Show project

Bi-Polar Disorder: Obama’s Bait-and-Switch Environmental Politics

It's almost hard not to admire the sheer eco-Orwellian chutzpah of Obama’s Alaska trip. The great British author who invented the phrase “doublespeak” would be impressed.

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Strange Words From St. Bernard and the Sandernistas

The leading national Democrat and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says some strange things and some sensible things too

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Overworked and Out of Time: a Democracy Issue

Free time is among other things a key democracy issue

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Health Care Slavery and Overwork

Two Interrelated Barriers to Democracy in the "Land of the Free"

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What’s So Great About Running for President?

Running for U.S. president (which has to rank as one of the top narcissistic endeavors on Earth, by the way) is nothing to write home about.

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Why Bernie Sanders is No Great White Hope for Black America

Black Americans have plenty of reasons not to embrace Bernie Sanders as their shining knight in armor and “best hope.”

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Kick Capitalism Out of the Serenity Prayer

“Radical” eco-socialists want their fellow humans to grow up about and respond with maturity to four harsh realities

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Beyond Anti-Capitalism

Being a serious anti-capitalist also means going beyond anti-capitalism

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The Real Cost of Being Poor

What does it cost just to get by in America?

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Posing as the Great Emancipator: Obama’s Prison-Posturing is Nothing New

Barack Obama is a model and epitome of the triumph of symbol over substance

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Trumped: On the Political and Ideological Functions of The Donald

The ruling class that will always prefer an authoritarian proto-fascist to even a milquetoast and nominal democratic socialist.

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Bernie Sanders, Dr. King, and the Triple Evils

Bernie is – just like some of King’s fellow democratic-socialist Civil Rights and anti-poverty leaders (Bayard Rustin, Michael Harrington, and A. Phillip Randolph) in the mid-1960s – hung up on the U.S. war machine.

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Bernie’s Top Five Race Problems: The Unbearable Whiteness of Nominal Nordic Socialism

Sanders has some race problems – at least five by my count

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“That’s Politics”: the Sandernistas on the Master’s Schedule

"Voting," Howard Zinn once wrote, " is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens."

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Deleting Crimes at the New York Times: Airbrushing History at the Paper of Record

I never cease to be fascinated by the breathtaking ease with which the “liberal” New York Times and other major U.S. media outlets airbrush out of history the disastrous and criminal role Uncle Sam has played and continues to play in the world.

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Happiness v. Property: From Jefferson and Franklin to Cuba and the United States

That's the same thing the Japanese journalist Makiko Saito was struck by when she visited Cuba three years ago: the seeming paradox of happy people surrounded by overall poverty and decay

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Interjections on Bernie Sanders: A Response to David McReynolds

I never cease to be amazed by U.S. major party and candidate-centered electoral (and especially presidential) politics’ continuing power to muddle, mystify, and mar liberal, progressive, and even Left hearts and minds

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We are Citizens, Not Politicians: Reflections on Greece

Politicians dissemble, pose, hedge, play-act, and capitulate the popular will in the name of “realism.”

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Beneath the Billionaire Class: The 1% Does Not Rule Alone

Many U.S. left progressives let “lesser” elites – professionals, managers, administrators and other “coordinator class” Americans – off the hook of our critique of class inequality.

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Bernie Out of the Closet: Sanders’ Longstanding Deal with the Democrats

It’s all very different than the story Sanders tells campus town progressives on the campaign trail

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False Flag Change: History, Racism, Obama, and the Confederate Flag

It is tempting, perhaps, to see contemporary America’s split race decision – progressive victory on the surface level of race and continuing defeat on the deeper societal, institutional, and historical level of race – as a case of glass half-empty versus glass half-full.

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Obama’s Good Republican Week

All I could think was “Liberal fools, you have no idea what this thoroughly neoliberal and imperial politician is about!"

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The Birthplace (Greece) v. the Farce (the United States) of Democracy

Does this perhaps qualify the United States as a “failed state”?

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Beyond the Real Time Catastrophe of Capital

Capitalism itself is the disaster and the catastrophe

Show project

Democracy Wrecked Again: On the Fast Track of Corporate Authoritarianism

Washington runs on corporate and financial cash, connections, reach, and propaganda, not public opinion

Show project

From Watergate to Deflategate: Scandalous Reflections on Scandal

One useful measure of a political culture’s moral level is the nature of what counts as a terrible outrage, disgrace, or scandal in that culture.

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Idiots of Empire: From the “Freedom Budget” to Bernie Sanders

The (state-) capitalist function of the nation’s giant post-WWII war and empire budget went far beyond lining the pockets of “defense” contractors

Show project

“Progressive” Obama: He’s Melting, He’s Melting – TPP Wipes Away the Last Shreds of Illusion

The sooner Obama breaks the ribbon on his presidential library – to be suitably housed at the arch-neoliberal University of Chicago – the better.

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Race Violence, Gun Violence: Reflections on Obama’s Charleston Comments

Obama led in his remarks with the race-neutral gun-control issue. That's where the main focus of his anger was by far

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How Poor Black Lives Matter to U.S. Capitalism Today: Reflections on “The New Jim Crow”

Black lives have always mattered to white America primarily as a source of economic exploitation.

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The Silly Season: Reflections From Iowa

don’t get hung up on the major party-big money-big media once-every four years presidential candidates, their marketing imagery, fake promises, and narcissistic display

Show project

Feeding the Frenzy: The Sanders Syndrome Hits Home Court

The urgent task garners tiny engagement from liberals and “progressives."

Show project

Privilege-Serving Story Placement at the New York Times

One of the many ways in which the capitalist press serves the owning class has to do with story placement – where it places a report

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Enough with the Holy Founders and Their Undemocratic Constitution

Popular sovereignty was the U.S. founders’ ultimate nightmare

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Theater of the Absurd

Next time you see a liberal Democrat U.S. environmentalist, ask him (to amend the absurd Sarah Palin): “so how’s that hopey-climate-changey thing working out for ya?”

Show project

The Not-So Nordic Bernie Sanders

So where is the call to drastically slash the Pentagon System in the Sweden- flattering Sanders’ program for social-democratic change on the Nordic model in the United States?

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No Wise Men Here: Gabriel Kolko and Washington’s Continuing Murderous Middle East Myopia

" To continue as it has over the past century is [for the U.S.] to admit that it has the vainglorious and irrational ambition to run the world"

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No Respect for the Poor, Working or Not

The fight for 15 is also a fight for dignity

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The Liberal Apologies for Obama’s Ugly Reign

U.S. liberals and progressives might want to read up on some recent American political history

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A Racially Blind Night in the Life of the “P”BS Newshour

Gwen Ifill declares that she loves her Newshour job because it allows her to “ask not only all of my questions but also and more importantly all of your questions"

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Hillary Clinton and the Manipulation of Populism

"Populist rhetoric, many say, is good politics "

Show project

Bernie Sanders Enlists in the Hillary Clinton Campaign

Eugene Debs would not be pleased by Bernie’s choice

Show project

May Day: Four Interrelated Meanings

But let me suggest here four separate but intimately interrelated meanings of “May Day"

Show project

Left Radicals, Radical Republicans, and Dismal Dollar Dems

The Democratic Party has richly earned radical Leftists’ enmity

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The U.S., Iran, and the Saudi Bombing of Yemen

The absurdities of Washington’s Yemen policy are striking

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Boston, Blowback, and Barack Obama

That everyday U.S. citizens confront a world more dangerous than ever even in the “homeland” is at most a minor concern for the US imperial establishment.

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The Chicago Blackhawks, Indian Logos, and the U.S. Empire

Imagine "The Chicago Bad Axes,” with a picture of a manically grinning and bearded white U.S. soldier scalping a bloody, murdered Sauk child.

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On the Organization of Society

Whatever went on between Barack Obama and Raul Castro in Panama, one thing is clear: the former doesn’t have shit to say to the latter (or anyone else) about “how society should be organized.”

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American Exceptionalism in the New Gilded Age

Another great Black American who rejected and even flipped the exceptionalist narrative was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Cuba’s Socialist Spirit Level

We should never underestimate the intrinsic positive significance of social equality

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Name That System — or Overthrow it

Movement-building would seem to be the major order of the day.

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Beyond Manufacturing Consent

Herman and Chomsky did not pretend to give readers anything more than a modest and opening take on dominant US media’s inclusive power-serving role

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Bernie Dreaming and the Hillary Money Machine

For a People’s Caucus Beyond the Quadrennial Extravaganza

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Beyond False Dichotomies: Toward a New American Left

I do not see how the movement required can emerge as long as leftists and many others here are plagued by the false dichotomies and false dilemmas discussed in this article.

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Look Home Obama

If Obama wants to see police state repression of popular protestors, he might want look at his own self-declared “home town” Chicago

Show project

The IS Shock, the ‘New Cold War,’ and the Unmentionable History of US Empire

Careful observers will note that the same imperial, anti-democratic, and petroleum-obsessed themes run though US policy towards oil-rich Venezuela...

Show project

Barack Obama, Monty Python, and the U.S. Threat to Venezuela

The bipartisan US “foreign policy” (imperial) establishment cannot forgive the popular and democratic Bolivarian government of Venezuela for choosing to use its political influence and its giant oil resources in ways that do not fit Washington and Wall Street’s imperial directives.

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Beyond Twelve Years a Slave

White America’s major block when it comes to acknowledging what the United States did and owes to Black Americans through and because of chattel slavery is not a failure to acknowledge that system’s immorality and cruelty.

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The Ruling Class Never Lost Its Way – or Its Power

Though he uses the Marxian phrase “ruling class” (the “alliance between the corporate class and elected officials”) in Losing Our Way, Herbert is either unable or unwilling to acknowledge that the New Gilded Age he detests is U.S. capitalism returning to its historical wealth- and power-concentrating norm

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Capitalist Cotton Slavery and a Case (One Would Think) for Reparations

Baptist’s important book would seem to raise the question of what Black America is due today in light of the fact that the United States owes its emergence as a wealthy and powerful capitalist state to Black slaves.

Show project

What’s the Matter With Thomas Frank?

There was never much if anything for a true progressive to “love” about Barack Obama

Show project

The Moral Autism of the Brian Williams Affair

Like nearly all U.S. “mainstream” news reporters and commentators at the time, Williams never subjected the U.S. government’s blatantly bogus arguments for illegal war to remotely serious critical scrutiny

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Nine Years – to Avert Catastrophe with Revolution

Call me a “catastrophist,” but, to paraphrase Che Guevara, it’s not my fault that reality is urgently Eco-Socialist.

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Hollywood’s Service to Empire: Two Examples

The United States corporate media’s function of transmitting ideology and propaganda in service to those atop the nation’s reigning and interrelated structures of Empire and inequality is hardly limited to the news.

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Beyond False Dichotomies and Capitalist Exterminism in an Age of Environmental Crisis

We have a moral and existential duty to fight for justice, equality, democracy, and livable ecology – the salvation and flowering of the commons – “even if we do not know we are going to win” (Mario Savio, 1994)

Show project

Feb. 5 2015 KOPN-FM Radio Interview on They Rule (Paradigm Publishers, 2014) and Politics in New Gilded Age America

Street talks to KOPN's Deborah Hobson: "We only have to win once. As Rosa Luxembourg used to say: 'you lose, you lose, you lose, you lose, you win'"

Show project

Oil, Empire, and False Paradox: Washington’s Contrasting Responses to the Deaths of King Abdullah and Hugo Chavez

...the United States is an Empire whose policymakers value democracy abroad only when and where it serves their ambition of ruling the world in accord with the interests of reigning U.S. economic elites

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Worse Than Fascism?

Chilling as it may sound to say, fascism would be redundant in the United States today.

Show project

Where “American Sniper” Fails

Like the hit 1978 Vietnam War movie “The Deer Hunter” and numerous other Hollywood Vietnam portrayals, “American Sniper” reflects and reinforces (US of) Americans’ autistic and narcissistic sense that they are the leading and most authentic victims in the wars that Washington has undertaken in distant places....

Show project

Latin America Takes the Lead in Opposing Torture

Latin America quite logically stands in the vanguard when it comes to rejecting U.S. torture and murder techniques and programs

Show project

Beyond “Selma”

"The black revolution …reveals systemic rather than superficial flaws and suggests that radical reconstruction of society itself is the real issue to be faced" (Martin Luther King, Jr., 1968)

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Putting Radical Life in Schools

Schools can and must become zones of popular de-indoctrination, democratic re-imagination, and resistance to capital

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Absence of Outrage

Domestically, urban Black and Latino victims of the contemporary US police and mass incarceration state and are the “homeland” versions of the media’s “unworthy victims” abroad...

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An Historical Row Over “Selma”

Fact and Fiction on LBJ's Role in Selma and the Voting Rights Act

Show project

The Chicago Blackhawks and the American Empire

But, Wakefield wrote, “I must confess, that it filled my heart with gratitude and joy, to think that I had been instrumental, with many others, in delivering my country of those merciless savages..."

Show project

Charlie I am NOT

This massive Western moral indifference regarding the deaths of others is no small part of why terrible events like the Charlie Hebdo killings come to seem inevitable

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Climate Change and “Everything Else,” Including Capitalism

Beyond the Ecocidal Rule of Capital

Show project

No True Justice

"We Don't Want to Get Into a Law Class"

Show project

Beneath the Headlines

The government isn't listening to your phone calls, except when it is

Show project

Because We Let Them

Talk About Surrender

Show project

Worthy and Unworthy Victims From Vietnam and Iraq to Ferguson and New York

Worthy and Unworthy Victims From Vietnam and Iraq to Ferguson and New York

Show project

A Tale of Two Protests

A Tale of Two Protests

Show project

The Narrow Media Spectrum on US-Cuban Relations

The Narrow Media Spectrum on US-Cuban Relations

Show project

Sorry, Mr. President: 2+2=4

Sorry, Mr. President: 2+2=4

Show project

Latin America Leads in Opposing US Torture and Surveillance

Latin America Leads in Opposing US Torture and Surveillance

Show project

Promise and Danger in a New Civil Rights Movement

Promise and Danger in a New Civil Rights Movement

Show project

Campus Town Amnesia

Campus Town Amnesia

Show project

No True Justice in St. Louis County

No True Justice in St. Louis County

Show project

When Words Don’t Mean Anything Anymore: Reflections on the Life and Rhetoric of Barack Obama

When "Words Don't Mean Anything Anymore:" Reflections on the Life and Rhetoric of Barack Obama

Show project

How They Police vs. What They Police: Reflections on Ferguson, Race, and “the Rule of Law”

How They Police vs. What They Police: Reflections on Ferguson, Race, and “the Rule of Law”

Show project

Reprint from Summer 2009: “In Cold Blood”: White Deputy’s Killing of Homeless Black Man Sparks Mild Protest in Obama-Mad Iowa City

Reprint from Summer 2009: “In Cold Blood”: White Deputy’s Killing of Homeless Black Man Sparks Mild Protest in Obama-Mad Iowa City

Show project

Forces, Relations, and 21st Century Eco-socialism

Forces, Relations, and 21st Century Eco-socialism

Show project

Obedience is the True Pathology

Obedience is the True Pathology

Show project

They Rule Book Talk Open University of the Left (OUL), November 15, 2014

They Rule Book Talk Open University of the Left (OUL), November 15, 2014

Show project

Business Rule as Usual: US Midterm Reflections

Business Rule as Usual: US Midterm Reflections

Show project

Top Terrorist State: Interview with FARS News Agency

Top Terrorist State: Interview with FARS News Agency

Show project

On the Frontline of Imperial Evasion at “P”BS

On the Frontline of Imperial Evasion at "P"BS

Show project

Six Barriers in Three Minutes: Some Post-Midterm Reflections

Six Barriers in Three Minutes

Show project

You and What Army? Reflections on Parenti, Vision and Organization

You and What Army? Reflections on Parenti, Vision and Organization

Show project

What is to Be Imagined – and Done?

What is to Be Imagined - and Done?

Show project

They Rule: It All Circles Back to The 1%

They Rule: it All Circles Back to The 1%

Show project

Endless War

Endless War

Show project

Civil Unrest?

Civil Unrest?

Show project

The Nutty Professor and the Attorney General

The Nutty Professor and the Attorney General

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Twenty Fourteen

Twenty Fourteen

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Show project

Progressive Activism as Usual Won’t Do the Job

Progressive Activism as Usual Won't Do the Job

Show project

Krugman Needs New Sunglasses

Krugman Needs New Sunglasses

Show project

“Heart of Darkness”: Obama’s Orwellian Chutzpah at the United Nations

“Heart of Darkness”: Obama’s Orwellian Chutzpah at the United Nations

Show project

“We Own the World”

"We Own the World"

Show project

And Then Came Sharpton: Keeping Black Americans in Their Place

And Then Came Sharpton

Show project

Deadly Drums of War and Oil

Deadly Drums of War and Oil

Show project

An Idée Fixe and a Vicious Circle

An Idée Fixe and a Vicious Circle

Show project

Labor Day Reflections: Saying Goodbye to the Piketty Summer

Labor Day Reflections: Saying Goodbye to the Piketty Summer

Show project

ISIL as a U.S. Frankenstein: Paul Street Interview with Fars News Agency

ISIL as a U.S. Frankenstein: Paul Street Interview with Fars News Agency

Show project

Confronting Institutional Evil

Confronting Institutional Evil

Show project

Reflections on a Bernie Sanders Presidential Run

Reflections on a Bernie Sanders Presidential Run

Show project

“No Just God”

"No Just God"

Show project

Ferguson Reflections: Race, Class, and the Crisis of Democracy

Ferguson Reflections: Race, Class, and the Crisis of Democracy

Show project

Posse Comitatus, Ferguson, Missouri, and Racialized Military Policing

Posse Comitatus, Ferguson, Missouri, and Racialized Military Policing

Show project

Really Bad Media

Really Bad Media

Show project

Beyond Piketty – and Capital

Beyond Piketty – and Capital

Show project

Israel, Gaza, and the False Face of Barack Obama

Israel, Gaza, and the False Face of Barack Obama

Show project

“Mainstream” News as Mobster Dinnertime

“Mainstream” News as Mobster Dinnertime

Show project

Beyond Mental Slavery

Beyond Mental Slavery

Show project

Single Standard Media Doublethink

Single Standard Media Doublethink

Show project

Gross Inequality All Too “Normal” Under Capitalism

Gross Inequality All Too “Normal” Under Capitalism

Show project

Age of Liberty, Age of Slavery

Age of Liberty, Age of Slavery

Show project

Deleting the Imperial Predator

Deleting the Imperial Predator

Show project

Seven Things

Seven Things

Show project

The White United States’ Real Founding Father: Lord Dunmore

The White United States’ Real Founding Father: Lord Dunmore

Show project

Democracy Incapacitated

Democracy Incapacitated

Show project

Obama’s Whitewashed World War II

Obama's Whitewashed World War II

Show project

Giving Away the Game

Giving Away the Game

Show project

Bowe Bergdahl, Barack Obama, and the Horror of America

Bowe Bergdahl, Barack Obama, and the Horror of America

Show project

Citizen Koch and the So-Called Public Broadcasting System

Citizen Koch and the So-Called Public Broadcasting System

Show project

The Pretender

The Pretender

Show project

Toward A New Cold War? Hidden Imperial Continuities and Future Prospects

Toward A New Cold War? Hidden Imperial Continuities and Future Prospects

Show project

Those Who Have Put Out The People’s Eyes (Z Magazine June 2014)

Those Who Have Put Out The People’s Eyes (Z Magazine June 2014)

Show project

Climate of Corporate-Orwellian Absurdity

Climate of Corporate-Orwellian Absurdity

Show project

The Age of Obama and the Vindication of Ralph Nader

The Age of Obama and the Vindication of Ralph Nader

Show project

The Sterling Affair and White Self-Congratulation

The Sterling Affair and White Self-Congratulation

Show project

Beyond the Deep State (Z Magazine May 2014)

Beyond the Deep State (Z Magazine May 2014)

Show project

Imagine Book Talk

Imagine Book Talk

Show project

Beyond the Carbon Death Knell

Beyond the Carbon Death Knell

Show project

Avoiding the Capitalist Apocalypse

Avoiding the Capitalist Apocalypse

Show project

No Favor to Black America

No Favor to Black America

Show project

Disgust Yes, Disappointment No

Disgust Yes, Disappointment No

Show project

Without Even a Side Glance

Without Even a Side Glance

Show project

People Forget, the Earth Does Not

People Forget, the Earth Does Not

Show project

Academic Unfreedom, Forced and Voluntary

Academic Unfreedom, Forced and Voluntary

Show project

Obama Ticket Prices and the Invisible Ruling Class

Obama Ticket Prices and the Invisible Ruling Class

Show project

Venezuela, the United States, and Obama

Venezuela, the United States, and Obama

Show project

Beyond the Deep State

Beyond the Deep State

Show project

Uncle Sam: Top Threat to Peace on/and Earth (Z Magazine March 2014)

Uncle Sam: Top Threat to Peace on/and Earth (Z Magazine March 2014)

Show project

The Obamanable Age of Color-Blind Racism*

The Obamanable Age of Color-Blind Racism*

Show project

Happy People on Television

Happy People on Television

Show project

No Debate, Fake Debate

No Debate, Fake Debate

Show project

“Course We Ain’t Equal”: Capitalism, Climate Change, and Corporate Propaganda

“Course We Ain’t Equal”: Capitalism, Climate Change, and Corporate Propaganda

Show project

Capitalism’s Ironic Defenders

Capitalism’s Ironic Defenders

Show project

Obamaphelia: a Short History and Diagnostic Guide

Obamaphelia: a Short History and Diagnostic Guide

Show project

Keynote Reflections (re-post from July 2004)

Keynote Reflections (July 2004)

Show project

Missing the Marx, More or Less: On Intellectual Failure and Environmental Catastrophe

Missing the Marx, More or Less: On Intellectual Failure and Environmental Catastrophe

Show project

Trumpet of Conscience Remembering the Officially Deleted Dr. King

Trumpet of Conscience: Remembering the Officially Deleted Dr. King

Show project

The Biggest Threat to Peace on Earth: Reflections on Empire, Evil, and American Exceptionalism

The Biggest Threat to Peace on Earth: Reflections on Empire, Evil, and American Exceptionalism

Show project

Dastardly Dollar Democrats

Dastardly Dollar Democrats

Show project

Why I am an Eco-Socialist (YouTube)

Why I am Eco-Socialist

Show project

Words, Deeds, and Inequality

Words, Deeds, and Inequality

Show project

Inverting Washington’s Reality

Inverting Washington’s Reality

Show project

Deleting Corporate Power: Dominant Media’s Superficial Coverage of Problems with Obamacare

Deleting Corporate Power: Dominant Media’s Superficial Coverage of Problems with Obamacare

Show project

Weather Report: Normalizing the Unthinkable at the Petroleum Broadcasting System

Weather Report: Normalizing the Unthinkable at the Petroleum Broadcasting System

Show project

For Intelligent Civilization – on Earth

For Intelligent Civilization – on Earth

Show project

The “New JFK”: Nothing Great to Be

The “New JFK”: Nothing Great to Be

Show project

Budget Slavery, Budget Freedom Past and Present

Budget Slavery, Budget Freedom Past and Present

Show project

Goodbye to Democrats

Goodbye to Democrats

Show project

A Nation Brought to the Verge of Ruin

A Nation Brought to the Verge of Ruin

Show project

Mean Uncle Sam

Mean Uncle Sam

Show project

Shut Down Reflections

Shut Down Reflections

Show project

From Daley Plaza to Syria: Obama’s Forgotten, Fading Imperial Promise

From Daley Plaza to Syria: Obama’s Forgotten, Fading Imperial Promise

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Disdain: On Perry Anderson’s America

Disdain: On Perry Anderson’s America

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No Functioning U.S. Democracy

No Functioning U.S. Democracy

Show project

“You Get a President… Nothing Else”

“You Get a President… Nothing Else”

Show project

“With All Due Respect”: Alan Grayson v. “P”BS on Obama and Syria

“With All Due Respect”: Alan Grayson v. “P”BS on Obama and Syria

Show project

Obama’s Turn to Congress: More Deception on Syria

Obama’s Turn to Congress: More Deception on Syria

Show project

The War Train to Syria

The War Train to Syria

Show project

The “Marginalized Left” – Some Preliminary Remarks

The “Marginalized Left” – Some Preliminary Remarks

Show project

Get to Work: Reflections on Class, Capitalism, and Purposeful Activity

Get to Work: Reflections on Class, Capitalism, and Purposeful Activity

Show project

White Racial Delusion 50 Years After the March on Washington

White Racial Delusion 50 Years After the March on Washington

Show project

The Obama Disgrace Deepens

The Obama Disgrace Deepens

Show project

The Plutocracy Grinds On

The Plutocracy Grinds On

Show project

The Obama Project and the Politics of Race

The Obama Project and the Politics of Race

Show project

Stepping on History: Justin Bieber’s Two-Holocaust Year

Stepping on History: Justin Bieber’s Two-Holocaust Year

Show project

Gettysburg Reflections

Gettysburg Reflections

Show project

Rescuing the 1960s

Rescuing the 1960s

Show project

Edward Snowden, the People, and the Demystification of Obama

Edward Snowden, the People, and the Demystification of Obama

Show project

Chomsky at Left Forum

Chomsky at Left Forum

Show project

Secret Surveillance in the Age of Obama

Secret Surveillance in the Age of Obama

Show project

Power Served, Millions Betrayed

Power Served, Millions Betrayed

Show project

Race, Politics, and Late Obamanism

Race, Politics, and Late Obamanism

Show project

Deadly Manufacturing Mirage, Green-Red Alternative

Deadly Manufacturing Mirage, Green-Red Alternative

Show project

Military Keynesianism Survives Sequestration

Military Keynesianism Survives Sequestration

Show project

Anti-Plutocracy is as American as Apple Pie: A Short of History of American Populist Anger

Anti-Plutocracy is as American as Apple Pie: A Short of History of American Populist Anger

Show project

Profits System 101

Profits System 101

Show project

The Golden Rule: Theirs and Ours

The Golden Rule: Theirs and Ours

Show project

Obama’s Drone War Meets Homeland Resistance

Obama’s Drone War Meets Homeland Resistance

Show project

Imperial Times: The Narrow Spectrum of “Iraq War” Reflection

Imperial Times: The Narrow Spectrum of “Iraq War” Reflection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Show project

Always Side With The Underdog – Interview of Paul Street by Mike Albert

Always Side With The Underdog - Interview of Paul Street by Mike Albert

Show project

Ecocidal Times

Ecocidal Times

Show project

A Keystone Moment: How Will Obama Decide?

A Keystone Moment: How Will Obama Decide?

Show project

A Tale of Two Sandys: Guns and Climate

A Tale of Two Sandys: Guns and Climate

Show project

Dead Last: Depressing Health Facts From Exceptional (United States of) America

Dead Last: Depressing Health Facts From Exceptional (United States of) America

Show project

The Plutocrats Keep Their Shirts

The Plutocrats Keep Their Shirts

Show project

The Vile Maxim, the Deficit Fetish, and the Unelected Dictatorship

The Vile Maxim, the Deficit Fetish, and the Unelected Dictatorship

Show project

Rising Above With Disdain: Class Entitlement and the “Fiscal Cliff”

Rising Above With Disdain: Class Entitlement and the "Fiscal Cliff"

Show project

Open University of Left Talk (December 1, 2012) on YouTube

Open University of Left Talk (December 1, 2012) on YouTube

Show project

American Justice: Marijuana Convicts Scarred While BP Execs Untouched

American Justice: Marijuana Convicts Scarred While BP Execs Untouched

Show project

Election 2012 v. Issues That Matter

Election 2012 v. Issues That Matter

Show project

Our Pass-Fail Moment: Livable Ecology, Capitalism, Occupy, and What is to be Done

Our Pass-Fail Moment: Livable Ecology, Capitalism, Occupy, and What is to be Done

Show project

Americans Want Leadership Now on Real Cliffs: Jobs and Human Survival

Americans Want Leadership Now on Real Cliffs: Jobs and Human Survival

Show project

Speaking Event in Chicago – December 1, 2012

Speaking Event in Chicago - December 1, 2012

Show project

The Presidential Election and the Prospects for a Decent Future

The Presidential Election and the Prospects for a Decent Future

Show project

Money Talks in Many Ways: Election-Season Reflections on How the Ruling Class Rules

Money Talks in Many Ways: Election-Season Reflections on How the Ruling Class Rules

Show project

“There’s No Economy on a Dead Planet”: Reflections on a Missing Election Issue

“There’s No Economy on a Dead Planet”: Reflections on a Missing Election Issue

Show project

The 1% and the 47%

The 1% and the 47%

Show project

Elephants or Donkeys – Does it Matter?

Elephants or Donkeys – Does it Matter?

Show project

Poverty: A Dirty and Missing Word at the Political Conventions

Poverty: A Dirty and Missing Word at the Political Conventions

Show project

Striking Neoliberalism in Chicago

Striking Neoliberalism in Chicago

Show project

The Real Choice – A Response to Wandra Ashley-Williams

The Real Choice – A Response to Wandra Ashley-Williams

Show project

“The1%”: The Pluses and Minuses of an Historic Term

"The1%”: The Pluses and Minuses of an Historic Term

Show project

The Ecological Poverty of Liberal Economics

The Ecological Poverty of Liberal Economics

Show project

Economic Fact as Thought Crime: Reflections on Rubio, the RNC and Inequality

Economic Fact as Thought Crime: Reflections on Rubio, the RNC and Inequality

Show project

Not “Disappointed” With Obama

Not “Disappointed” With Obama

Show project

Killer-Cops and the War on Black America

Killer-Cops and the War on Black America

Show project

TV Apperance w/Cornel West on Al Jazeera “Inside Story US”

TV Apperance w/Cornel West on Al Jazeera "Inside Story US"

Show project

Romney, Obama, and the Darwinism That Substitutes Culture for Genes

Romney, Obama, and the Darwinism That Substitutes Culture for Genes

Show project

Paranoia & Fantasy on the Right: The Demise of Union Power in American Politics & the Public Mind

Paranoia & Fantasy on the Right: The Demise of Union Power in American Politics & the Public Mind

Show project

Psycho Killer Nation

Psycho Killer Nation

Show project

Story Time: U.S. State Financial Capitalism, Presidential Politics, and the Management and Manipulation of Expectations

Story Time: U.S. State Financial Capitalism, Presidential Politics, and the Management and Manipulation of Expectations

Show project

Ray Bradbury’s Nightmare Vision

Ray Bradbury’s Nightmare Vision

Show project

Stinking Hot Plutocratic Mess

Stinking Hot Plutocratic Mess

Show project

Reply to Obama: On Money, Politics, History, and Bullshit

Reply to Obama: On Money, Politics, History, and Bullshit

Show project

Supreme Insult: Obama’s Corporatist Health Care Reform, Single Payer, and the Constitution

Supreme Insult: Obama’s Corporatist Health Care Reform, Single Payer, and the Constitution

Show project

The Real Problem With Obama’s “Rosy Claim”

The Real Problem With Obama’s “Rosy Claim”

Show project

Wisconsin Lessons

This is What Plutocracy Looks Like: Wisconsin Lessons

Show project

John Edwards’ Forgotten Sin

John Edwards’ Forgotten Sin

Show project

Imagine a People’s Media in Chicago

Imagine a People’s Media in Chicago

Show project

The U.S. as a Broken Society

The U.S. as a Broken Society

Show project

The New Military Urbanism in NATO-Occupied Chicago

The New Military Urbanism in NATO-Occupied Chicago

Show project

Speaking Appearance on 2012 NATO Summit and Mass Media

Speaking Appearance on 2012 NATO Summit and Mass Media

Show project

Left Invisible

Left Invisible

Show project

Left Educational Tasks in a Capital-Occupied Nation

Left Educational Tasks in a Capital-Occupied Nation

Show project

Strategic Reflections on the Quadrennial Extravaganza

Strategic Reflections on the Quadrennial Extravaganza

Show project

Three May Day Meanings*

Three May Day Meanings

Show project

The Neoliberal Narcissism of Elite Democrats: Three Presidents and a Columnist

The Neoliberal Narcissism of Elite Democrats: Three Presidents and a Columnist

Show project

Ozzie, Fidel, and the U.S. Media Double Standard

Ozzie, Fidel, and the U.S. Media Double Standard

Show project

The Real Polarization and the Manipulation of Populism

The Real Polarization and the Manipulation of Populism

Show project

Dewey’s Shadow, Chomsky’s Cloud, and the Health Care Debate

Dewey’s Shadow, Chomsky’s Cloud, and the Health Care Debate

Show project

Obama, Trayvon, and American Racism

Obama, Trayvon, and American Racism

Show project

Cranking Up the Heat: On the Chances for a Decent Future

Cranking Up the Heat: On the Chances for a Decent Future

Show project

Won’t You Still Please Come to Chicago? From NATO to Rahmbo

Won’t You Still Please Come to Chicago? From NATO to Rahmbo

Show project

The Deeper Crime: the Invasion Itself

The Deeper Crime: the Invasion Itself

Show project

Nobody Home: Money, Politics, and Betrayal

Nobody Home: Money, Politics, and Betrayal

Show project

Chicago Protest Reflections: Two Wings of the Same Bird of Prey

Chicago Protest Reflections: Two Wings of the Same Bird of Prey

Show project

Is Barack Obama a Fit Role Model for Black Youth?

Is Barack Obama a Fit Role Model for Black Youth?

Show project

The Luck of O’Bama: Will it Continue?

The Luck of O’Bama: Will it Continue?

Show project

The Great Obama Auto Bailout: Saving the Earth is Off the Agenda

The Great Obama Auto Bailout: Saving the Earth is Off the Agenda

Show project

Two Bubbles That Went Pop: Reflections on the Manipulation of Populism

Two Bubbles That Went Pop: Reflections on the Manipulation of Populism

Show project

Despotism Watch: The Sonic Cannon, the Pain Ray and the Irony of the American Revolution

Despotism Watch: The Sonic Cannon, the Pain Ray and the Irony of the American Revolution

Show project

On the Fetishization of Expression

On the Fetishization of Expression

Show project

Megabus and Private Jets: Super Bowl Reflections

Megabus and Private Jets: Super Bowl Reflections

Show project

The Primaries: Mapping the Terrain

The Primaries: Mapping the Terrain

Show project

Reflections on the Quadrennial Extravaganza

Reflections on the Quadrennial Extravaganza

Show project

Fascist America? Not Exactly

Fascist America? Not Exactly

Show project

Tea Party Republicans are Petit-Bourgeois Militarists

Tea Party Republicans are Petit-Bourgeois Militarists

Show project

“The Price is Worth It”: Washington’s Widow-Makers on “the Iraq War”

“The Price is Worth It”: Washington’s Widow-Makers on “the Iraq War”

Show project

Obama’s Sinister Silence in the Year of the Protestor

Obama’s Sinister Silence in the Year of the Protestor

Show project

A Deal With the Devil: A Happiness That Harms

A Deal With the Devil: A Happiness That Harms

Show project

Real Populism vs. Fake

Real Populism vs. Fake

Show project

Less Than Zero: the 1 Percent and the Fate of the Earth

Less Than Zero: the 1 Percent and the Fate of the Earth

Show project

Public Health Concerns? Urban Neoliberal Racism, Mass Poverty, and the Repression of Occupy

Public Health Concerns? Urban Neoliberal Racism, Mass Poverty, and the Repression of Occupy

Show project

Repressing Occupy as Corporate Welfare: on “the Costs of the Occupy Movement”

Repressing Occupy as Corporate Welfare: on “the Costs of the Occupy Movement”

Show project

“It’s People Who Have the Time to Do This”: A Banker Speaks on the Democratic Danger of Leisure

“It’s People Who Have the Time to Do This”: A Banker Speaks on the Democratic Danger of Leisure

Show project

The Empire Strikes Back in Futility: Reflections on the Occupy Movement and the Repression it has Sparked

The Empire Strikes Back in Futility: Reflections on the Occupy Movement and the Repression it has Sparked

Show project

Occupy Wall Street, Mass Media and Progressive Change in the Tea Party Era

ccupy Wall Street, Mass Media and Progressive Change in the Tea Party Era

Show project

Intellectuals and Occupy: Seven Reasons to Reject Condescension

Intellectuals and Occupy: Seven Reasons to Reject Condescension

Show project

Democrats have lost the Occupy Wall St. crowd

Democrats have lost the Occupy Wall St. crowd

Show project

Dorothy and the Occupiers vs. the Wizard of Ozbama and the Power Behind the Curtain

Dorothy and the Occupiers vs. the Wizard of Ozbama and the Power Behind the Curtain

Show project

Report from Iowa: What a Difference Four Years Make

Report from Iowa: What a Difference Four Years Make

Show project

Occupy Wall Street v. The Tea Party: Core Differences Beneath Surface Parallels

Occupy Wall Street v. The Tea Party: Core Differences Beneath Surface Parallels

Show project

Breaking the Spell: Paul Street Interviewed on OWS by Alex Doherty

Breaking the Spell: Paul Street Interviewed on OWS by Alex Doherty

Show project

“We Are Not Aimless”: Reflections on OWS, the Profits System, and Wisconsin

“We Are Not Aimless”: Reflections on OWS, the Profits System, and Wisconsin

Show project

OWS and the Politicians: Against the Manipulation of Populism by Elitism

OWS and the Politicians: Against the Manipulation of Populism by Elitism

Show project

Q & A on the Rich and Powerful: Occupy Wall Street at the Hub of Global Hypocrisy

Q & A on the Rich and Powerful: Occupy Wall Street at the Hub of Global Hypocrisy

Show project

The Filthy Rich: Mass Ignorance and the Mythology That Protects the Wealthy

The Filthy Rich: Mass Ignorance and the Mythology That Protects the Wealthy

Show project

“This is Three Years Late”: In Praise of Occupy Wall Street

“This is Three Years Late”: In Praise of Occupy Wall Street

Show project

Liberalism’s Death Rattle in Iowa: What a Difference Four Years Makes

Liberalism's Death Rattle in Iowa: What a Difference Four Years Makes

Show project

Fall 2011 Book Tour for Crashing the Tea Party

Fall 2011 Book Tour for Crashing the Tea Party

Show project

Obama Should Quit

Obama Should Quit

Show project

Tea Party Brand Spoils: Does it Matter?

Tea Party Brand Spoils: Does it Matter?

Show project

Book Tour for Crashing the Tea Party – Fall 2011

Book Tour for Crashing the Tea Party - Fall 2011

Show project

Sarah Palin, Corporate Capitalism, and Right Wing Nostalgia for the “Free Market” Nineteenth Century

Sarah Palin, Corporate Capitalism, and Right Wing Nostalgia for the “Free Market” Nineteenth Century

Show project

Never Forget Their Crimes, Always Deny Ours

Never Forget Their Crimes, Always Deny Ours

Show project

Dismal Democrats, Radical Republicans, and a People’s Politics That Might Matter: Four Heretical Thoughts and More in the Wake of the Obama Disaster

Dismal Democrats, Radical Republicans, and a People’s Politics That Might Matter: Four Heretical Thoughts and More in the Wake of the Obama Disaster

Show project

Book Tour for Crashing the Tea Party – Fall 2011

Book Tour for Crashing the Tea Party - Fall 2011

Show project

David Cameron and the Broken Conservative Record of Not-so Anti-Government Victim Blaming

David Cameron and the Broken Conservative Record of Not-so Anti-Government Victim Blaming

Show project

Barack O’Hoover and The Austerity of Nope

Barack O'Hoover and The Austerity of Nope

Show project

Who Hijacked America? Bad Journalism and the Tea Party Myth

Who Hijacked America? Bad Journalism and the Tea Party Myth

Show project

Empire and Inequality Win Again: Debt Ceiling “Deals” and Nation-Crushing Here at Home

Empire and Inequality Win Again: Debt Ceiling "Deals" and Nation-Crushing Here at Home

Show project

Whose Black President? Getting Things Done…for the Rich and Powerful

Whose Black President? Getting Things Done…for the Rich and Powerful

Show project

Blaming the Tea Party: How Pundits and Politicians Miss the Real Source of Madness in Washington

Blaming the Tea Party: How Pundits and Politicians Miss the Real Source of Madness in Washington

Show project

On Working Class Invisibility

On Working Class Invisibility

Show project

Deficits Fiscal and Democratic: Teapublican Times and the Long Right Tilt in the Age of Obama

Deficits Fiscal and Democratic: Teapublican Times and the Long Right Tilt in the Age of Obama

Show project

Class Rule: The Depth and Roots of the Current Crisis

Class Rule: The Depth and Roots of the Current Crisis

Show project

Obama’s Golden Rule and the Myth of the President’s Onetime “Small-Donor Base“

Obama’s Golden Rule and the Myth of the President’s Onetime “Small-Donor Base“

Show project

Barack Obama and the War on Black Reality

Barack Obama and the War on Black Reality

Show project

Hope-Killer for Re-Hire: Brand Obama and the Management of Popular Expectations

Hope-Killer for Re-Hire: Brand Obama and the Management of Popular Expectations

Show project

“The Great Tea Party Masequerade”: A Review (by Lance Selfa) of Paul Street’s New Book Crashing the Tea Party

"The Great Tea Party Masequerade": A Review (by Lance Selfa) of Paul Street's New Book Crashing the Tea Party

Show project

Some Big Things Ha-Joon Chang Doesn’t Tell You About Capitalism

Some Big Things Ha-Joon Chang Doesn’t Tell You About Capitalism

Show project

The Tea Party Upside Down: History as Prop v. the Original Destruction of British Tea

The Tea Party Upside Down: History as Prop v. the Original Destruction of British Tea

Show project

On Astroturf and Frankenstein: Reflections on “the Tea Party,” the People, and the Ruling Class

Astroturf and Frankenstein: Reflections on “the Tea Party,” the People, and the Ruling Class

Show project

Why Some Truth Slips Through

Why Some Truth Slips Through

Show project

A Nightly Orwellian Ritual: the “P”BS NewsHour

A Nightly Orwellian Ritual: the “P”BS NewsHour

Show project

Some Left Lessons Across Time and Place

Some Left Lessons Across Time and Place

Show project

America ’s Unworthy and Invisible Victims Before and Since 9/11

America ’s Unworthy and Invisible Victims Before and Since 9/11

Show project

How Much Arab Democracy Can America Stand? The U.S.,the Middle East, and the Re-Branding Game at Home and Abroad

How Much Arab Democracy Can America Stand? The U.S.,the Middle East, and the Re-Branding Game at Home and Abroad

Show project

May Day International: North American Report – The Madison Rebellion and Its Limits in a Global Perspective

May Day International: North American Report - The Madison Rebellion and Its Limits in a Global Perspective

Show project

A Betrayal of the Highest Order: Reflections on Kim Scipes’ Important New Book on U.S. Labor Imperialism

A Betrayal of the Highest Order: Reflections on Kim Scipes’ Important New Book on U.S. Labor Imperialism

Show project

Biggest Issue of Our Time is the Biggest Loser in the 2011 Budget “Deal”

Biggest Issue of Our Time is the Biggest Loser in the 2011 Budget "Deal"

Show project

“The Real Issue to be Faced:” On the Assassination (or Execution) and Suppressed Radical Legacy of Martin Luther King

“The Real Issue to be Faced:" On the Assassination (or Execution) and Suppressed Radical Legacy of Martin Luther King

Show project

America’s Unelected Dictatorship of Money

America’s Unelected Dictatorship of Money

Show project

Awakening From Obama’s Seductive Spell – A Review of Street’s The Empire’s New Clothes by Gary Olson

Awakening From Obama's Seductive Spell - A Review of Street's The Empire's New Clothes by Gary Olson

Show project

The (Profits) System is Working: CEO Pay Soars While Workers Pay Stalls

The (Profits) System is Working: CEO Pay Soars While Workers Pay Stalls

Show project

“Mischievous Speculation”

"Mischievous Speculation"

Show project

Odyssey Dawn, Imperial Hypocrisy, and Mass Diversion

Odyssey Dawn, Imperial Hypocrisy, and Mass Diversion

Show project

“A Truth Kit on Steroids:” Louis Proyect (the Unrepentant Marxist) Reviews The Empire’s New Clothes (and two other left critiques of Obama)

"A Truth Kit on Steroids:" Louis Proyect (the Unrepentant Marxist) Reviews The Empire's New Clothes (and two other left critiques of Obama)

Show project

“Recalls Taking Center Stage”: Wisconsin, Workers, and Corporate Totalitarianism, American Style

“Recalls Taking Center Stage”: Wisconsin, Workers, and Corporate Totalitarianism, American Style

Show project

Hear Paul Street Speak on the Tea Party Phenomenon at Left Forum in NYC on Saturday March 19

Hear Paul Street Speak on the Tea Party Phenomenon at Left Forum in NYC on Saturday March 19

Show project

An Early Springtime of Peoples: The Global Austerity Party Meets Global Resistance, From Cairo to Athens to Madison

An Early Springtime of Peoples: The Global Austerity Party Meets Global Resistance, From Cairo to Athens to Madison

Show project

What’s Good for Capital: The System is Working…for its Masters

What’s Good for Capital: The System is Working...for its Masters

Show project

State (of) Capitalist Absurdity: Reflections Before and After Obama’s State of the Union Address

State (of) Capitalist Absurdity: Reflections Before and After Obama’s State of the Union Address

Show project

The Real Issue to be Faced: King Day Reflections on the State of the Union and the World

The Real Issue to be Faced: King Day Reflections on the State of the Union and the World

Show project

Jared Loughner and the Armed Madhouse that is America – latest interview at New Left Project (UK)

Jared Loughner and the Armed Madhouse that is America - latest interview at New Left Project (UK)

Show project

False Paradox: Reflections on the American Profits-Jobs Disconnect

False Paradox: Reflections on the American Profits-Jobs Disconnect

Show project

The President and the Climate: Reflections on Progressive Obama Delusion and a Curious Line in Bill McKibben’s Eaarth

The President and the Climate: Reflections on Progressive Obama Delusion and a Curious Line in Bill McKibben's Eaarth

Show project

Health Care as a Commodity: On the Irony of the Hudson Decision

Health Care as a Commodity: On the Irony of the Hudson Decision

Show project

Obama Isn’t Spineless, He’s Conservative: Reflections on Chutzpah, Theirs and Ours

Obama Isn’t Spineless, He’s Conservative: Reflections on Chutzpah, Theirs and Ours

Show project

The Sorry Surrender of “the So-Called Radical Left” (May 2010)*

The Sorry Surrender of “the So-Called Radical Left” (May 2010)*

Show project

“Lives at Risk Around the World”: Reflections on the Empire’s Latest WikiLeaks Episode

“Lives at Risk Around the World”: Reflections on the Empire’s Latest WikiLeaks Episode

Show project

Tea Party and Democrats: an Interview on Left Business Observer

Tea Party and Democrats: an Interview on Left Business Observer

Show project

Note to “the Left”: Obama Hates You

Note to “the Left”: Obama Hates You

Show project

Part 1 of Interview by Alex Doherty of New Left Project (UK)

Part 1 of Interview by Alex Doherty of New Left Project (UK)

Show project

Tea Party Triumph

Tea Party Triumph

Show project

Freedom Restored – a Tea Party Satire

Freedom Restored - a Tea Party Satire

Show project

“Despite the Power of Money”: Reflections on the Vapid Obama Commentary of Professor Angela Davis

“Despite the Power of Money”: Reflections on the Vapid Obama Commentary of Professor Angela Davis

Show project

Revealing Moments: Obama, WikiLeaks, the “Good War” Myth, and Silly Liberal Faith in the Emperor

Revealing Moments: Obama, WikiLeaks, the "Good War" Myth, and Silly Liberal Faith in the Emperor

Show project

Reparations…for Present Injustice


Show project

On Imperial Beginnings

ARTICLE: Some July 4th Reflections

Show project

A Callous Nation: Reflections on the Obama-McChrystal-Rolling Stone Saga


Show project

Obama’s Oil-Slicked Presidency


Show project

Silly Goose Expectations: Reflections on Frustrated Left-Liberal Hopes and the Obama Administration


Show project

“Felony is the New ‘N-Word”: Michelle Alexander on Mass Incarceration as “The New Jim Crow” in the Age of Obama



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They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy

THEY RULE: THE 1% V. DEMOCRACY (Paradigm Publishers, 2014) For ordering information, reviews, and chapter descriptions see book link at the top of this Web-site's home page. This book reflects on key questions raised by recent movements and statements about the status of American politics and polity—from the Tea Party to Occupy, from the 1% to the 47% to the 99% that is the rest of us. These questions have also been raised by previous generations of labor, farmer, socialist, anarchist, and populist protesters and critics: Who owns and rules America beyond the pretense of democratic popular governance? Why does it matter that the nation’s economy, society, culture, and politics are torn by stark class disparities and a concentration of wealth in the hands of a privileged few? What is the price of that savage inequality? And what can “we the people” do about it in defense of democracy, a livable natural environment, and the common good of all? Along the way, this book sharpens readers’ sense of who the US oligarchy are; how their fortunes have changed over the course of American history; how they live and think; and how to detect and de-cloak them. Paul Street is a master at revealing what lies beneath the surfaces of American politics and society and bringing his readers to the forefront of action.


wb01Paul Street is an independent researcher, journalist, historian, author and speaker based in Iowa City and Chicago. He is the author of seven books to date: They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy (Paradigm, 2014); The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power (Paradigm, 2010); Crashing the Tea Party: Mass Media and the Campaign to Remake American Politics (Paradigm, 2011, co-written with Anthony DiMaggio); Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics (Paradigm, 2008); Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: A Living Black Chicago History ( Rowman & Littlefield, 2007); Empire and Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (Paradigm, 2004); Segregated Schools: Educational Apartheid in the Post-Civil Rights Era(Routledge, 2005)