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And the next gig is--- OCTOBER 3rd 2015 at The Convent

at The Convent - a fabulous venue in Gloucestershire on October 3rd 2015

You can buy tickets here

Or you can buy tickets to watch it online and for 7 days here on Netgig


Well how lovely!

Look! I am signing a contract with James Nicholls of Fire Records and Kyle Lonsdale of Earth Recordings. And we are celebrating in my garden -smiley Prosecco and Jam Tarts. What else?cool :-)

Lovely lovely lovely! 

And if you look on the reviews page there are lots of fab reviews of the Anthology :-)

Updating updating on the 8th June 2015

That's the end of the Anthology in it's present form. There may be some for sale on Amazon and Ebay for a while but that's it for sales from me. It has been fun to do and possibly I will update in a few years when more stuff comes to light. Perhaps. Perhaps not..

Other news is that I have signed to Soundcheck Books (publisher of many books about music) with Dave Thompson, (author of many books about music) to write my biography. So I'd best start racking my brains and remembering stuff..
