Sibiu is one of the most important cultural centres of Romania and, in tandem with Luxembourg, it was designated a European Capital of Culture for the year 2007. Formerly the centre of the Transylvanian Saxons, the old city of Sibiu was ranked as "Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live" by Forbes.
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
® Viper Production™ SRL. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Cele mai noi videoclipuri si melodii ale artistilor tai preferati
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Click on "Show More" for english description!
O colectie de clipuri time lapse/hyper lapse din perioada noiembrie 2013 - ianuarie 2014 care a insemnat peste 5000 de fotografii pentru realizarea acestui video. Daca va place acest time lapse, va rog sa-l distribuiti! Puteti obtine coloana sonora, gratuit, de la contul oficial de soundcloud Chewy Chocolate Cookies:
A collection of time lapse/hyper lapse videos from: november 2013 - january 2014 which means over 5000 photographs for making this video. If you like this time lapse, please share it!
You can get the soundtrack, for free, from Chewy Chocolate Cookies official soun
A walk through Sibiu - Hermanstadt - Romania
A walk through Sibiu - Hermanstadt - Romania
A walk through Sibiu - Hermanstadt - Romania
A walk through old town... spring 2013.
Cel mai tare cioban din Sibiu - El e Ion si e smecher
Cel mai tare cioban din Sibiu - El e Ion si e smecher
Cel mai tare cioban din Sibiu - El e Ion si e smecher
Acesta cred ca e cel mai "tare" cioban din Sibiu, proaspat vopsit (oxigenat) la par si cu cercel in ureche :-))
Pharrell Williams Happy - We are HAPPY in SIBIU Romania #HAPPYDAY
Pharrell Williams Happy - We are HAPPY in SIBIU Romania #HAPPYDAY
Pharrell Williams Happy - We are HAPPY in SIBIU Romania #HAPPYDAY
Director: Virgil Nicolaescu (aka John) DOP : Alexandru Durac (aka Durac) Editing: Andrei Ungureanu Production: Miruna Nicolaescu, Ahmed Hady (aka Baba), Vict...
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
aici puteti sa vedeti cum au decurs lucrurile in spatele si putin in fata scenei la Sibiu. Multumesc inca o data Interact Sibiu pentru organizare. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma intorc. Daca nu ajung in orasul vostru luna asta, din toamna sunt al vostru.
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Premieră astăzi pe aeroportul din Sibiu. Uriaşul Boeing 777 care a zburat tocmai din Dallas, Statele Unite ale Americii, a aterizat la noi în această dimineaţă. Zeci de curioşi au venit să-l admire., Stiri, Antena 1, 16-06-2015
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Superman de la Sibiu salveaza oameni, dar ascunde in suflet o durere uriasa! Ce-a putut sa-i ceara fosta sotie ca sa nu faca avort si sa ii nasca fetita. “Mi-a zis: daca imi pui silicoane iti fac copilul. Si m-am tinut de cuvant”
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU.
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Copia casetei VHS originale filmate de Cristian Ion in zilele Revolutiei din decembrie 1989,in Sibiu.
05 Lena Miclaus Prin Sibiu prin marginime transfer ro 22mar 3adf43
05 Lena Miclaus Prin Sibiu prin marginime transfer ro 22mar 3adf43
05 Lena Miclaus Prin Sibiu prin marginime transfer ro 22mar 3adf43
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
Judetul Sibiu - Poarta de Sud a Transilvaniei / Sibiu County - The Southern Gate of Transylvania
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
® Viper Production™ SRL. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Cele mai noi videoclipuri si melodii ale artistilor tai preferati
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Click on "Show More" for english description!
O colectie de clipuri time lapse/hyper lapse din perioada noiembrie 2013 - ianuarie 2014 care a insemnat peste 5000 de fotografii pentru realizarea acestui video. Daca va place acest time lapse, va rog sa-l distribuiti! Puteti obtine coloana sonora, gratuit, de la contul oficial de soundcloud Chewy Chocolate Cookies:
A collection of time lapse/hyper lapse videos from: november 2013 - january 2014 which means over 5000 photographs for making this video. If you like this time lapse, please share it!
You can get the soundtrack, for free, from Chewy Chocolate Cookies official soun
A walk through Sibiu - Hermanstadt - Romania
A walk through Sibiu - Hermanstadt - Romania
A walk through Sibiu - Hermanstadt - Romania
A walk through old town... spring 2013.
Cel mai tare cioban din Sibiu - El e Ion si e smecher
Cel mai tare cioban din Sibiu - El e Ion si e smecher
Cel mai tare cioban din Sibiu - El e Ion si e smecher
Acesta cred ca e cel mai "tare" cioban din Sibiu, proaspat vopsit (oxigenat) la par si cu cercel in ureche :-))
Pharrell Williams Happy - We are HAPPY in SIBIU Romania #HAPPYDAY
Pharrell Williams Happy - We are HAPPY in SIBIU Romania #HAPPYDAY
Pharrell Williams Happy - We are HAPPY in SIBIU Romania #HAPPYDAY
Director: Virgil Nicolaescu (aka John) DOP : Alexandru Durac (aka Durac) Editing: Andrei Ungureanu Production: Miruna Nicolaescu, Ahmed Hady (aka Baba), Vict...
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
aici puteti sa vedeti cum au decurs lucrurile in spatele si putin in fata scenei la Sibiu. Multumesc inca o data Interact Sibiu pentru organizare. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma intorc. Daca nu ajung in orasul vostru luna asta, din toamna sunt al vostru.
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Premieră astăzi pe aeroportul din Sibiu. Uriaşul Boeing 777 care a zburat tocmai din Dallas, Statele Unite ale Americii, a aterizat la noi în această dimineaţă. Zeci de curioşi au venit să-l admire., Stiri, Antena 1, 16-06-2015
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Superman de la Sibiu salveaza oameni, dar ascunde in suflet o durere uriasa! Ce-a putut sa-i ceara fosta sotie ca sa nu faca avort si sa ii nasca fetita. “Mi-a zis: daca imi pui silicoane iti fac copilul. Si m-am tinut de cuvant”
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU.
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Copia casetei VHS originale filmate de Cristian Ion in zilele Revolutiei din decembrie 1989,in Sibiu.
05 Lena Miclaus Prin Sibiu prin marginime transfer ro 22mar 3adf43
05 Lena Miclaus Prin Sibiu prin marginime transfer ro 22mar 3adf43
05 Lena Miclaus Prin Sibiu prin marginime transfer ro 22mar 3adf43
Hermannstadt (Sibiu),Juni 2014
Hermannstadt (Sibiu),Juni 2014
Hermannstadt (Sibiu),Juni 2014
Sibiu... by air
Sibiu... by air
Sibiu... by air
Aerial view of Sibiu.
Forza ZU 2015, super-concert la Sibiu
Forza ZU 2015, super-concert la Sibiu
Forza ZU 2015, super-concert la Sibiu
Forza ZU a făcut sute de mii de oameni să danseze și să cânte în Brașov, Timișoara, Iași și Cluj Napoca. Anul acesta a venit rândul sibienilor să afle exact despre ce este vorba la concertul prezentat de Budugan și Morar., Stiri, Antena 1, 22-05-2015
Forza ZU in Sibiu - INTRO
Forza ZU in Sibiu - INTRO
Forza ZU in Sibiu - INTRO
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se asculta la ZU.
SKIZZO SKILLZ & KEO / Dimineti in Sibiu (Lyric Video)
SKIZZO SKILLZ & KEO / Dimineti in Sibiu (Lyric Video)
SKIZZO SKILLZ & KEO / Dimineti in Sibiu (Lyric Video)
Click on "Show More" for english description!
O colectie de clipuri time lapse/hyper lapse din perioada noiembrie 2013 - ianuarie 2014 care a insemnat peste 5000 de fotografii pentru realizarea acestui video. Daca va place acest time lapse, va rog sa-l distribuiti! Puteti obtine coloana sonora, gratuit, de la contul oficial de soundcloud Chewy Chocolate Cookies:
A collection of time lapse/hyper lapse videos from: november 2013 - january 2014 which means over 5000 photographs for making this video. If you like this time lapse, please share it!
You can get the soundtrack, for free, from Chewy Chocolate Cookies official soundcloud account:
Click on "Show More" for english description!
O colectie de clipuri time lapse/hyper lapse din perioada noiembrie 2013 - ianuarie 2014 care a insemnat peste 5000 de fotografii pentru realizarea acestui video. Daca va place acest time lapse, va rog sa-l distribuiti! Puteti obtine coloana sonora, gratuit, de la contul oficial de soundcloud Chewy Chocolate Cookies:
A collection of time lapse/hyper lapse videos from: november 2013 - january 2014 which means over 5000 photographs for making this video. If you like this time lapse, please share it!
You can get the soundtrack, for free, from Chewy Chocolate Cookies official soundcloud account:
aici puteti sa vedeti cum au decurs lucrurile in spatele si putin in fata scenei la Sibiu. Multumesc inca o data Interact Sibiu pentru organizare. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma intorc. Daca nu ajung in orasul vostru luna asta, din toamna sunt al vostru.
aici puteti sa vedeti cum au decurs lucrurile in spatele si putin in fata scenei la Sibiu. Multumesc inca o data Interact Sibiu pentru organizare. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma intorc. Daca nu ajung in orasul vostru luna asta, din toamna sunt al vostru.
published:11 May 2015
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Premieră astăzi pe aeroportul din Sibiu. Uriaşul Boeing 777 care a zburat tocmai din Dallas, Statele Unite ale Americii, a aterizat la noi în această dimineaţă. Zeci de curioşi au venit să-l admire., Stiri, Antena 1, 16-06-2015
Premieră astăzi pe aeroportul din Sibiu. Uriaşul Boeing 777 care a zburat tocmai din Dallas, Statele Unite ale Americii, a aterizat la noi în această dimineaţă. Zeci de curioşi au venit să-l admire., Stiri, Antena 1, 16-06-2015
Superman de la Sibiu salveaza oameni, dar ascunde in suflet o durere uriasa! Ce-a putut sa-i ceara fosta sotie ca sa nu faca avort si sa ii nasca fetita. “Mi-a zis: daca imi pui silicoane iti fac copilul. Si m-am tinut de cuvant”
Superman de la Sibiu salveaza oameni, dar ascunde in suflet o durere uriasa! Ce-a putut sa-i ceara fosta sotie ca sa nu faca avort si sa ii nasca fetita. “Mi-a zis: daca imi pui silicoane iti fac copilul. Si m-am tinut de cuvant”
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU.
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU.
Forza ZU a făcut sute de mii de oameni să danseze și să cânte în Brașov, Timișoara, Iași și Cluj Napoca. Anul acesta a venit rândul sibienilor să afle exact despre ce este vorba la concertul prezentat de Budugan și Morar., Stiri, Antena 1, 22-05-2015
Forza ZU a făcut sute de mii de oameni să danseze și să cânte în Brașov, Timișoara, Iași și Cluj Napoca. Anul acesta a venit rândul sibienilor să afle exact despre ce este vorba la concertul prezentat de Budugan și Morar., Stiri, Antena 1, 22-05-2015
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se asculta la ZU.
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se asculta la ZU.
published:25 May 2015
SKIZZO SKILLZ & KEO / Dimineti in Sibiu (Lyric Video)
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once a fortified city and some of its walls and towers still stand.
The Upper Town is newer and features the Grand Square, named for obvious reasons.
The city has a great collection of museums and medieval buildings, and is quite beautiful.
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities:
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Create your own video on ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things Made With Gingerbread Unusual Novelty Egg Cups Unusual Aquariums Unusual and Amazing Dragonflies Things to do With Toilet Paper Rolls Strange and Unusual Sleeping Bags Strange and Unusual Bull Gift Ideas Repurposed Pallet Tables Recipe and Snack Style
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania Music: Constantin Dimitrescu - Dans Taranesc George Enescu - Renouveau Champetre Ciprian Porumbescu - Hora Detrunchiatilor.
Sibiu - A Video Guide
Sibiu - A Video Guide
Sibiu - A Video Guide
For those going to Sibiu next year, when Sibiu is the European cultural capital, a video guide to get aquainted with the city
Sibiu 2007 - A video guide
Sibiu 2007 - A video guide
Sibiu 2007 - A video guide
Sibiu Pictures.
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
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N'oubliez pas de vous abonner! 2 nouvelles vidéos par semaine!.
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We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video.
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip. a dream holiday!
26 countries visited and more ...
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TrampTravel - excursie scolara la Venetia
TrampTravel - excursie scolara la Venetia
TrampTravel - excursie scolara la Venetia
Romania Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Romania Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Romania Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Create your own video on ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu...
A trip to Sibiu, Romania - 2015
A trip to Sibiu, Romania - 2015
A trip to Sibiu, Romania - 2015
A trip to Sibiu, Romania - end of May 2015
Mostly central area.
Filmed with GoPro Hero 4 Silver
"Sighisoara to Sibiu" Lindsaym's photos around Sibiu, Romania (travel from sighisoara to sibiu)
"Sighisoara to Sibiu" Lindsaym's photos around Sibiu, Romania (travel from sighisoara to sibiu)
"Sighisoara to Sibiu" Lindsaym's photos around Sibiu, Romania (travel from sighisoara to sibiu)
Preview of Lindsaym's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: T...
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once a fortified city and some of its walls and towers still stand.
The Upper Town is newer and features the Grand Square, named for obvious reasons.
The city has a great collection of museums and medieval buildings, and is quite beautiful.
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once a fortified city and some of its walls and towers still stand.
The Upper Town is newer and features the Grand Square, named for obvious reasons.
The city has a great collection of museums and medieval buildings, and is quite beautiful.
published:20 Jan 2011
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities:
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities:
published:06 Mar 2013
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Create your own video on ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
Create your own video on ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things Made With Gingerbread Unusual Novelty Egg Cups Unusual Aquariums Unusual and Amazing Dragonflies Things to do With Toilet Paper Rolls Strange and Unusual Sleeping Bags Strange and Unusual Bull Gift Ideas Repurposed Pallet Tables Recipe and Snack Style Edible Roses Pictures of Angry Easter Cats Obviously Fake Easter Bunnies Nerdy and Unusual Sofas Nerdy and Unusual PC Case Mods Nerdy and Unusual Kitchen Gadgets Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards Nerdy and Creative Painted Eggs Most Amazing Sea Slugs Lakitu Super Mario Gift Ideas Kiwifruit Recipes Ideas Images of Dogs Eating Ice Cream Images of Cats Playing Musical Instruments Images of Cats Looking out of Windows Images of Cats Jumping Images of Animals Winking Images of Animals on Ladders Images of Animals in Drains Images of Animals in Cups Images of Animals Being Bottle Fed Double Dipped Strawberries Creative and Unusual Pencil Sharpeners Creative and Unusual Coat Hooks Creative and Unusual Cake Pops Creative and Unusual Business Cards Creative and Unusual Bird Feeders Cats in the Sunshine Cakes Made With Flakes Best Ways To Repurpose Vinyl Records Best Ways To Repurpose Tyres Best Ways To Repurpose Compact Discs Best Ways to Recycle a Wheelbarrow Best Ways to Paint Pebbles Best St Patrick’s Day Cupcakes Best Pictures of Funny Sheep Best Oreo Cheesecake Recipes Best Images of Shoe Planters Best Images of Laser Eyed Cats Best Images of Cats Waiting Best Images of Cats and Dogs Best Images of Cats in Boxes Best Icebox Cake Recipes Best Gift Ideas for Star Trek Fans Best Cake Roll Recipes Best Cadbury Creme Eggs Cupcakes Best Ostereier Baum Easter Trees Art on Drains and Drainage Pipes April Fools Office Pranks Amazing Sculptures Made of Drinks Cans Amazing Digital Animals Fruit Amazing and Unusual Surfing Animals
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things Made With Gingerbread Unusual Novelty Egg Cups Unusual Aquariums Unusual and Amazing Dragonflies Things to do With Toilet Paper Rolls Strange and Unusual Sleeping Bags Strange and Unusual Bull Gift Ideas Repurposed Pallet Tables Recipe and Snack Style Edible Roses Pictures of Angry Easter Cats Obviously Fake Easter Bunnies Nerdy and Unusual Sofas Nerdy and Unusual PC Case Mods Nerdy and Unusual Kitchen Gadgets Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards Nerdy and Creative Painted Eggs Most Amazing Sea Slugs Lakitu Super Mario Gift Ideas Kiwifruit Recipes Ideas Images of Dogs Eating Ice Cream Images of Cats Playing Musical Instruments Images of Cats Looking out of Windows Images of Cats Jumping Images of Animals Winking Images of Animals on Ladders Images of Animals in Drains Images of Animals in Cups Images of Animals Being Bottle Fed Double Dipped Strawberries Creative and Unusual Pencil Sharpeners Creative and Unusual Coat Hooks Creative and Unusual Cake Pops Creative and Unusual Business Cards Creative and Unusual Bird Feeders Cats in the Sunshine Cakes Made With Flakes Best Ways To Repurpose Vinyl Records Best Ways To Repurpose Tyres Best Ways To Repurpose Compact Discs Best Ways to Recycle a Wheelbarrow Best Ways to Paint Pebbles Best St Patrick’s Day Cupcakes Best Pictures of Funny Sheep Best Oreo Cheesecake Recipes Best Images of Shoe Planters Best Images of Laser Eyed Cats Best Images of Cats Waiting Best Images of Cats and Dogs Best Images of Cats in Boxes Best Icebox Cake Recipes Best Gift Ideas for Star Trek Fans Best Cake Roll Recipes Best Cadbury Creme Eggs Cupcakes Best Ostereier Baum Easter Trees Art on Drains and Drainage Pipes April Fools Office Pranks Amazing Sculptures Made of Drinks Cans Amazing Digital Animals Fruit Amazing and Unusual Surfing Animals
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
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N'oubliez pas de vous abonner! 2 nouvelles vidéos par semaine!.
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Vidéos de la Roumanie. Videos of Romania. Videos de Rumania.
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Videos von Rumänien. 罗马尼亚视频。
أشرطة الفيديو من رومانيا.
La ville de Sibiu (prononcée [si'biw] ; en allemand Hermannstadt, en hongrois Nagyszeben) est le chef-lieu du județ de Sibiu et, avec une population de 170 000 habitants environ, une des plus grandes villes de Transylvanie. Elle est traversée par la petite rivière Cibin, affluent de la rivière Olt, elle-même tributaire du Danube.
Fondée par des colons allemands au XIIe siècle, elle fut le centre culturel traditionnel des Saxons (ainsi qu'il est d'usage d'appeler les Allemands de Transylvanie) et demeura même exclusivement allemande jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siècle ; ensuite, elle se roumanisa peu à peu, jusqu'à devenir à majorité roumaine dans les années 1930 ; aujourd'hui, en particulier après l'exode massif des Saxons vers l'Allemagne, la ville est roumaine en très grande majorité (plus de 95 %). Cependant, le maire actuel, réélu avec 88,7 % des voix, Klaus Johannis, est d'origine allemande.
Réf: Wikipédia
Un tour du monde sac à dos à petit budget de 4 ans. 26 pays visités.
Travel around the world.
26 countries visited.
4 years.
Vuelta al mundo con mochila, 4 años. 26 países visitados.
Путешествие по всему миру.
26 стран посетили.
4 года.
Reise um die Welt.
26 Länder besucht.
4 Jahren.
السفر في جميع أنحاء العالم.
زار 26 بلدا.
أربع سنوات.
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Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
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Vidéos de la Roumanie. Videos of Romania. Videos de Rumania.
Видео из Румынии.
Videos von Rumänien. 罗马尼亚视频。
أشرطة الفيديو من رومانيا.
La ville de Sibiu (prononcée [si'biw] ; en allemand Hermannstadt, en hongrois Nagyszeben) est le chef-lieu du județ de Sibiu et, avec une population de 170 000 habitants environ, une des plus grandes villes de Transylvanie. Elle est traversée par la petite rivière Cibin, affluent de la rivière Olt, elle-même tributaire du Danube.
Fondée par des colons allemands au XIIe siècle, elle fut le centre culturel traditionnel des Saxons (ainsi qu'il est d'usage d'appeler les Allemands de Transylvanie) et demeura même exclusivement allemande jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siècle ; ensuite, elle se roumanisa peu à peu, jusqu'à devenir à majorité roumaine dans les années 1930 ; aujourd'hui, en particulier après l'exode massif des Saxons vers l'Allemagne, la ville est roumaine en très grande majorité (plus de 95 %). Cependant, le maire actuel, réélu avec 88,7 % des voix, Klaus Johannis, est d'origine allemande.
Réf: Wikipédia
Un tour du monde sac à dos à petit budget de 4 ans. 26 pays visités.
Travel around the world.
26 countries visited.
4 years.
Vuelta al mundo con mochila, 4 años. 26 países visitados.
Путешествие по всему миру.
26 стран посетили.
4 года.
Reise um die Welt.
26 Länder besucht.
4 Jahren.
السفر في جميع أنحاء العالم.
زار 26 بلدا.
أربع سنوات.
Merci de votre visite!
Thank you for your visit!
Gracias por su visita!
Спасибо за Ваш визит!
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch!
شكرا لزيارتك!
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video.
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip. a dream holiday!
26 countries visited and more ...
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Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Music used:
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love;_token=2QsZKwdO5OHRqOUX4004qljPwr58MTM4MDIxNTY5MUAxMzgwMTI5Mjkx
Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video.
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip. a dream holiday!
26 countries visited and more ...
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Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Music used:
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love;_token=2QsZKwdO5OHRqOUX4004qljPwr58MTM4MDIxNTY5MUAxMzgwMTI5Mjkx
Create your own video on ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu...
Create your own video on ! The medieval city of Sibiu. Peleş Castle, retreat of Romanian monarchs. Iaşi, the Palace of Cultu...
Preview of Lindsaym's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: T...
Preview of Lindsaym's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: T...
regia/ directed by Dumitru Budrala Copyright Astra Film 2014
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
® Viper Production™ SRL. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Cele mai noi videoclipuri si melodii ...
published:24 Jun 2015
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
Mihaela Belciu & Dorel Savu - Ia-ma la Sibiu la tine (NOU 2015)
published:24 Jun 2015
® Viper Production™ SRL. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Cele mai noi videoclipuri si melodii ale artistilor tai preferati
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Click on "Show More" for english description!
O colectie de clipuri time lapse/hyper lapse...
published:18 Jan 2014
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
Sibiu Transylvania Romania Timelapse
published:18 Jan 2014
Click on "Show More" for english description!
O colectie de clipuri time lapse/hyper lapse din perioada noiembrie 2013 - ianuarie 2014 care a insemnat peste 5000 de fotografii pentru realizarea acestui video. Daca va place acest time lapse, va rog sa-l distribuiti! Puteti obtine coloana sonora, gratuit, de la contul oficial de soundcloud Chewy Chocolate Cookies:
A collection of time lapse/hyper lapse videos from: november 2013 - january 2014 which means over 5000 photographs for making this video. If you like this time lapse, please share it!
You can get the soundtrack, for free, from Chewy Chocolate Cookies official soundcloud account:
Director: Virgil Nicolaescu (aka John) DOP : Alexandru Durac (aka Durac) Editing: Andrei Ungureanu Production: Miruna Nicolaescu, Ahmed Hady (aka Baba), Vict...
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2...
published:04 Jun 2015
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
published:04 Jun 2015
Cel mai tare cioban ion sibiu part2
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
aici puteti sa vedeti cum au decurs lucrurile in spatele si putin in fata scenei la Sibiu....
published:11 May 2015
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
#CuDeToate Live Comedy Sibiu - BRomania
published:11 May 2015
aici puteti sa vedeti cum au decurs lucrurile in spatele si putin in fata scenei la Sibiu. Multumesc inca o data Interact Sibiu pentru organizare. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma intorc. Daca nu ajung in orasul vostru luna asta, din toamna sunt al vostru.
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Premieră astăzi pe aeroportul din Sibiu. Uriaşul Boeing 777 care a zburat tocmai din Dalla...
published:16 Jun 2015
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
Uriaşul Boeing 777 a aterizat în premieră pe aeroportul din Sibiu
published:16 Jun 2015
Premieră astăzi pe aeroportul din Sibiu. Uriaşul Boeing 777 care a zburat tocmai din Dallas, Statele Unite ale Americii, a aterizat la noi în această dimineaţă. Zeci de curioşi au venit să-l admire., Stiri, Antena 1, 16-06-2015
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Superman de la Sibiu salveaza oameni, dar ascunde in suflet o durere...
published:25 May 2015
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
Incredibila poveste a lui Superman din Sibiu!
published:25 May 2015
Superman de la Sibiu salveaza oameni, dar ascunde in suflet o durere uriasa! Ce-a putut sa-i ceara fosta sotie ca sa nu faca avort si sa ii nasca fetita. “Mi-a zis: daca imi pui silicoane iti fac copilul. Si m-am tinut de cuvant”
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
published:25 May 2015
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
Forza ZU in Sibiu - Toate mainile sus!
published:25 May 2015
FORZA ZU 2015. SIBIU. Cel mai mare concert din Romania. Live din Piata Mare.
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU.
Revolutia Sibiu-Dec.1989-caseta originala VHS
Copia casetei VHS originale filmate de Cristian Ion in zilele Revolutiei din decembrie 198...
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions...
published:20 Jan 2011
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Historic Town of Sibiu
published:20 Jan 2011
Take a tour of Town of Sibiu in Sibiu, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sibiu, situated in the heart of Romania, is a large city with a historic foundation.
It is divided into two main sections: the older Lower Town and the Upper Town. The old town dates back to the twelfth century and still has buildings from that time.
Sibiu was once a fortified city and some of its walls and towers still stand.
The Upper Town is newer and features the Grand Square, named for obvious reasons.
The city has a great collection of museums and medieval buildings, and is quite beautiful.
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated b...
published:06 Mar 2013
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
Visiting the transylvanian city of Sibiu | Euromaxx city
published:06 Mar 2013
Euromaxx travels to this city in Transylvania, Romania, that was first chiefly populated by German settlers who were invited by the Hungarian king in the 12th century. Today the city is part of Romania, but still has a very active, though small, German population.
More cities:
Sibiu Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Create your own video on ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu...
Create your own video on ! Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German). Historic Center Skyline, 2004...
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Sibiu Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Unusual Things Made With Gingerbread Unusual Novelty Egg Cups Unusual Aquariums Unusual and Amazing Dragonflies Things to do With Toilet Paper Rolls Strange and Unusual Sleeping Bags Strange and Unusual Bull Gift Ideas Repurposed Pallet Tables Recipe and Snack Style Edible Roses Pictures of Angry Easter Cats Obviously Fake Easter Bunnies Nerdy and Unusual Sofas Nerdy and Unusual PC Case Mods Nerdy and Unusual Kitchen Gadgets Nerdy and Unusual Chopping Boards Nerdy and Creative Painted Eggs Most Amazing Sea Slugs Lakitu Super Mario Gift Ideas Kiwifruit Recipes Ideas Images of Dogs Eating Ice Cream Images of Cats Playing Musical Instruments Images of Cats Looking out of Windows Images of Cats Jumping Images of Animals Winking Images of Animals on Ladders Images of Animals in Drains Images of Animals in Cups Images of Animals Being Bottle Fed Double Dipped Strawberries Creative and Unusual Pencil Sharpeners Creative and Unusual Coat Hooks Creative and Unusual Cake Pops Creative and Unusual Business Cards Creative and Unusual Bird Feeders Cats in the Sunshine Cakes Made With Flakes Best Ways To Repurpose Vinyl Records Best Ways To Repurpose Tyres Best Ways To Repurpose Compact Discs Best Ways to Recycle a Wheelbarrow Best Ways to Paint Pebbles Best St Patrick’s Day Cupcakes Best Pictures of Funny Sheep Best Oreo Cheesecake Recipes Best Images of Shoe Planters Best Images of Laser Eyed Cats Best Images of Cats Waiting Best Images of Cats and Dogs Best Images of Cats in Boxes Best Icebox Cake Recipes Best Gift Ideas for Star Trek Fans Best Cake Roll Recipes Best Cadbury Creme Eggs Cupcakes Best Ostereier Baum Easter Trees Art on Drains and Drainage Pipes April Fools Office Pranks Amazing Sculptures Made of Drinks Cans Amazing Digital Animals Fruit Amazing and Unusual Surfing Animals
Sibiu, Romania
Sibiu, Romania Music: Constantin Dimitrescu - Dans Taranesc George Enescu - Renouveau Cham...
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, ...
published:22 Aug 2006
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu city, Army parade and dance
published:22 Aug 2006
Romania travel video trip, Sibiu medieval city, Army parade and dance Vacances et voyage, tour du monde de 4 ans. Vacation and travel, world tour of 4 years amazing trip.
Notre passage dans la ville de Sibiu en Roumanie lors de notre tour du monde de 4 ans.
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Vidéos de la Roumanie. Videos of Romania. Videos de Rumania.
Видео из Румынии.
Videos von Rumänien. 罗马尼亚视频。
أشرطة الفيديو من رومانيا.
La ville de Sibiu (prononcée [si'biw] ; en allemand Hermannstadt, en hongrois Nagyszeben) est le chef-lieu du județ de Sibiu et, avec une population de 170 000 habitants environ, une des plus grandes villes de Transylvanie. Elle est traversée par la petite rivière Cibin, affluent de la rivière Olt, elle-même tributaire du Danube.
Fondée par des colons allemands au XIIe siècle, elle fut le centre culturel traditionnel des Saxons (ainsi qu'il est d'usage d'appeler les Allemands de Transylvanie) et demeura même exclusivement allemande jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siècle ; ensuite, elle se roumanisa peu à peu, jusqu'à devenir à majorité roumaine dans les années 1930 ; aujourd'hui, en particulier après l'exode massif des Saxons vers l'Allemagne, la ville est roumaine en très grande majorité (plus de 95 %). Cependant, le maire actuel, réélu avec 88,7 % des voix, Klaus Johannis, est d'origine allemande.
Réf: Wikipédia
Un tour du monde sac à dos à petit budget de 4 ans. 26 pays visités.
Travel around the world.
26 countries visited.
4 years.
Vuelta al mundo con mochila, 4 años. 26 países visitados.
Путешествие по всему миру.
26 стран посетили.
4 года.
Reise um die Welt.
26 Länder besucht.
4 Jahren.
السفر في جميع أنحاء العالم.
زار 26 بلدا.
أربع سنوات.
Merci de votre visite!
Thank you for your visit!
Gracias por su visita!
Спасибо за Ваш визит!
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch!
شكرا لزيارتك!
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and...
published:01 May 2015
Travel to || SIBIU [Day 1] Romanian Adventure
Travel to || SIBIU [Day 1] Romanian Adventure
published:01 May 2015
We decided we needed a break and Sibiu won!! We booked our apartment, booked our Train and off we went.
SIBIU is definitely a destination to be visited in Romania
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video.
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Mi...
published:31 Oct 2013
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
published:31 Oct 2013
Amazing Travel World Tour of 4 years in video.
► ROMANIA │ Around the world Trip │Sibiu Military parade HD
Holidays and travel around the world. A great road trip. a dream holiday!
26 countries visited and more ...
Other projects COMING!
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Google Map Sibiu:
Dany Thibault & Maryse Guévin
Music used:
Creative Commons, commercial use
Symheris - A Simple Love;_token=2QsZKwdO5OHRqOUX4004qljPwr58MTM4MDIxNTY5MUAxMzgwMTI5Mjkx
(CNN)The Russian military appears to be attempting to set up a forward operating base in western Syria, the U.S. government says, deepening concerns about Moscow's intentions in the war-torn nation. "We have seen indication in recent days that Russia has moved people and things into the area around Latakia, and the airbase there," Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said Monday ... Kerry's warning to Lavrov. Last week, U.S ... JUST WATCHED ... U.S ... ....
In the blockbuster dinosaur sequel a mobile phone magically fixes itself and Chris Pratt talks to Bryce Dallas Howard without moving his lips. @BenChildGeek. Dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic World features more errors than any other film released so far in 2015, according to the MovieMistakes website ...FuryRoad, with eight mistakes each ... Twitter ... ....
By Jack Kim and Ju-min Park. SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Tuesday its main nuclear complex was operating and it was working to improve the "quality and quantity" of its weapons which it could use against the United States at "any time". The comments follow a declaration by the North in 2013 vowing to restart all nuclear facilities, including the main nuclear reactor in Yongbyon that had been shuttered....
Two topless feminist protesters from Femen have stormed the stage of a conference discussing women in Islam. A video of the incident appears to show one of the activists being kicked by a man as she is hauled off stage at the event in France. The two women are from the Femen activist group, whose members are known for protesting topless with writing across their chest ... The so-far unnamed women are believed to be aged 25 and 31 ... --> ... ....
News, Analysis and Service from Germany and Europe - in 30 Languages In Transylvania, centuries-old churches are being "brutally revamped" using EU funds. Original features have been stripped in restoration projects mired in corruption. Luke Dale-Harris reports from Sibiu.... ....
In Transylvania, centuries-old churches are being "brutally revamped" using EU funds. Original features have been stripped in restoration projects mired in corruption. Luke Dale-Harris reports from Sibiu.... ....
Patrick Canning (21), from Oranmore, Co Galway, is about to start his fourth year studying medicine at NUI Galway... He was also selected to travel to Sibiu, Romania, with medical students from around the world for a two-week Saving Hearts summer school to learn about preventive cardiology and vascular surgery. ....
Almost 350 pro and amateur bikers will take the start on Sunday, in Sibiu, in the final stage of the 2015MTBTriad, the 'Geiger MTB Challenge,' now in its eighth year. This is one of Romania's most important and appreciated bike racing competitions, the organizers said, according to Agerpres.... ....
Local lore has long held that the Germanic people who settled this area were children who followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin. ExperienceEurope as it once was in rural Romania Anne-Marie O'Connor... Add a comment. 0. Our first stop, the 12th century university town of Sibiu, was a lovely burg of baroque palaces and coats of arms, sleepy pea-green houses with eye-shaped dormer windows and a romantic overlook called the Liar's Bridge ... ....
Cinema lovers of Sibiu have the opportunity to watch six independent films over August 18-23, in the Small Square of the city's historic centre, within the MetropolisCaravan - Outdoor cinema, "Between August 18-23, Tuesday through Sunday, starting at 21.30, six independent films will be screened, using the most performing outdoor projection equipment existing in Romania, an inflatable screen of 120 sq. m ... ....
You probably don't think about coming to Romania for the food, but once you try it, it's hard to believe no one has told you how great it is. Here are some highlights..Bucharest...Sibiu. Italianate tastes seemed to prevail in Sibiu, and at La Taifas we chose fresh arugula salads with beef carpaccio and grilled mushrooms from a menu filled with pastas ... 0 ... ....
It began with an urge to explore off-the-beaten track Europe, an urge my husband and I shared with another couple ... See more galleries ... From Bucharest, trains are a pleasant way to get to Sighisoara and Sibiu ... Europcar, Strada Gheorghe Dima, Sibiu; (730) 801-060, ... CasaLuxembourg, 16 Piata Mica, Sibiu; (269) 216-854 , ... La Taifas, 10 Piata Mare, Sibiu; (728) 904-034,
Except someone else has already traversed the back roads to this Transylvanian treasure. Prince Charles... No one tells you how great Romania's food is (OK, we will) Anne-Marie O'Connor ... Here are some highlights ... --> ... 0 ... Our first stop, the 12th century university town of Sibiu, was a lovely burg of baroque palaces and coats of arms, sleepy pea-green houses with eye-shaped dormer windows and a romantic overlook called the Liar's Bridge....
Over 200 artists, craftsmen, singers and instrumentalists will put on a show between August 14 and 16, at the Open Air Museum in Dumbrava Sibiului Forest during the 13th edition of the National Folk TraditionsFestival, the only festival in the country that features traditions, arts and cultural realities from Romania and abroad, a press release sent to Agerpres informs ... ....
(Source. Concefa SA). Sibiu, 10 august 2015Release. S.C. Concefa S.A ... The print version of the Semestrial Report can also be obtained from company's headquarters situated in 59, Henri Coanda street, Sibiu...Sibiu, str....