the Disillusioned kid: Make Photography History
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Friday, July 15, 2005

Make Photography History

(What do you mean you're tiring of the Make XYZ History jokes?!)

I'm usually a waste of time with cameras. I carry them round and completely forget I have them or forget to develop the film when I get back. In Scotland, however, there were various points where I found myself wishing I had a camera, but I'd forgotten to bring one. Fortunately Dan (of Naked Lunch fame) who I spent a lot of my time with was much better organised in this regard than I and took quite a few photos which he's now made available here. I've cheekily selected and appropriated a few of my favourites.

Saturday July 2: Some clever person thought it would be a good idea to spell out "MAKE POVERTY HISTORY" in very large letters during the MPH rally and suspend it using cranes. Of course they had to do this in sections. Clearly they didn't think much about how to break the words down... Some might say it's quite appropriate though.

Saturday July 2: The aftermath of the MPH demo. How somebody managed this with so many police around is beyond me.

Tuesday July 5: Dungavel detention centre. Transylvanian castle meets concentration camp. This is where they keep people before deporting them to be tortured. Just in case anybody tried to get in the inmates were moved for the duration of the summit. Into a prison. *pauses as national pride wells up*

Wednesday July 6: Believe it or no, this was the policing at the *Kids* Blockade!

Friday July 8(?): Oh, and here's a picture of the Stirling countryside. Which I never got to see :(

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