CakePHP Podcast


The following are the official CakePHP podcasts, recorded by the community, for the community!

CakePHP Podcast EP22

Duration: 48:13

Jack Fruh and Mark Story talk about Cake3 then get derailed talking about a bunch of non cake related stuff like chewing gum in Singapore, The Special Markdown format used for the Cake Docs, and more.

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Episode 21: Cake 3 is out of the oven

Duration: 28:38

This week Cake Core Team member Jose Lorenzo Rodriguez, who developed the ORM in CakePHP3 talkes to us about the new release.

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Episode 20: Speaking at Conferences

Duration: 26:21

This week Jack and James talk about one great benefit of speaking at conferences: Free attendance

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Episode 19: Know your SQL

Duration: 16:06

This week Jack talks about the importance of knowing SQL beyond the basics of the standard Select, insert, update and delete statements.

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Episode 18: CakeFest 2015

Duration: 16:25

CakeFest 2015 is announced. Jack and James talk about CakeFest which will be in New York on May 28th-31st 2015

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Episode 17: Cake 3 RC1 is here!

Duration: 28:37

Cake 3 RC1 is out! We talk with Mark Story about the release, and what we expect between now and the final release. We also talk about MVC in general and Mark discusses this link–view–controller

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Episode 16: Listener questions

Duration: 31:07

We talk with Bryan Crowe about Cake PHP and answer some listener questions.

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Episode 15: RC is coming

Duration: 26:10

Jose Lorenzo joins us this week to talk about some last minute changes the team wants to implement based on your feedback.

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Episode 14: Upgrading CakePHP

Duration: 24:02

In this Episode we talk with Mark Scherer about the upgrade process when going from one Major Version of the Framework to another (Ie from 2 to 3)

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Episode 13: The Null episode

Duration: 11:49

Buildings don't have a 13th floor, and we don't have a 13th episode... or do we? This week Jack talks about the 3rd beta release of CakePHP 3.0. If you like listening to audiobooks, you'll love hearing jack read the changelog word for word.

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Have a great idea, or would like to join us on an episode? Contact us at

Presented by Jack Fruh

Jack Fruh

Jack's been in the IT field for 20 years, mostly in admin roles, but always dabbling in development here and there. He was attracted to CakePHP because of it's time saving features and good looking out-of-the-box aesthetics.