Sunday, June 24, 2007


"The Hole in the Harper's Head" 1982

Around the world, the name Anao Atao has become synonymous with Cornish Music; such has been the unparalleled success of this pioneering family group in bringing their indiginous culture to the Celtic mainstream. Anao Atao comprises Soazig, Kyt, Sterenn & Maela Le Nen Davey, who between them combine a wealth of experience with youthfull enthusiasm and acknowledged musical prowess to produce a truly exciting and captivating rendition of their traditional music.

The group have won the hearts of audiences at major festivals around the world, sharing mainstage with the likes of Sharon Shannon, Natalie MacMaster, Karen Black and Shooglenifty, and building an international following in their own right. Their CD's receive regular airplay in such far flung places as Argentina, Russia, China and Australia - and sales have established Anao Atao as Cornwall's most successful recording artists.

Kyt hails from a musical family - mother played mandolin in the once famous Goonhavern Banjo Band, and little brother Neil is currently touring with the Gaelic group Anam. Soazig used to organise tours for Irish groups visiting Brittany (notably 1691, Monroe, the Bothy Band and Mick Hanley), was an activist in the early days of the Lorient Interceltic Festival, a member of a Breton dance team and a teacher of Celtic dancing before taking up post as manager of the Cornish group Bucca - whereafter she and Kyt paired up. BUCCA signed to Plant Life Records and enjoyed huge success, performing to international television, concert and festival audiences. Their album 'The Hole in the Harper's Head' is still very much in demand.

When the members of Bucca finally went their separate ways, Kyt & Soazig created Anao Atao. With a view to family commitments, the masterplan for Anao Atao was to keep alive and build upon the achievements of Bucca in promoting Cornish music, but not to spend life on the road!. For several years this worked out very well - the duo teamed up with various guest musicians to undertake anageable tours in Ireland, France & Brittany, were filmed for television, featured on the radio, and enjoyed modest success as composers of original music for television soundtracks. This quiet life all ended with the 1994 release of their debut CD soteric Stones・ Enthusiastic reviews and unexpected airplay threw Anao Atao into the international limelight, with album sales quickly extending to five continents.

Sterenn and Maela have been immersed from a young age in the Cornish (and Breton!) tradition. They represented their schools in traditional dance competitions, before joining the Celtic dance team 'Ros Keltek' with whom they have participated in festivals at home and abroad. They are also both accomplished classical and jazz musicians, and have already gained much performing experience through their work with Cornish youth ensembles - winning an outstanding performance award at the National Youth Music Festival in London's Royal Festival Hall.They recently performed at the Edinburgh Festival as members of the accalimed Cornwall Youth Wind Orchestra, for whom Sterenn is Principal Flaustist. Maela also enjoys a demanding role as saxophonist with the Cornwall Youth Jazz Orchestra. Through their experience with ensembles small and large, and with music both diverse and technically challenging, they bring a fresh and professional approach to the interpretation and performance of Cornish music.


Blogger Lizardson said...


24 June, 2007 18:01  
Anonymous darksun said...

Had this on vinyl many years ago nice one . .thanks

24 June, 2007 20:07  
Anonymous Mono-man said...

Now all we have to do is find the person that sold it on eBay, and maybe we can get a better pair of cover scans.. Nice post, Thanks!

29 June, 2007 08:38  
Blogger John B. said...

any chance for a repost? rapdishare has deleted it.

24 October, 2007 02:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rapidshare is drawing a blank. could you repost? also the circulus record is making an error, could you repost? thank you very much

03 November, 2007 03:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

link has del...

30 November, 2007 03:23  

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