedia Stickers Pixie : been around Nottingham


ASBO Centre :: Previous posts, about the project: "The Squat's progress"


ASBO welcomed by community!

Wednesday, 21-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Deer in Woolaton Park, Nottingham

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Deer in Wollaton Park, Nottingham

They are lovely creatures. I've watched them in the park from time to time, for years. But today, out on my bike, I rode into the park, and was amazed that they didn't spook and run away, [as usual]. A couple of them continued to graze as I edged a little closer. Thus, i managed to get these, the best piccys, that i've taken of them.

Thursday, 15-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Land Roots: Benefit gig in Nottingham, Wholesome Fish etc

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Land Roots: Benefit gig in Nottingham, Wholesome Fish etc

Land bought by the people for the people and protected through common ownership and good stewardship for cooperative and creative sustainable living forever!

We are part of a growing movement of people and grass roots organisations that are holding out the seeds of hope for a healthy future for us all. LAND ROOTS invites you to help plant these seeds in the rich Earth, that is our home.

At present Land Roots owns no land. This is the beginning. Where will the land be? Well, as yet we cannot know. That will be dependant on many things:
· What land is up for sale at a time when there is enough money to be able to buy?
· Environmental suitability of these areas.
· Planning permission, precidents and attitudes of local councils, in these areas.

Areas being considered are mostly within half a days drive of Nottingham like: Wales, the West Country, Shropshire, Lincolnshire wolds, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, the Scottish borders, etc. It will definitely be:
· Somewhere beautiful, and where a sustainable lifestyle would be possible.
· Somewhere with buildings to make planning applications easier.
· Somewhere that has areas of established broadleaf woodland and fresh water.
· Somewhere that is secluded enough for the eco-community members to live as they wish.

Some people have expressed a wish to co-own land outside the UK, and when we have grown sufficiently to be able to do this, then buying outside the UK will be wholly appropriate and within the aims and objectives of LAND ROOTS.

If you are a part of a group that are aiming to buy land with similar aims to those of LAND ROOTS, then maybe there is a way of linking together, to the advantage of us all. Check out the website for ideas, and keep in touch.

If you want to know more, check out .......


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