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Folkin’ Hell, It’s Festival Time

Published Sunday, July 2nd, 2006 by Karl Bedingfield

With the Ely Folk Festival 5 days away Ely Online decided to wet the appetite of our fellow folksters with ‘Folkin’ Hell’, a little mini-mix of some songs the guy’s at Ely Online really dig. All in an accoustic vein, some old, some new and some just so downright ocscure you never have heard of them!

Enjoy and get ready for Ely’s biggest festival of 2006! For full details you can read our Ely Folk Festival event listing or go to the official Ely Folk Festival website.

See you next weekend. John will have a Dragon Slayer and I a diet coke! **cough**, sorry I mean’t a ‘kilt lifter’!!

You can listen to the mix streamed online by pressing the play button below, broadband is your friend for this. If you don’t see the player below then you don’t have the Flash Player installed, that can be remedied by going here.


  1. Intro by Carol Batton
  2. Young Hearts Run Free – Nancy Wallace
  3. My Aunt Edna – Bonnie Koloc
  4. Bones For Doctor Swah – Wooden Wand
  5. Don’t Be Upset – Jeffrey & Jack Lewis
  6. Help Me Find Myself – Tudor Lodge
  7. Graveyard – Forrest
  8. Diamond Day – Vashti Bunyan

If you enjoyed the mix some feedback would be welcome. Thanks.

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2 Comments so far (Leave a comment)

  • At 11:11 am on July 19th, 2006, Mary McGuire wrote:

    Another smashing mellow mix from Captain Calm… wasn’t so keen on the second track but loved help me find myself… well, tracks 4, 5 and 6 really… 7 was slightly harder going =, 2 is a track I like anyway and 8 is one of those ubiquitous ones I’m sure I’ve heard on TV, like pretty much anything Air or Lemon Jelly have done…


    Enjoyed it thoroughly

    Mrs M

  • At 11:43 am on July 22nd, 2006, Karl Bedingfield wrote:

    Thanks for the comments, I love track 2 – a disco classic folkified.

    Track 8 is indeed used on an advert. I hate when my obscure tracks suddenly become mainstream. It’s from Vashti’s album: Just another diamond day, it’s an absolutely beautiful summer album of innocence. Buy it now!

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