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Killing the Host – the book

September 2, 2015
Killing the Host – the book

The book can be ordered in paperback or as an ebook: KILLING THE HOST exposes how finance, insurance, and real estate (the FIRE sector) have gained control of the global economy at the expense of industrial capitalism and governments. The FIRE sector is responsible for today’s economic polarization (the 1% vs. the 99%) via favored...

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Beyond Leeching

September 18, 2015

An interview on Uprising with Sonali Listen by clicking here The Federal Reserve this week is considering raising interest rates above levels that have hovered at zero since 2008. News media are characterizing the debate over whether or not to increase rates, as “Should...

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The Sanctity of Debt

September 15, 2015

Today’s interview on the highly regarded This Is Hell! show: Economist Michael Hudson explains how finance became capitalism’s driving force and why an increasing amount of American life is being dedicated to sustaining unsustainable debt values, then gives a radical history lesson in debt...

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Ukraine falters as per plan

September 11, 2015

With military stalemate in the east of the country and the economy in serious depression, the regime in Kiev has had to face some very hard realities. And its very survival is in doubt. Losing on the battlefield and the economic front, the Kiev...

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Keiser on FIRE

September 3, 2015

This is a good interview. Enjoy.

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Reuters’ Public Relations Missif

September 1, 2015

As published on Counterpunch: This autumn may see anti-austerity coalitions gain power in Portugal, Spain and Italy, while Marine le Pen’s National Front in France presses for outright withdrawal from the eurozone. These countries face a common problem: how to resist the economic devastation...

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Book review: Killing the Host

September 1, 2015

The first of hopefully many book reviews. Thanks to those who have already reviewed it on Amazon, we are off to a good start. Pam Martens from Wall St On Parade writes: The riveting writer, Michael Hudson, has read our collective minds and the...

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The Public Interest & its Planned Obsolescence

August 28, 2015

Another in the series of interviews on the Renegade Economists radio show, with Tune Nielsen (Positive Money Denmark, Gode Penge ) and host Karl Fitzgerald. QE for the People by Renegade Economists on Mixcloud Part 2 to the Forest Park interview with Prof Michael...

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Smoke and Mirrors

August 26, 2015

Market Crash Aug 25 2015 Smoke and Mirrors of Corporate Buybacks Behind the Market Crash,” TRNN, August 25, 2015. Michael Hudson, the author of Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy Global Economy, says the stock market crash on Monday has very...

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Killing the Host: Available Now

August 26, 2015

The new book – Killing the Host – How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy Global Economy is now available via Amazon. I’ve discussed the book on Democracy Now and the Kaiser Report, with more planned soon. Thank you for your support. Good reading to...

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Democracy Now: China stocks over consumption

August 26, 2015

Watch the video on the Democracy Now site Black Monday is how economists are describing Monday’s market turmoil, which saw stock prices tumble across the globe, from China to Europe to the United States. China’s stock indices fell over 8 percent on Monday and...

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It’s Our Money

August 20, 2015

I was interviewed on Ellen Brown’s radio show “It’s Our Money”, where she writes: Is the financial deprivation of entire nations engendering a new level of frustration and political unrest? Are the unlikely top-ranked US presidential candidates a sign that the Europeans aren’t the...

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Why Greece’s Debt is Illegal

July 11, 2015

  Capitalism and Government Debt at Odds in Greece (1/2) Michael Hudson says unlike personal and corporate debt, there is no legal framework for writing off government debt, so there is deliberate anarchy in place –   July 10, 2015   SHARMINI PERIES, EXEC....

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EU Infrastructure Undermines Sovereignty

July 8, 2015

The Financial Attack on Greece: Where To From Here? The major financial problem tearing economies apart over the past century has lain more with official inter-governmental debt than with private-sector debt. That is why the global economy today faces a similar breakdown to 1929-31,...

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Why No Means Yes

July 6, 2015

Greece Rejects the Troika. Where Do We Go From Here? Just after 7 PM Greek time on Sunday, I was told that the “No” vote (Gk. Oxi) was winning approximately 60/40. The “opinion polls” showing a dead heat evidently were wrong. Bookies across Europe...

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Greece: On Behalf of Europe …

June 30, 2015

Michael Hudson is a Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He is the author of The Bubble and Beyond and Finance Capitalism and its Discontents. His most recent book is titled Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and...

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Resisting Financial Conquest

June 30, 2015

As published on Counterpunch Back in January upon coming into office, Syriza probably could not have won a referendum on whether to pay or not to pay. It didn’t have a full parliamentary majority, and had to rely on a nationalist party for Tsipras...

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Greek Asset Stripping Similarities

June 27, 2015

A presentation at the Delphi Initiative.

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Fed Cornered

June 15, 2015

JESSICA DESVARIEUX, PRODUCER, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore. So the big question in the world of economics is whether or not the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates and end their bond buying program known as quantitative...

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Global Financialization 2015 – The state of play

June 12, 2015

Cross-posted from The Saker The Saker: We hear that the Ukraine will have to declare a default, but that it will probably be a “technical” default as opposed to an official one. Some say that the decision of the Rada to allow Iatseniuk to...

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