Saturday, June 23, 2007

Anne Briggs

"Sing A Song For You" 1973

Early in 1973 she recorded (but never previously released) a third solo album "Sing a Song For You" with instrumental support from "Ragged Robin", who were a folk-rock band assembled around Steve Ashley. The album includes Moynihan's song, "Standing on the Shore", previously recorded by Sweeney's Men. She was pregnant at the time with her second child. Her confidence was at its lowest ebb and it was to be her final studio recording. By the time it was issued, Briggs was living in the Hebrides. The album sank without trace until Fledgling Records re-issued it in 1996, when it was acclaimed by folk music aficionados as a lost gem.


Blogger jason said...

two words: WOO HOO!

Love this record!
Love this blog!!

This is like the best record store that never was

23 June, 2007 13:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was also reissued recently by UK label Bo'Weavil on vinyl (actually the first ever vinyl isue) unfortunately sold out already though. excellent album, thanks!!!

23 June, 2007 19:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this - my life is now complete!

28 June, 2007 10:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know who ripped this, but I can tell you who did, possibly screwed it up, I'm sure the original LP NEVER sounded this way, in technical terms, there is an out of phase between channels, put it simply a possibility is the ground lead fell off the playback cartridge..

29 June, 2007 08:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot my manners....
Nevertheless its a nice post, the song set is superb.. But it would be even better IF someone would rip it again, this time correctly :0))

29 June, 2007 08:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lizardson
I've said it before but there's no harm in repeating myself to thank you for all the months of the blog and all fantastic music you have shared.
I was so happy to finally get my ears around the out of print Nick Jones and Watersons records you posted a long while ago and now this little gem.
As a big fan of UK folk its great to see some of the harder to find stuff.

Thank you thank you

29 June, 2007 17:21  
Anonymous streaker said...


19 August, 2007 09:24  
Blogger Govindas Dream said...

many thanks :)!!! just downlaoded the first album some days ago... great music!

07 August, 2008 14:49  
Blogger Any middle-aged German Witch in Amerika, said...


there seems no dl link anymore? Or am I just too blind to find it? Is it somewhere hidden I didn't think of hovering over in the post?

I found earlier recordings of her recently and I was curious about this album, especially since everybody is raving about it!

04 April, 2010 15:56  

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