Informing, Inspiring and Facilitating


Hail and Welcome!

Welcome to the web site of The Druid Network. Make yourself comfortable.

The TDN web site was relaunched at Beltane 2013ce and is constantly being updated. Do please check the News Updates and keep an eye on our Twitter feed.

"The Druid Network aims, through connecting individuals and groups together, through coordinating efforts and initiative, and through actively interfacing with public bodies and the media, to Inform, Inspire and Facilitate Druidry as a Religion."
Our Mission
Learn about Druidry

Learn about Druidry

What does it mean to be a druid? What do druids believe? What does a druid do? What are our god's names? What is the Awen? What courses and books do we like or dislike. In this section we'll try to answer those and many other questions by offering a few 'idea headings' built by the Members of the Network and others in the Druid field into a zeitgeist, or flavour, of modern Druidry. Read more

Learn about The Druid Network

Learn about the Network

What does The Druid Network do? What projects are we working on? What do we fund? Why did we gain charitable status? How can you join - and why would you want to? Find our list of networked groves and groups. Find our list of celebrants and The Druid Directory. Also learn about the heart of the Network - The Order of the Yew. If it's related to us - it's here. Read more



This is a list (or calendar) of either druidic or generic pagan events that the average druid might have an interest in. Please be sure to submit anything you'd like listed. Read more



A gathering of resources of use to the modern Druid. Reviews, articles, The Druid Directory, podcasting and a page full of web links to explore... Read more

Members Only. It's like a druidic Facebook!

Members' Area

This link will take you to the new and improved social members' website, known as 'social_dot'. Read more