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Wed. October 7, Remi Kanazi and Bishop John Selders in New Haven

Ten Reasons to Oppose the Saudi Monarchy - Medea Benjamin

Take Action to Prevent this Execution and Crucifixion

Update: Petition to Tell Obama Not to Give Israel $45 Billion in Military Approaches 52,000

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TV Show: "Palestinians Protest Against PA Head Abbas"

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*** Protests against Abbas in Bethlehem and Gaza *** the murder in Hebron of Hadeel Hashlamoon, a Palestinian woman at a checkpoint. *** Netanyahu flys to Moscow to meet Putin to collaborate over Syria *** the first speeches at 350.org Out+In event in Brooklyn *** Yemen protest Oct 1 *** program #607

TV Show: "NYC Rally for Syrian Refugees"

image for show 606 (97K)

interviews (Hamid Imam, Karim Hammoud, Nerdeen Kiswami, Sarab Al-Jijakli) *** video from 350.org of the start of their Off+On event in Brooklyn *** Latuff cartoon on refugees and Hungary *** program #606

TV Show: "About 'The Real News'"

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*** Yemeni-CODEPINK demonstrations against the Saudi King *** news about the lack of arrests in the Israeli arson murders *** viral video from Nabi Saleh (woman overwhelming soldier) *** the warmongers are losers as Iran deal holds *** featuring two talk at the NYC's Left Forum about "The Real News" (reporter Eddie Conway and founder Paul Jay *** Program #605

TV Show: "As Obama Meets the Saudi King - Yemeni Deaths Mount"

image for show 604 (31K)
Featuring Democracy Now! coverage on the terrible results in Yemen of the Saudi-U.S. war on Yemenis. Also the new campaign to end the U.S.-Saudi alliance is announced. *** program starts with Israeli soldiers breaking up peaceful rally in protest of stealing of land and destroying ancient olive trees in Beit Jala, Occupied Palestine *** news about attack on leader of resistance in Bil'in *** protest rally in Times Square on the 2nd anniversary of the Assad regime chemical attack in Ghouta *** show #604

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IDF Drags Woman They Shot As If She Were Trash

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Palestinian Women Tear Mask Off Soldier to Defend Boy (Successfully)

More about this Incident and about Nabi Saleh on this site

Bassem Tamimi Speaking Tour in the U.S. in September

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How the Israeli Army Cancels a Speaking Tour

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On the 33rd Anniversary of the Sabra-Shatila Massacre
What I Asked the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon

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New Campaign - End the Saudi-U.S. Alliance

Tell CT Treasurer/Politicians "Divest from Israeli Bonds/Stocks"

Connecticut's Israel Exposure

UE convention3 (48K)
First National U.S. Union Joins in BDS

Iranian Exile Interview, The Deal, The Regime YouTube

Over 64,000 Ask for Netanyahu's Arrest When He Comes to Britain

Syrian Government Airstrike Kills Over 82 in a Market

Shameful...Russia Delivers New Jets to Assad Regime

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Multimillion Dollar Ad Campaign to Destroy Obama Iran Deal

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Second Victim of Terrorist Burning Dies in Duma

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Why The Taj Mahal Workers Want You to Boycott the Taj Mahal (and the Tropicana)

Israelis Unmoved by Video of Terrible Conditions at Checkpoint

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