Stop the Wall

We are a grassroots movement uniting the struggle of the popular committees in the villages, refugee camps and cities struggling against the Wall and the settlements and the efforts of Palestinian civil society.  

Our call is to:

  • Stop the Wall
  • Dismantle parts already built
  • Return all lands confiscated for the Wall
  • Compensate for all losses.

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Stop the Bantustans



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The Latest From Palestine

Call for the Week against the Apartheid Wall 2015: November 9-16

Stop the Bantustans!

2015 has been so far one of the worst moments in the waves of ethnic cleansing by Israel against the Palestinian people. Israel is rapidly implementing its plan to forcibly transfer the Palestinian population out of the over 500 communities located in area C: 7,000 Palestinians living in 46 Bedouin communities in the Jordan Valley and east of Jerusalem are currently resisting the demolition of their communities, an additional 20 communities are under threat in the South Hebron hills. This adds to the over 15,000 Palestinians expelled from their homes in the West Bank during the last two decades and includes some of the 4,500 pending demolition orders against Palestinian buildings. We are fast approaching a crucial point of no return.

Under the slogan “You are not alone – Standing up to settler violence”, Stop the Wall announces the program for this year’s mobilization to protect the olive harvest and Palestinian rights. This year, the olive harvesting takes place in a moment of dramatic escalation of settler and military violence against Palestinian farmers and villages, and on their lands.

30 August 2015. Sunday protest in Beit Jala was violently repressed by the Israeli Occupation Forces with tear gas and sound bombs, dispersing the demonstrators and arresting two Palestinians.

May First/People Link - an amazing US-Mexican organization providing many organizations, including Stop the Wall and other Palestinian organizations, with web and communication hosting and support - is under attack, AGAIN. 

Hundreds of people gathered for the mass mobilization Sunday morning. The protest tore down one of the gates of the Israeli apartheid infrastructure that segregates the Palestinian people from their lands and from each other. 

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Meet the Israeli company that has a contract with the Organizing Olympic Committee for the 2016 Games in Rio.

The Case of Beit Jala: the Apartheid Wall in the Cremisan Valley.

Since the beginning of August 2015 the Israeli Occupation Forces started to position signs in many areas of the land of Bir 'Ona, neighborhood of the city of Beit Jala, north-west of Bethlehem, to resume the construction of the Apartheid Wall after the approved decision of the Israeli Supreme Court that came on the 6th July 2015.


In the framework of the programme to re-equip its army, France will take a decision by the end of 2015 on which model of drone it intends to purchase. In this arms race, we are glad to note that at least one Israeli corporation has already been excluded: Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). However, we are demanding via a petition (1) that the Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems also be excluded from the bidding.

Land Defense Coalition