Sep 24
A person, usually a boy, who naturally looks mean when his face is expressionless, without meaning to.
Nah, he's just got a resting asshole face, he's actually really cool
by fettfri_skyr September 17, 2015
Sep 23
When you imply that your amount of issues (problems) are greater than the amount of issues (magazine articles) the famous magazine company, Vogue has.
Girl: "ugh there's so much homework and errands"
Boy: "wow, you must have more issues than vogue"
Girl: "I know right!"
by beep bop 55 January 10, 2015
Sep 22
The act of visiting the bathroom with the intention to only urinate, but instead relieve a little poop as well as a means to prolong the time between your next bathroom visit.
I sat down on the toilet to take a piss on my lunch break, but I thought a maintenance poop would be a good idea since I have a meeting coming up.
by Lumbertrap September 18, 2015
Sep 21
Having a weak punch
It's play fighting we only be throwing pillows
by $111111 September 18, 2015
Sep 20
A girl who is not a girlfriend. Shares interests with, hangs with, and (optionally) sleeps with a man she is interested in. Inevitably, she becomes a 'cool girl' and becomes ineligible for girlfriend status. Is often beleived to be lesbian on first glance.
Guy 1: Sam likes Halo? You serious? Damn, you're lucky to have a girlfriend like that.
Guy 2: She's not my girlfriend. She's just a cool girl.
by Kathleen Henry May 11, 2006
Sep 19
When a celebrity or a new person gets WAY too much spotlight. This can cause a snobbish side to surface, and their friends or aquaintances to notice them acting differently. Otherwise, this causes the "showered" person to feel shy or be surrounded by people by simply going outside their house, making them annoyed.
After Jack's new speech on world matters, he got a media shower and became a different person; one his friends didn't know anymore.

Once Beth won the spelling bee, her media shower forced her to skip school for the next week.
by Kaze-san September 19, 2008
Sep 18
Somewhat hot. Although cannot be classified as "hot", one who is hottish is not completely ugly either.
That chick's not bad bro. She's hottish. I'm gonna go say what's up.
by JunksTaPosition September 06, 2015
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