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INTRO The Fake Islamic Revolution Of Iran (1979) The Shia Of Dajjal الشيعة خدم الصهاينة
New CNN ORC poll: Obama, Romney locked in tight race
FIBA Asia Cup: Semi-final highlights
DREAM: Fruit Tree, Winter, Raging River, Darkness
Chop & Tight Waist KOLAT.COM Wrestling Techniques Moves Instruction
Back Exercise: Dumbbell Snatch Exercise
US elections: Obama, Romney locked in tight race - NewsX
Iran - Political prisoner Heshmatollah Tabarzadi's Message from inside Gohardasht prison, Dec 2011
Melissa Joan Hart's Son Quickly Rescued After Accidently Being Locked Inside Car
Hopes rise of progress in Iran nuclear talks
PressTV Iranian hospitals in Saudi Arabia provide pilgrims with medical services
'War is hell - Iran far stronger than US would like to admit'
Josef Fritzl Admits Rape And Incest In Austrian Court
BismAllah al Rahman al Rahim! (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.) The Blessed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said : my ummah will never unite upon... US DECLARES WAR ON IRAN HOLD ON TIGHT ! Here we go, not good everyone hope y...
A new CNN ORC poll of likely voters reveals a dead heat between Obama & Romney. CNN's John King reports. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel a...
Japan have reached the final of the FIBA Asia Cup for a second consecutive year with a 73-66 victory over Qatar in Tokyo. In a tight first quarter, it was Qa...
DREAM: Jesus, Dark in Winter, Very tall Tree with large Fruit raised up high, I picked one of the fruit from the tree, very little Lights in the Dark, other ...
Cary Kolat teaches his chop tight waist breakdown. Cary's video library, only available on KOLAT.COM 2400 + clips and growing. The first and largest online wrestling library. Join KOLAT.COM to access the incredible video library. Find 1000s of more collegiate and freestyle, takedowns, escapes, rides, turns at
1. Place feet shoulder width apart with dumbbell in front of you. 2. Squat down and grab dumbbell with overhand grip. 3. Keeping your heels down, head up and arms straight, shrug the dumbbell up and lift it to your shoulder, being sure to keep your elbow high and to the outside. 4. Squat in underneath the dumbbell, catching it with a straight arm locked up over your head, your shoulder tight to your ear. Land in the deep squat with your chest up and your heels down. 5. Stand up, keeping your arm locked and the dumbbell straight above your shoulder.
President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney are in a tight race as early results show several key states remain very close. Romney... پیام حشمت الله طبرزدی از زندان رجایی شهر _ دیماه ۱۳۹۰.
Melissa Joan Hart might be holding her kids extra tight today. The Sabrina the Teenage Witch star experienced a scary situation after she accidently locked her two-year-old son, Tucker, in her GMC Denali. According to eyewitnesses, the 38-year-old and her husband, Mark Wilkerson, were on their way to a studio when the incident occurred. As soon as they realized the situation, the couple called AAA Auto Insurance who rushed to the scene. They immediately opened the door with a slim jim tool, which resulted in the child being reunited with his mom and dad. "No harm was done and Tucker was rescued," an eyewitness told E! News. "AAA was able to open the door quickly."
World powers and Iran are working intensively to advance talks in Geneva over Iran's disputed nuclear programme, a spokesman for the European Union foreign p...
Muslims visit Saudi Arabia's holy cities of Mecca and Medina throughout the year, but this year's prime season falls in October. That's when pilgrims from ar...
Iran has successfully test-fired two long-range missiles on the last day of major naval exercises in the international waters of the Persian Gulf. This comes... Josef Fritzel, who's accused of locking his daughter up in a cellar for 24 years and forcing her to bear 7 children ...
President Barack Obama says Mitt Romney has locked into "extreme positions" on economic and social issues that he would undoubtedly impose on the country. (A...
Afghanistan is gearing up for Saturday's run-off presidential vote amid tight security across the country. The Afghan Ministry of Defense says some 400-thous... -- was created to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible on the internet through video, social media, and online conversation. Our Facebook community at, is a safe place to ask questions about God and the Bible, receive encouragement, have your needs prayed for and share in the community of God. We hope you will join us. Scripture quoted by permission of the NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved Please click the subscribe button if you would like to know when new daily videos are posted. Isaiah 24:1-23 - The Lord Will Judge the Earth 24:1 Look, the LORD is ready to devastate the earth and leave it in ruins; he will mar its surface and scatter its inhabitants. 24:2 Everyone will suffer -- the priest as well as the people, the master as well as the servant, the elegant lady as well as the female attendant, the seller as well as the buyer, the borrower as well as the lender, the creditor as well as the debtor. 24:3 The earth will be completely devastated and thoroughly ransacked. For the LORD has decreed this judgment. 24:4 The earth dries up and withers, the world shrivels up and withers; the prominent people of the earth fade away. 24:5 The earth is defiled by its inhabitants, for they have violated laws, disregarded the regulation, and broken the permanent treaty. 24:6 So a treaty curse devours the earth; its inhabitants pay for their guilt. This is why the inhabitants of the earth disappear, and are reduced to just a handful of people. 24:7 The new wine dries up, the vines shrivel up, all those who like to celebrate groan. 24:8 The happy sound of the tambourines stops, the revelry of those who celebrate comes to a halt, the happy sound of the harp ceases. 24:9 They no longer sing and drink wine; the beer tastes bitter to those who drink it. 24:10 The ruined town is shattered; all of the houses are shut up tight. 24:11 They howl in the streets because of what happened to the wine; all joy turns to sorrow; celebrations disappear from the earth. 24:12 The city is left in ruins; the gate is reduced to rubble. 24:13 This is what will happen throughout the earth, among the nations. It will be like when they beat an olive tree, and just a few olives are left at the end of the harvest. 24:14 They lift their voices and shout joyfully; they praise the majesty of the LORD in the west. 24:15 So in the east extol the LORD, along the seacoasts extol the fame of the LORD God of Israel. 24:16 From the ends of the earth we hear songs -- the Just One is majestic. But I say, "I'm wasting away! I'm wasting away! I'm doomed! Deceivers deceive, deceivers thoroughly deceive!" 24:17 Terror, pit, and snare are ready to overtake you inhabitants of the earth! 24:18 The one who runs away from the sound of the terror will fall into the pit; the one who climbs out of the pit, will be trapped by the snare. For the floodgates of the heavens are opened up and the foundations of the earth shake. 24:19 The earth is broken in pieces, the earth is ripped to shreds, the earth shakes violently. 24:20 The earth will stagger around like a drunk; it will sway back and forth like a hut in a windstorm. Its sin will weigh it down, and it will fall and never get up again. The Lord Will Become King 24:21 At that time the LORD will punish the heavenly forces in the heavens and the earthly kings on the earth. 24:22 They will be imprisoned in a pit, locked up in a prison, and after staying there for a long time, they will be punished. 24:23 The full moon will be covered up, the bright sun will be darkened; for the LORD who commands armies will rule on Mount Zion in Jerusalem in the presence of his assembly, in majestic splendor. To learn more about the Bible and God please check out
On October 1st the Chinese military will parade through the streets of Beijing, showing off military hardware to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the communi...
This video is actual F/A-18 footage over Saudi Arabia and combat over the skies of Iraq during Desert Shield and Desert Storm. This footage was edited in 199...
Chris woke up this morning with his back sore and tight. I prayed over it a bunch of times and nothing was happening, then my two year old son Zekiah prayed ...
An Iranian opposition group is in U.S. Federal Appeals Court trying to get the State Department to remove its designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization...
Thanks to for audio and text VOA NEWS Tuesday August 20th, 2013 From Washington, this is VOA news. Egyptian police killed in the Sinai...
"THE FIRST PERSIAN ACAPELLA VIDEO" Songwriter: Morteza Neydavoud Lyrics: Mohammadtaghi Bahar Arranger: Amir Azimi Video by: Bluebox pictures - Spring 2012 Re...
Where I live it's super, super late right now, and I really need to get to bed. I promise that the next part will be posted as soon as I wake up in the morning! 4+ comments for next part? -- Miley quickly pushed Nick off of her, his body coming in contact with the wall behind him. Nick gave her a confused expression as Miley sat on her knees, trying to get a better view of Liam. From the looks of it, he seemed like he was coming into her house from the side door. Fuck. "Come with me," Miley said in a rush, standing up and clasping Nick's handing, pulling him towards the hallway. She then dragged him into another bedroom, shoving him in there. Nick stumbled backwards, catching himself on a nearby bedpost before falling. "What the hell is going on?" Asked Nick, utterly confused. Miley jogged to the top of the extravagant stairwell, hearing Liam's voice boom from the kitchen, which was only a room away from the bottom of the stairs. She ran back to the bedroom where Nick was, locking the door. "Stay here!" She whispered in a firm voice before shutting the door, leaving Nick. She quickly made her way back to her bedroom, plopping herself on her bed, hearing Liam walk in a few moments later. "Hey babe," Liam said, leaning over and kissing Miley's cheek as she sat up. "You didn't tell me Taylor was back in town," he said as he sat himself on a chair across from Miley's bed. No 'how are you?" or no 'what's up?', Liam always seemed to immediately make the conversation about Miley's sister whenever she was brought back into the picture. "I was going to today, but you didn't say one word to me in school," Miley said, crossing her legs indian style. It was true; Liam hadn't said anything to her, even though the couple had most classes together, including lunch, where he didn't even sit with her. Now that she thought about it, Liam wasn't even in lunch today... "I see you didn't start your homework," Liam said, interrupting Miley's train of thought. He waved a hand to where Miley's school bag still lay on the floor, not opened. "I...I've kind of procrastinated these past couple of hours," she said, looking at her clock. God, Nick had already been over almost two hours? "I should really start, though," she said, inferring that Liam should go. But Liam, on the other hand, had other ideas. "Maybe you should put it off for just a little bit longer," he breathed as he stood up, sitting next to Miley on her bed. Not making an attempt to induce some romance whatsoever, Liam immediately began to kiss Miley. Miley pulled away, her head turning shyly to the side. "What the fuck, Miles?" Liam whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. Miley sighed, looking back at Liam. "I'm really not in the mood to do things like that right now, Liam," she said, then looked away again. "Could you please leave?" She whispered. Liam stood up without a word and exited Miley's bedroom. Moments later, she heard the front door open then slammed shut loudly, and Miley breathed deeply. She thought about her kiss earlier with Nick, how she was literally betraying Liam. Nick. She totally forgot about him during the moments Liam was over. She stood up, beginning to walk to the bedroom she locked him in before she crashed into another person. Miley had expected it to be her mom or her sister, but it wasn' was Nick. And he had the worst expression on that made Miley want to collapse and cry. "How much of that did you see?" She finally whispered as Nick pressed his lips in a tight line, leaning against the wall. He then stood up straight and began to walk down the stairs and towards the front door. Halfway down, he looked back up at Miley. "Too much," he whispered, but Miley still heard him.
Jesus&The; Third Loaf of Bread. "Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) ...
This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award. Watch this lecture in full here: The RSA is a 258 year-old charity devoted to driving social progress and spreading world-changing ideas. Find out more about the RSA at Join the RSA on Facebook at ------ This audio has been edited from the original event by Becca Pyne. Series produced by Abi Stephenson, RSA. Animation by Cognitive Media.
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson will ask how do we make change happen in education and how do we make it last? Watch the RSA Animate of this talk: http://...
Immortal Technique, hip-hop artist and political activist, came to support the Occupy Wall Street movement. RT's Marina Portnaya caught up with Immortal Tech...
Akala demonstrates and explores the connections between Shakespeare and Hip-Hop, and the wider cultural debate around language and it's power. MOBO award-winning hip hop artist 'Akala' is a label owner and social entrepreneur who fuses rap/rock/electro-punk with fierce lyrical storytelling (think Wu-Tang Clan and Aphex Twin meets Rage Against The Machine). With Akala's latest record, convention-defying album DoubleThink, Akala has proven himself as one of the most dynamic and literate talents in the UK. Inspired by the likes of Saul Williams and Gil Scott Heron, Akala has also developed a reputation for stellar live performances with his drummer Cassell 'TheBeatmaker' headlining 5 UK tours and touring with everyone from Jay-Z, Nas & Damian Marley, M.I.A. and Christina Aguilera to Siouxsie Sue and Richard Ashcroft, appearing at numerous UK / European and US festivals (Glastonbury, Big Chill, Wireless, V, Hove and SXSW) also partnering with the British Council promoting British arts across Africa, Vietnam (the first rapper to perform a live concert in Vietnam), New Zealand and Australia. In 2009, Akala launched the 'The Hip-hop Shakespeare Company', a hotly-tipped music theatre production enterprise which has sparked worldwide media interest since its inception. Previous collaborators include: British actor; Sir Ian McKellen, actor/musician; Colin Salmon and Royal Shakespeare Company Voice Director; Cicely Berry. 2011 sees the launch Akala's latest endeavour 'Illa State Productions' to garner his budding scriptwriting talent alongside TV presenting and as a music composer for various TV and Film projects. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Assalam 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullah, Here's a new series for you, you can check his channel at: There you can find updates on new episodes and maybe other video's.
Western Democracy: Is It Worth Killing For?
Watch my girlfriend's video called "Yes I'm Black";=plcp Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Debate @Rfishercap23 Follow me, Follow her at ...
Shaykh Hamza's message to Afghans around the world. An Excerpt from the lecture titled "Real Love." Recorded in 2008 in the San Francisco Bay Area, Californi...
Facebook : An extract from a lecture delivered by Dr.Uthman Lateef, exploring what it in fact m...
Ceasefire speak to UK Hip Hop artist Akala on the issues of race, history, philosophy, and much more: Вконтакте: RSS:
Funny as hell like us of FB If you are an upcoming comedian yo...
Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world is a brief overview of the inventions that took place in medieval Islamic World and changed the world we live ...
A documentary produced by Hizb ut Tahrir Australia for the first ever such campaign in Australia, entitled the "Rajab Campaign". The Documentary covers the f...
Hamza Yusuf gives an interesting lecture at the Zaytuna College, Berkeley, CA - on the subject of FREEDOM OF SPEECH, titled "Between Militarism and Extremism...
Freedom of Speech Debate in light of the "Innocence of Muslims" film Speakers: Rupert Sutton Abdullah al Andalusi Miqdaad Versi King's College London, Univer...
Tricia Rose, professor of Africana Studies at Brown University, discusses hip hop's retreat from politics and the poten...
The artist taxi driver.
UPDATE - As a standalone lesson, the topic discussed wont seem to fit into the bigger picture that is presented across the series of spirit science. If you'r... Indigo children is a term used to describe child...
Watch the first two 'Madness' micro-docs: Madness 1: Madness 2: Another...
As part of the 10-minute series Dr. Uthman Lateef highlights several examples that cast light on the very destructive nature of social injustice and how Isla...
يركز فيلم "دين تايت" على فهم الصراع بين المثل الدينية التقليدية والحداثة ويبحث في التأثيرات الإيجابية والسلبية لثقافة البوب الأمريكية على الشباب المسلم هذه ا...
In June 2010, the eyes of the world were on South Africa as it hosted the FIFA World Cup. For ordinary South Africans, it was also a month-long reprieve from...
Alain De Botton looks at the problem of low self-esteem through the eyes of the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne, who singled out three main reasons why we might feel bad about ourselves...
Professor Al-Khalili travels to northern Syria to discover how, a thousand years ago, the great astronomer and mathematician Al-Biruni estimated the size of ...
Keith Hart's Improvised Cambridge Tour - Webisode 1/7.
University of Michigan Special Collections Library is digitizing their collection of Islamic manuscripts with the help of a online community.
Dr Christopher de Hamel, Fellow Librarian of Corpus Christi College Cambridge, introduces some Medieval Manuscripts from the Parker Library.
Dr Stella Panayotova, keeper of manuscripts and printed books Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge, introduces the museum and shows a rare example of a Dutch medieva...
Part 2 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" produced in 2000. This part is about the Awakening of the world under Islam - the advancements and discoveries credited to Islam as a system that ran society. -Uploaded by Nahda Media-
This philosophy series will explore the history, philosophers, and context of Western Philosophy. This documentary features many experts that talk about the ...
Science & Reason on Facebook: Stephen Fry @ BigThink: Philosophy, Logic And Reason. --- Please subscribe to Science & Reason...
The Death of Samora Machel, 2011 - A conspiracy theory involving the South African government has emerged, but is there any evidence? For downloads and more ...
Apartheid struggle hero, Chris Hani was murdered on the 10th of April 1993. Watch this photo-story which highlights the key events in the life of Chris Hani.
First part of a documentary called "Ebony Towers: The New Black Intelligentsia" by David Olusoga comparing the state of Black Academia in the US and with us ...
Do You Want To Live Forever? "Do You Want To Live Forever?" is a Channel 4 Documentary following the revolutionary life-extension and immortality ideas of th...
Daughter and wife of musician, Dee Dee Bridgewater grew up in the jazz and the black American music. Today, this same music has brought her until the crossin...
just before independence in 1979 in a revealing expose. The video features some of the stalwarts of Zimbabwes Chimurenga such as Josiah Tongogara and Edson Z...
Arlette Pender is an African-American hair stylist who works upstairs from the Scottsdale Raising Arizona Kids magazine offices. With the increase in bi-raci...
Barnaby Phillips follows the life of one of the forgotten heroes of World War II.
Episode 1 - The Colour of Money: Colonialism and the Slave Trade. Reaching back across the centuries, this program sheds light on historical attitudes toward...
Dec 1998 Child prostitution is rife in South Africa. It's a means of survival for impoverished township kids. Standing at the side of the road two young girls pass time playing like children, until their pimp tells them to shut-up. Their friend 14 year-old Lindy, lifts her top to let a potential client inspect her wares. "They like to suck them because I'm young" she says. Following a girl on a job we confront her white client. His flies undone, he denies he knew how old she was and demands his money back. A passer-by comes to help him out. "He was just following a call of nature," he says. Nobody knows how many children are working the streets. They stay here because of poverty, because there is no home to go back to and prostitution is all they can do to survive. Local police have given-up chasing the clients; "If you catch these people they won't give evidence [against clients] because tomorrow they will be back on the street." Instead social workers try to take the children into homes. The numbers they can help though is small, and most turn back to prostitution.
Princeton University professor and author Cornel West join speaks with Democracy Now! about Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) being censured for ethics violations, ...
Watch the 1st part of this 2-film series here:;=UURS4jW7S2scwUs3mo2ntwHg&index;=0&feature;=plcp People around th...
"If you were to listen to Ukraine's National Expert Commission for Protecting Public Morality, you'd believe that the Eastern European country's children are...
The conflict in Syria has long stopped ending up at its borders. The drawn-out fighting has seen a mass exodus of Syrians into neighbouring states. Also, cla...
U.S. foreign policy toward Iran was profoundly shaped by the events of 1979, when Iranian radicals overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took its diplomats ...
Abandoned: New Episodes WEDNESDAYS at 10P Meet a team of collectors who see more than just abandoned buildings...they see dollar signs! Before the bulldozers...
If you turn on a television, it is hard to avoid the political mudslinging. Special interest groups from both sides sponsor these political ads and have targ...
NORTHERN ATLANTIC OCEAN Tropical storm Isaac / 09L Warning 05 from NHC at 1500 GMT Position 15.9N 59.3W Location 140 miles E of Guadeloupe Movement 280° (W) ...
Thanks to UStream's awesome technology, the NewsHour team will be bringing you six livestreamed channels during both conventions. As Gwen outlined in our chat, the idea is to give viewers a...
Here's the latest news for Wednesday, August 22nd: Candidates on campaign trail; NJ mom in son's decapitation lost custody once; NASA rover Curiosity makes f...
For all the attention it got, Republican Mitt Romney's selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate has not altered the race against President Barack Obam...
Storm clouds are on the horizon...please make sure you can weather whatever comes.
The Lebanese army finally began its deployment after yet another round of deadly clashes between rival neighborhoods in the Northern Lebanese city of Tripoli...
The mayor of Tampa, Florida, says public safety will trump politics if Tropical Storm Isaac threatens the city during the Republican National Convention next...
Workers at Foxconn in Shenzhen China jokingly called the factory that produces iPhones and iPads, "Mordor." After 14 workers committed suicide by leaping off...
Bank employees in India are on a two-day strike. They are protesting against the new banking law amendment act that is being presented in parliament. This la...
Watch full episode here In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the fact that we're all cows eating ...
You have to think like a "Project-Paperclip Scientist", like the German Eugenicist Scientists brought into the United States after World War II. The masses a...
The former upstate New York school bus monitor whose videotaped bullying by students spurred more than $700000 in donations to her is using some of the fund...
24 Hours to get these new Tees! I Love Yo Faces: T-Rex Arms: Our new Forums!! Check out Tod...
"In most cases, rank-and-file Republicans are already pro-gay rights," says David Lampo, publications director at the libertarian Cato Institute and the auth...
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My name's Michael and I'm the Marketing Manager for Wild Frontiers. I'm here at the magnificent site of Persepolis in Iran. I've been in Iran for two weeks now and so far I've been enchanted by this fascinating country. CITIES The capital Tehran is most people's starting point, and in this busy city you can see ostentatious ornaments from the royal household in the crown jewels museum, and wander around the Shah's old residence, Golestan Palace. Just north of Tehran you can visit the Elburz Mountains for skiing in the winter or hiking in the summer. But the real highlights lie elsewhere. In the off-the-beaten-track city of Yazd you'll find a cityscape dotted with the ingenious wind tunnels -- which could be described as the world's first air-conditioning system - the ancient Zoroastrian site of the Towers of Silence, the magnificent Friday Mosque and a number of beautiful palaces and gardens. Shiraz meanwhile is a lovely university town, known as the city of poets, wine, literature and flowers, and is a real delight. I particularly loved visiting the atmospheric tomb of the Persian poet Hafez. In the evenings it has a magical atmosphere as people gather to read poetry and celebrate the life of this revered poet. Shiraz is also blessed with numerous picturesque mosques and beautiful gardens. The jewel in the Persian crown is undoubtedly the beautiful city of Esfahan, which has one of the largest squares in the world in the breathtaking Naqsh Jahan Square and probably the most stunning Islamic architecture found anywhere. Esfahan is unbelievably picturesque, with its famed bridges and lively bazaars. ANCIENT SITES Iran has a long and rich history, with the Persian Empire at one point ruling over 44% of the world's population. The country is home to some world-class archaeological sites, including the rock-carved tombs of Nagsh e Rostam, where Darius the great is buried, and the spectacular Achamaenid palace complex at Persepolis. This ancient palace was built by Darius the Great to celebrate events such as the Persian New Year, when representatives from the four corners of the empire would congregate. This vast site merits at least a couple of hours to explore the ruins and bas reliefs. SCENERY But it's not only about the cities and ancient sites, the scenery of Iran is an unexpected highlight. From beautiful picnic spots such as the Murgon Waterfalls, to fertile valleys in the Bavanat Mountains, where you can encounter Kashqai nomads and see a way of life that has changed little over centuries. In the Dena mountains around Yasuj you'll find an alpine scenery of snow-capped mountains, lakes and streams. It is well worth spending some time away from the better-known cultural sites to explore this lesser-known side of Iran. It really is a beautiful country. THE PEOPLE The people of Iran are another real highlight, being welcoming and keen to engage in conversation about everything from politics to football. You are likely to be surrounded by schoolkids asking you questions, offered tea and invited to share in picnics with the locals pretty much wherever you go. If ever a people were misrepresented by a regime it would be the Iranians. Thanks to a baby boom in the 80's, over 60% of its 70 million population are aged under 30. This generation is well-educated, worldly, and exposed to global media through the internet. Walking around the streets -- which are incidentally very safe - this certainly feels like a nation on the cusp of change. So forget about any preconceptions you may have about safety, security, or the welcome you'll receive in Iran. I've found the people to be the friendliest and most hospitable I've found anywhere in the world. So check out Wild Frontiers' tours to Iran and discover for yourself this fascinating country.
Islamic Republic of Iran جمهوري اسلامي ايران
a glimpse over Iran City's, Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Mazandaran climates and attractions.
Once again we went to the middle of Tehran and saw the beautiful Tehran Bazzar. Bazzar is not only a place for shopping, but also a place for visiting people especially seeing Iranian people and talking to them. So we went and saw the Persian Carpet Market in Tehran Bazzar. As the second part you can see some natural attractions of Iran in Mount Damavand. The last part of our journey was visiting Chaldareh in Mazandaran province. Available on Sahar TV website: The way of the mind, The way of the earning. iran travel guide for tourist & holidays,you must see IRAN before you die part 2 videos You can watch from. Iran - Travel and Tourism. Discover it with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (), travel guides and trav. 1. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: 2. OUR AWESOME TRAVEL WEBSITE: Iran blew our mind! The hospitality. My name's Michael and I'm the Marketing Manager for Wild Frontiers. I'm here at the magnificent site of Persepolis in Iran. I've been in Iran for two weeks n. When you're talking about travel and tourism to Iran, you can't overlook the question of U.S. and international sanctions imposed against Tehran as part of t.
Press TV's documentary program "Tehran, Iran" follows an Australian tourist who travels to Tehran for the first time; it depicts different aspects of life in Iran's capital, from art and culture to science and research. Follow our Facebook on: Follow our Twitter on: Follow our Tumblr on:
Watch Wild Frontiers travel guide to Iran and see all the highlights of this fascinating country in this short 60 second film - from the ancient site of Persepolis to the beautiful cities of Shiraz, Yazd and Isfahan, and the beautiful Zagros Mountains.
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visitors can travel back in time. The small town of Abyaneh has adhered to old, traditional ways of doing things. The historic red clay buildings of their town climb up the slopes of Karkass Mountain. The Abyunaki can still be seen wearing the traditional clothing of their heritage. The village is believed to be one of the oldest in Iran. It is impossible not to feel the awesome weight of passing years when visiting Abyaneh.
Iran Travel Guide (Part 1 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg
Iran Travel Guide Part of Sahar English TV Live Show Production.
In this version, the last episode of Iran Travel Guide, Mohsen Nazaran , the host of the show traveled to Kish Island. It is part of the Hormozgan Province of Iran. Due to its free trade zone status, it is touted as a consumer's paradise, with numerous malls, shopping centres, tourist attractions, and resort hotels. Then he went to Tezerj waterfall in Hormozgan Province. Then, to The Borujerdi House, a historic house in Kashan. The house was built in 1857. It consists of a rectangular beautiful courtyard, delightful wall paintings by the royal painter Kamal-ol-molk, and three 40 meter tall wind towers which help cool the house to unusually cool temperatures. The house took eighteen years to build using 150 craftsmen. Then he went to Abyaneh, Shemshak ski resort in Tehran, Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan, the old bazzar of Isfahan and Shoormast lake in Mazandaran province.
Iran - Travel and Tourism. Discover it with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (, travel guides and trav...
Hi! Here is Tehran on 18th september 2012... The iranian people are the most friendly, helpfully and kind person i 've seen in my life... So i recommend Iran to any travellers... it's a fantastic country to discover... !!! Thanks to all iranian people for your warm hospitality !!!
When it comes to Tehran, it's impossible to avoid politics and easy to overlook the Iranian city's thriving culinary scene. In our first installment of The MUNCHIES Guide to Tehran, our host Gelareh Kiazand introduces us to the bustling street food offerings in the city. We begin our journey at the capital city's Grand Bazaar, since that's where commodities first arrive. Gelareh beelines for the market's food stands, where she samples dried fruits and nuts while waiting out the line at Moslem Restaurant, frequented by up to 5,000 kebab connoisseurs daily—well worth it for her favorite tah chin. At the more modest and bygone Tajrish Bazaar, she's the proverbial kid in a candy store, wading through copper and carpet vendors in search of sweet snacks, such as grape molasses and lavasak (fruit leather). Check out MUNCHIES Guide to the North of England: Subscribe to Munchies here: Check out for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Remarques: Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit. Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut... Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je...
JULY20,Iran Travel Guide Live Show (1 of 8),Sahar English TV Production 25fps.mpg. This is the summary of Lonely Planet Iran (Country Guide) by Andrew Burke.
Travel video about destination Tunisia. Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to give way to French colonial rule until present day Independence. In the old town, there are more than 700 historic monuments which include 200 palaces, a colourful variety of buildings and numerous mosques.Among shoreline lava rock is the entrance to the Ghar El-Kebir, a collection of sandstone grottos. During Roman times, thousands of slaves were forced to bring building material for Carthage and El Djem from subterranean shafts. In Sousse, the simple fort of Ribat is probably the oldest Islamic building in North Africa, in which Muslim soldiers lived in monastery-like isolation and in the town’s Archaeological Museum there is a fantastic range of mosaics, predominantly from Punic and Roman excavations. Gabes is an oasis town which overflows with luxuriant floral splendour. By horse and carriage visitors can travel through one of the most beautiful maritime oases in Tunisia where, under 500,000 date palms, tobacco, henna, pumpkins, apricots and bananas thrive. The focal point of important caravan routes and trading centre for goods from Libya and Black Africa, Medenine is a very charming and lively city. Its reinforced honeycomb-shaped caves were the extraordinary-looking buildings that many will recall from the film ‘Star Wars’. The Sahara is the largest desert on earth, with different landscapes such as rock deserts, salt deserts and serene oases. Kebili is located on the edge of a huge salt lake and is a typical desert village with a green oasis and Artesian springs which provide water for its fruit and vegetable gardens. Nefta is also a green paradise in the desert, an oasis town that boasts no less than 152 Artesian wells. Dougga contains Tunisia’s most important ruins which nestle in the hills among shimmering olive trees and poppy fields. Endless deserts and fertile oases, busy towns and isolated mountain regions, Roman temples and Muslim mosques: Tunisia is tempting!
The second and final round of Brazil’s presidential election will take place on 26 October 2014. Centre-right and pro-business candidate Aecio Neves, is running neck-to-neck with centre-left candidate President Dilma Rousseff. It is important for India, and particularly Indian companies which have substantial business investments in the country, to closely watch the election – the Brazilian electorate is known for throwing up surprises. What is the current status of Brazil-India relations? What are the expectations for the bilateral under each presidential candidate? What could the business environment look like under each candidate? What are the significant economic policies Rousseff is likely to adapt? What kind of pro-business policies is Neves is likely to implement? What would these policies mean for Indian business?
Taken from "The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer mus...
Press conference being held near ASU by Davon Durant's girlfriend Kelsi Langley and civil rights activist Jarrett Muapin. Davon faces charges after witnesses called 911 to report a domestic assault. We play the 911 call here on News Now.Then, Jeff Moriarty joins Samia Khan for "Tech Talk with Jeff." Today's topics? Between Meerkat and Periscope, which streaming service app is better? Plus, details on Amazon local and just how quick Amazon same-day delivery really is. Then, John Hook joins Samia to discuss the Religious Freedom Act, and shares his perspective on the topic, creating an engaging conversation with viewers about the hypothetical gay couple who may have a baker refuse them a wedding cake. Then, John and Samia discuss reports that a cell phone video shot by one of the passengers on the Germanwings plane that crashed has been discovered, capturing the final moments before the tragedy.
ORIGINALLY RECORDED September 20, 2011 Ernest�Bai�Koroma, president of Sierra Leone, and�Alassane�Ouattara, president of�C�ted�Ivoire, discuss the post-confl...
Representative of countries express their view in Special committee for sanction on Iran in Security Council on Wednesday 25 March 2015 ,
İran Devrim Muhafızları Ordusu başlattığı askeri tatbikatta maket Amerikan uçak gemisi onlarca füzenin isabetiyle batırıldı.
100 Years of Beauty - Episode 3: Iran (Sabrina) For licensing and media inquiries: Produced, Directed, and Edited by Talent Sabrina Sarajy Xem nhiều hơn tại huu cong, linh miu, huu cong va linh miu, hữu công, hữu công và linh miu,Linh Miu Huu Cong, Hữu Công Linh Miu Mới Nhất, Huu Cong Linh Miu moi nhat,
FIFA 15 (FUT) - CUP FINAL - Iran vs Inter This game was played on XBOX ONE
Here is a LINK to MY WEB SITE FRIENDS Aliens stop WW3. UFO shoots down missile meant to begin ww3. Human race has been saved by UFO . Aliens stop WW3. UFO shoots down missile meant to . Here is a LINK to MY WEB SITE FRIENDS Aliens stop WW3. UFO shoots down missile meant to begin ww3. Human race has been saved by UFO . Aliens stop WW3. UFO shoots down missile meant to . Here is a LINK to MY WEB SITE FRIENDS Aliens stop WW3. UFO shoots down missile meant to begin ww3. Human race has been saved by UFO from the Pleadian .
Iranian Ayatollah pushed "Death to America" and we negotiate in faith with him. The most transparent administration and the President who says he follows the constitution is willing to grow government any way he can until he is successful As always, we'll be covering current events, including those weird news items that you may not have heard or read in the mainstream media accounts. - Captured Live on Ustream at
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran. That's according to a report by the Israeli Channel 2 TV station, citing an unnamed senior
Excerpts: Iran anti-piracy warships off Yemen coast. Iran, Hezbollah militia. training Houthis ... Special Iran.
Big News Network 2015-04-15Iran, Syria and Iraq will sign a major gas deal here on Monday to transfer Iran's ... Iran's caretaker .
Big News Network 2015-04-15Turkey has turned down a proposal from Iran for doubling its gas imports from the Islamic Republic ...
Big News Network 2015-04-15Iran nuclear negotiations take 'historic step' Obama: US 'will be blamed' if Congress sabotages Iran nuclear deal.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-15"Iran is the world's leading sponsor of terrorism, and a nuclear-armed Iran will further destabilize a very volatile region.
noodls 2015-04-15... of Iran's nuclear program: ... we must ensure that Iran is never allowed to develop a nuclear weapon.
noodls 2015-04-15(CNN)At the heart of the concerns surrounding the deal with Iran is a simple question: Is Iran rational?
CNN 2015-04-15... missile systems to Iran, before a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in this northern German city.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-15Jim Inhofe, senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement about the Iran deal:
noodls 2015-04-15and Iranian citizenship, but Iran does not recognize dual nationality for its citizens ... Iran's Fars ...
Voa News 2015-04-15... Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, 19-0.
noodls 2015-04-15The Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca is the newest frontier in Saudi Arabia and Iran's intensifying regional rivalry.
Big News Network 2015-04-15-led P5+1 deal with Iran on its nuclear program.
PR Newswire 2015-04-15Coordinates: 32°N 53°E / 32°N 53°E / 32; 53
Iran (i/ɪˈrɑːn/ or /aɪˈræn/;Persian: ایران [ʔiˈɾɒn] (
listen)), officially the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: جمهوری اسلامی ایران Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān), is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran", which in Persian means "Land of the Aryans", has been in use natively since the Sassanian era. It came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia (
/ˈpɜrʒə/ or /ˈpɜrʃə/). Both "Persia" and "Iran" are used interchangeably in cultural contexts; however, "Iran" is the name used officially in political contexts.
The 18th-largest country in the world in terms of area at 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), Iran has a population of around 79 million. It is a country of particular geopolitical significance owing to its location in the Middle East and central Eurasia. Iran is bordered on the north by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. As Iran is a littoral state of the Caspian Sea, which is an inland sea, Kazakhstan and Russia are also Iran's direct neighbors to the north. Iran is bordered on the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, on the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, on the west by Iraq and on the northwest by Turkey. Tehran is the capital, the country's largest city and the political, cultural, commercial and industrial center of the nation. Iran is a regional power, and holds an important position in international energy security and world economy as a result of its large reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Iran has the second largest proven natural gas reserves in the world and the fourth largest proven petroleum reserves.
[Verse 1:]
In the city of Angels gotta watch what you doing watch your back
When your dealing with em boys in blue
South West holding back Rampart division the worst
Pico shift gang unit leavin' you ride on a hearse
Part times in the street but against all odds
187 on a jura you don't want to get caught
3 strikes in da county false charges in bulk
The strict attorney is all crook it evidence over look
Gang in hands when they sentence young homies to life
25 with an L defendenced don't fight racist cops
Pulls up over violent their own law
Trigger happy officers another name in the wall
Da little homies bound to loose it
Cause the system they face make one mistake
In the city & they cealed your faith
Fucken pigs always trippen got me packin' a gun
On the one two striking dats your life on the sun
[Verse 2:]
Sounds of sirens in the night dodging the black and whites
The ghetto birds up in the sky with them big spot lights
Still the crime rate increases
And da shit never ceases
Broken lifes county lifes living families in pieces
To many prisons in the state of California to make one times on the proud
Got us fighting these cases penitentiary bounds
Cause they ain't no love in the streets
Got lil homies locked homies rest in peace
Don't get these shit twisted homie cause da shit don't stop
Dats why 187 on a muthafucken cop
Till the day dat we die
Gonna always come and try
To look us up in the pen they don't need no reason why
Dats the reason why they got us organized in the hood
California just a system just ain't no good
FUCK THE PIGS in my city they can burn in Hell
I kill ah hundred fucken juras before they take me to jail
[Verse 3:]
Locked up in jail handcuff to da rail
Ain't no money for bail
They wanna give me a deal got me stuck
Like a truck straight shit of luck
I know I'm heading for da pen nobody gives ah fuck
What can I do keep it true got me singing the blues
Walk a mile on my shoes
And let me see your attitude
I ain't heard 4rm none of my homies yet
Strollin' to the fucken yard puffin' on a cigarette
Got feelin' so trap number 1 stay strap
The other day they struck ah rat
30 times in the back
Fuck that I kickback
I ain't tryin'' to snap going against da fucking grain
You about to get tax I play cool around my program as smoothest I can
Tryin' na stay about da mix and respect the next man
Ain't no gangbangin' here only tattoo tears
We might be enemies in da streets
But we all homies in here
[Verse 4:]
All I hear all day is the sounds of these gates
I hear em slamming all around can't wait
Till the date that they led me out
So I could get back on the grind
Got me stuck in my cell thinking of all the good times
In my mind I see sunshine
The worlds mine
Until I open my eyes
And realized I'm doin' time
[talkin': Stomper]
Hell Yeah homeboy this is for da muthafucken homies
Dats locked up no muthafucken way out homeboy day dreamin'
How the shit could be it would be should be full of muthafucken
Regrets cause they got caught with all dis bullshit
Fuck dat they says it's all about the muthafucken respect
I'm steady tryna find a motive
Why I do what I do?
Freedom ain't gettin' no closer
No matter how far I go
My car is stolen
No registration
Cops patrolin'
And now they don't stop me and I get locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out
(I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
(I'm locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out
(I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
Headin' uptown to re-up
Back with a couple keys
Corner blocks on fire
Under covers dressed as fiends
Makin' so much money
Ride up smooth and fast
Put away the stash
And as I sold the last bag fucked around and got locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out
(My nigga I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
(I got locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out
(Baby girl I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
'Cuz visitation no longer comes by
(Comes by)
Seems like they forgot about me
(About me)
Commissary is getting empty
My cell mates getting food without me
(Without me)
Can't wait to get out and move forward with my life
(Move on with my life)
Got a family that loves me and wants me to do right
But instead I'm here locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out
(Oh I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
(My nigga I'm locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out
(Oh oh oh baby I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
Maybe a visit
(They won't let me out)
Send me some magazines
(They won't let me out)
Send me some money orders
(They won't let me out, no)
Maybe a visit baby
(They won't let me out)
'Cuz I'm locked up
(They won't let me out)
Where's my lawyer?
(They won't let me out)
I'm locked up
(They won't let me out, no)
Get me out of here
(They won't let me out)
I'm locked up
(They won't let me out, they won't let me out)
Baby, I'm locked up
(They won't let me out, no)
Where's my niggaz, on the lock-down?
(They won't let me out)
Damn, I'm locked up
(They won't let me out)
I'm locked up
(They won't let me out)
(They won't let me out)
Can you please accept my phone calls?
(They won't let me out)
'Cuz I'm locked up, locked up, locked up
Inside she crawls, away from the bright light she hides
Pushing away all that keeps her sane in your eyes
Your eyes
You find yourself a reason to carry on through seasons
They come and go and still she's low, dont rush her
soul, i know
Its hard be what frees her, you dont know how to reach
They come and go and still she's low, dont rush her, no
She's locked herself in your room again, a disguise,
she dies
'Crush me you dare not i don't feel', she cries
She cries
You find yourself a reason to carry on through seasons
They come and go and still she's low, dont rush her
soul, i know
Its hard be what frees her, you dont know how to reach
They come and go and still she's low, dont rush her, no
You find yourself a reason to carry on through seasons
They come and go and still she's low, dont rush her
soul, i know
Its hard be what frees her, you dont know how to reach
They come and go and still she's low, dont rush her, no
I have taken a wrong turn
When will I learn. When will I learn?
Should I show them all my scars?
Cherry red bleeding burn
Like an angry apple tree
I throw my apples if you get too close to me
But if I look to my right, will I see the one I fight for
If I look to my right
Or if I turn to my left, we I see that I have kept my heart
Locked up, locked up so tight
Love, love, love is everywhere
But not a drop for me to drink
Tie me up and bind my feet
Drop me in and watch me sink
Like an angry apple tree
I throw my apples if you get too close to me
But if I look to my right, will I see the one I fight for
If I look to my right
Or if I turn to my left, we I see that I have kept my heart
Locked up, locked up
If I was 17 I could find it in-between
The cushions of somebody's couch
I could find it. I could find it
If I was 17 I could find it in a dream
A dime a dozen kind of love
I could find it. I could find it
But I'm not 17 and I lost it in-between
The birthday cakes and fast mistakes
That roll by
Ba da ba ba da ba ba, ba da ba ba da ba da dum
But if I look to my right, will I see the one I fight for
If I look to my right
Or if I turn to my left, we I see that I have kept my heart
Who ever said we wouldn't last?
The sand kept slipping out the hourglass
Why are we out of time?
All that you ever say to me
They sound like words from an enemy
I can’t even call you mine
I couldn’t sleep
Yeah, I could feel it
You clipped my wings
I couldn’t see it
You always wanted me to hit the ground
Now I’m free
I'm back in business
So look at me
Don’t you miss it
Now it’s my time to shine
My time to bring you down
Remember when you said to me
We’re all over?
Remember when you lied and cheated
In that order?
I got rid of my kryptonite
Now being alone never felt so right
Better lock, lock up your girls tonight
Lock up your girl tonight
See the next girl, don't know her name
Next night I might do it again
No need to ask me why
Everything I'll do now
You said I could do it now
I lit the fire inside
Now I’m free
I'm back in business
Look at me
Don’t you miss it
Now its my time to shine
My time to bring you down, Oh
Remember when you said to me
We’re all over?
Remember when you lied and cheated
In that order?
I got rid of my kryptonite
Now being alone never felt so right
Better lock lock up your girls tonight
Better lock your girl x2
I was locked up, I was locked up tight
Should’ve known better x2
I was locked up, I was caught up in her love
Should’ve known better x2
Now I'm locked up
And I'm out the door
I'm shipping my life for this chick on the floor
And all I do, I do, I do for you
Better lock, lock up your girls tonight
Better lock your girl x2
Remember when you said to me
We’re all over?
Remember when you lied and cheated
In that order?
I got rid of my kryptonite
Now being alone never felt so right
Better lock, lock up your girls tonight
[P] Yo lemme hit that jail one mo' time for these people callin
Prisoner, one-seven-fo'-nine-eight-six, dash-five-oh-fo'
Do you have anything, to say for yo'self before sentencing?
[Master P]
Hehehe, yes!
Nigga I'm a Rottweiler, they call me dawg on the streets
I never leave the house without my hand on my heat
I run with pitbulls, like Kirk, Boz and Jimmy
And we ain't takin shorts, every dollar to the penny
Big cereal - chompin, white granola
Got a bitch uptown with the dope in a baby stroller
Fuck with me, then you fucked in the game
Niggaz snitch to the Feds take two to the brain
We live the thug life, make money from the drug life
Flip a quarter ki, every day all night
Ship me to Oz, I'm still in it
Fuck the haters, No Limit we still winnin
I'm a killer my nigga - fool, check the rap sheet
Murder, armed robbery, kidnappin, conspiracy
[Chorus - repeat 2X]
This is for my niggaz that's locked up (LOCKED UP!)
Gangsters, til they boxed up (BOXED UP!)
Livin the laws, everyday we ready for war
We soldiers.. hard to the core
[Slay Sean ?]
I used to sling rocks, out on blocks, gun cocked
Thinkin to myself - all these dumb-ass cops
Night time I was cold with two things on my mind
Get that money, rock a nigga if he get out of line
Put two in his spine, a nigga just lookin for crime
Heat it up, squeezin off for even lookin at mine
A basket case, tie you up, blast your face
Snatch the safe, closed casket at your wake
Two murders, three-time felon, catch the case
Facin double life I made some bad mistakes
[Short Circuit ?]
Courts, judges, bars, lawyers
Fam-o, wifey, sons, daughters
Freedom, need that, shanks, keep that
Eight o'clock lock y'all know where I be at
Ran 'til I couldn't run the slums with guns
Livin straight wild, knowin how the Jakes gon' come
Too many cats, in my hood, gettin it good
Know what I did, shit they got me facin a bid
[Krazy ?]
Even as a little soldier, momma called me a thug
The block full of dope fiends, lookin for drugs
And I never let the dirty money pass me nigga
No matter how much coke I sold it never last me nigga
They blast me nigga, three niggaz lookin for ki's
Me and my kids duct-taped, layin down on our knees
I said I'd bust them niggaz heads, and believe I did
Now them bitches got me locked down, facin a bid
Yo lemme hit that jail one mo' time for these people callin
Prisoner, one-seven-fo'-nine-eight-six, dash-five-oh-fo'
Do you have anything, to say for yo'self before sentencing?
Hehehe, yes!
Nigga I'm a Rottweiler, they call me dawg on the streets
I never leave the house without my hand on my heat
I run with pitbulls, like Kirk, Boz and Jimmy
And we ain't takin shorts, every dollar to the penny
Big cereal - chompin, white granola
Got a bitch uptown with the dope in a baby stroller
Fuck with me, then you fucked in the game
Niggaz snitch to the Feds take two to the brain
We live the thug life, make money from the drug life
Flip a quarter ki, every day all night
Ship me to Oz, I'm still in it
Fuck the haters, No Limit we still winnin
I'm a killer my nigga - fool, check the rap sheet
Murder, armed robbery, kidnappin, conspiracy
This is for my niggaz that's locked up (LOCKED UP!)
Gangsters, til they boxed up (BOXED UP!)
Livin the laws, everyday we ready for war
We soldiers.. hard to the core
I used to sling rocks, out on blocks, gun cocked
Thinkin to myself - all these dumb-ass cops
Night time I was cold with two things on my mind
Get that money, rock a nigga if he get out of line
Put two in his spine, a nigga just lookin for crime
Heat it up, squeezin off for even lookin at mine
A basket case, tie you up, blast your face
Snatch the safe, closed casket at your wake
Two murders, three-time felon, catch the case
Facin double life I made some bad mistakes
Courts, judges, bars, lawyers
Fam-o, wifey, sons, daughters
Freedom, need that, shanks, keep that
Eight o'clock lock y'all know where I be at
Ran 'til I couldn't run the slums with guns
Livin straight wild, knowin how the Jakes gon' come
Too many cats, in my hood, gettin it good
Know what I did, shit they got me facin a bid
Even as a little soldier, momma called me a thug
The block full of dope fiends, lookin for drugs
And I never let the dirty money pass me nigga
No matter how much coke I sold it never last me nigga
They blast me nigga, three niggaz lookin for ki's
Me and my kids duct-taped, layin down on our knees
I said I'd bust them niggaz heads, and believe I did
Niggaz get locked down and always wanna make this shit look like
vacation or some shit (frontin ass niggaz) like they enjoyed theyself
Frontin ass niggaz, yo, yo, yo
Jump off the train and the first thing that I see
when I see the daylight, is a prison
I guess the government is tryin to plant negative seeds
Could it be my destiny's in the prison..
I keep awareness, cause that's where they want us
They put us in the projects, so projects become us
Don't believe me? Peep the bars on the windows
The intercoms, why we gotta live so close?
Cops beat us up often, like C.O.'s do
Got a problem? See the warden, when your rent is due
We got, workout spots now built on blocks
and ballcourts often watched by, housing cops
I guess the streets are the teachers, the elementaries
Then we graduate to college, get the prison degree
That's why jails are built so, close to us
Cause we never protest what's opposed to us
We went from pyramids to projects
Treated like unidentified objects
Life's a game and the devil's makin side bets
Drug us up but the seeds feel the side effects
Put our backs against the wall so we can't achieve
Pack us in so tight that we can barely breathe
Make us feel comfortable and we don't wanna leave
Throw us a bone, and no more do we feel the need
to have our own, tryin to seperate our familes and
broken homes, growin up with no identies it's - unknown
Put us back in this world, institutionalized
Not a pot to piss in, no solution arise
Out the pit evadin the rent son we was born to lose
In this world we livin in it make it hard to choose
right from wrong if doin wrong is what pays the dues
Life's a big mystery until we find the clues
They wanna us locked up (locked down)
Caged up (shut down)
Fucked up (face down)
Handcuffed (on the ground)
Shit, the plan is just to have yo' ass missin
From the womb to the tomb (from the streets to the prisons)
They wanna us locked up (locked down)
Caged up (shut down)
Fucked up (face down)
Handcuffed (on the ground)
Shit, the plan is just to have yo' ass missin
From the womb to the tomb (from the streets to the prisons)
Yo, just try and understand me
We forced to touch on what we can't see
So close, and yet so far from where we need to be
While society's promotin mental slavery
They got me followin laws that don't apply to me
Within the world, that's lovin to hate
All our negative intentions are sealin our fate
And the struggle can't wait cause the hustle is ongoin
Hell, if we ain't in it already, we all goin
Why just the other day, around the way they built another
cage for the underage inner-city brother
And it's like a life of crime is my demon, I feel haunted
with, sorry Mr. Dyer but there's no help wanted
But son gotta eat, so you know I'm back on the street
Hustlin mines, til I get back on my feet
But how many times I gotta repeat the same song?
We on the edge with no choice but to hold on
They wanna us locked up (locked down)
Caged up (shut down)
Fucked up (face down)
Handcuffed (on the ground)
Shit, the plan is just to have yo' ass missin
From the womb to the tomb (from the streets to the prisons)
They wanna us locked up (locked down)
Caged up (shut down)
Fucked up (face down)
Handcuffed (on the ground)
Shit, the plan is just to have yo' ass missin
From the womb to the tomb (from the streets to the prisons)
They wanna us locked up (locked down)
Caged up (shut down)
Fucked up (face down)
Handcuffed (on the ground)
Shit, the plan is just to have yo' ass missin