Impure thoughts
for complex times.



August 9, 2015 @ 8:37 pm By: Kvatch Category: Commerce, Protest, Technology

PIXELS pixels PIXELS pixels PIXELS pixels PIXELS pixels PIXELS
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PIXELS pixels PIXELS pixels PIXELS pixels PIXELS pixels PIXELS

Pixel – A physical point in a raster image, or the smallest addressable element in an all points addressable display device.
— Wikipedia

Oh…and by the way: F*ck you and the Pixel you rode in on!

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Lindsey Graham Throws In The Towel

July 8, 2015 @ 5:41 pm By: Kvatch Category: Elections, Politics, Snark

Lindsey GrahamI don’t want a war, but if that’s what you want you’re going to lose it, … We’re going to sink your navy and shoot your Air Force down… We’ll leave when we’re safe, … If you’re war weary, don’t vote for me.

—  Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican Presidential Candidate


—  Kvatch

The Promise of the 14th Amendment Is Reaffirmed!

June 26, 2015 @ 1:44 pm By: Kvatch Category: Rights, Society

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.

It is so ordered.

—  Justice Anthony Kennedy (writing for the majority)

Lives Matter

December 21, 2014 @ 11:10 pm By: Kvatch Category: Politics, Protest, Rights

While small-minded tools like former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, former New York governor George Pataki, and President of the NYC Patrolman’s Benevolent Association, Pat Lynch, mouth conservative talking points laying blame for the murder of two NYPD officers on everyone…but the actual shooter, the plain facts remain:

Eric Garner: Murdered by a NYPD police officer who used an illegal chokehold…IS STILL DEAD!

John Crawford: Murdered in an Ohio Walmart by police officers who shot him for holding a legal pellet gun (an item for sale in that very store)…IS STILL DEAD!

Tamir Rice: Murdered by a rookie Cleveland police officer only two seconds after the officer arrived on the scene in his cruiser…IS STILL DEAD!

Michael Brown: Murdered by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer…IS STILL DEAD!

We know, in this country, who receives justice and who does not.

Failed State

November 17, 2014 @ 11:07 pm By: Kvatch Category: Government, Protest, Rights


When your government deploys its military against the citizens, you are living in a failed state. Think militarized police don’t count? Don’t be so f*cking naive.

This Man is *SO* Running for President in 2016

June 11, 2014 @ 11:48 am By: Kvatch Category: Politics, Snark, Texas

AP (via ABC News): Sen. Cruz Formally Gives up Canadian Citizenship

Canada: “Oh thank God!!!”

Rest of World: “Oh please, not another Texan!”

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again folks: Don’t elect Texans to our highest office. It’s a recipe for disaster.

Tea Party: “I’m not dead yet.”

@ 11:36 am By: Kvatch Category: Elections, Politics, Virginia

…as Eric Cantor has discovered, and all we have to say here at Ragebot is: It couldn’t have happened to a bigger asshole.


Cantor’s primary opponent, Randolph-Macon College economics professor David Brat, sounds like an authentic wacko. Among the questionable theories this Tea Party nobody champions, the moral superiority of capitalism, ranks high. Get that? Not economic superiority…moral superiority. And that’s not all. Dr. Brat has a warning for us heretics who don’t find the “moral righteousness of capitalism” to be in line with our values: Get on board, lest this lack of conviction bring about the return of a ‘Hitler’.

You have to read the article because you just can’t make this stuff up. But I say: Brat for President! Let’s get a robust debate going between future Representative Brat–I mean, after all, no Democrat is going to win Cantor’s central Virginia district–and Senator Cruz!

“Bitch set me up.”

March 21, 2014 @ 8:47 pm By: Kvatch Category: District of Columbia, Government, Politics

Gray said he won’t resign from office if he’s charged in connection with the 2010 shadow campaign to get him elected.

The decades pass. The faces change, but the message remains the same.

Holier Than Thou

April 5, 2013 @ 5:46 pm By: Kvatch Category: Religion

Pope Francis on Friday urged Vatican disciplinarians to act “with determination” against sexual abuse committed by members of the Catholic clergy, the Holy See said in a statement, the pope’s first public pronouncement on the issue.

You know, despite the fact that his conservative bona-fides are unimpeachable, I like this new Pope. I mean…it’s hard not to like a man with the common touch—who blesses the seeing-eye dog of a blind Italian reporter and who washes the feet of Muslim women in a spirit of community and fellowship.

But—and this is a big but—nobody has more power to enforce his (God’s?) will than Il Papa. So if the Pope wants to get rid of sexual abuse in the Catholic clergy, he doesn’t need to ask. The Catholic Church is not a group of friends. He doesn’t need to urge or persuade. The Catholic Church is not a democracy. All he needs to do is kick ass and take names:

“But your holiness, it is difficult to identi—”

“Stop right there! You are excommunicated! Next.”

“Your holiness, we are trying to find ways of dealin—”

“And you! You’re excommunicated!”

“But your Holine—”

“Not another word! Your eternal soul is condemned to hellfire.”


You see. It’s easy, and Francis shouldn’t be asking. He should be telling. At least that’s what he should be doing if he wants to save Holy Mother Church.

A 47%’er Speaks

September 18, 2012 @ 7:16 pm By: Kvatch Category: Commentary, Elections, Politics

In conflating those who, “…will vote for Obama no matter what,” with that segment of Americans who pay no taxes—mostly people who are so desperately poor that further taxation would be an insult—Romney demonstrates that he is so politically tone-deaf, so monstrously out of touch, so brazenly contemptuous of those who don’t support him—regardless of their reasons—that a vote for this dangerous, small-minded, creature of privilege is a waste of a ballot.

I’m not wealthy like Mitt, though in middle-age I’ve made it into the 5% and stand a chance of making it into the 2% by the time I retire. Thus, I’m the perfect demographic example of a potential swing voter, but I’ll be voting for Obama…no matter what!

You know what that makes me, at least to ‘Mitt the Sh*t’ Romney? A freeloader—a person who won’t take personal responsibility for my life. This, despite the fact that I’ve been continuously employed for almost 30 years, with the only breaks being those of my own choosing…well almost all.

I have been laid off twice, and one of those times it was because a parasite like Romney saw an opportunity to make a whole lot of fat easy cash from the labor of others. I suppose that makes me one of Romney’s ‘victims’.

I have taken unemployment insurance exactly once in my life, for 4 months, and I was damn glad it was available, but in Mitt’s world I’m, “…dependent on government”.

As a percentage of income, I pay way, Way, WAY more taxes than Mitt Romney, always have and always will. Mitt Romney, whose budget wrecking policies will literally crush this nation under debt, can afford to talk tough to us 47%’ers. With $240M in the bank and a privileged life free of budgetary anxiety, he has never had to pay his own way, and he can’t conceptualize that government might have to as well.

Arguably, I have done more good in my life and career than Mitt Romney will ever do in his because at least I care about my country, my neighbors, my family, and those less fortunate than myself. The only people Mitt Romney cares about are those more fortunate than himself, and if he becomes the President, I guaran-f*cking-tee he’s going to prove it.

So F*CK YOU MITT ROMNEY!!! Much as I think Barack Obama has been a waste as our President, you never had any more than the slimmest chance of getting my vote. Now? You and you’re whole so-called conservative, screw-the-99%, tea-bagging, cabal of addled dimwit Rethuglican leeches have got no chance.

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