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  • 2015 MPavilion Opens Tonight

    MPavillion, the temporary architectural and meeting space in Queen Victoria Gardens, opens for its 2015/16 season tonight.

    MPavillion 2015
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  • Vic Curriculum Targets Arts And Creativity

    Arts and creativity will have a renewed focus in Victorian schools following the announcement of a comprehensive set of targets designed to drive improved student outcomes across Victorian schools over the next decade.

    decorative image
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  • Putuparri Takes $100,000 Prize

    Victorian production Putuparri And The Rainmakers has won Australia’s richest film prize.

    A still from Putuparri and the Rainmakers
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  • Malthouse Seeking Female Director In Residence

    Malthouse Theatre is seeking expressions of interest for its annual Female Director in Residence position, which provides intensive career development and a salary to an emerging female theatre director.

    A still from Ross Mueller’s 'Construction of the Human Heart',  Malthouse Theatre, 2006
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Creative Victoria is a government body dedicated to supporting, championing and growing the state’s creative industries, spanning arts, culture, screen, design and more.

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Please Note: We've moved to Level 31, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne.

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Expert Arts - Building a Stronger Sector

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We have many ways of keeping you up to date with Victorian design, screen, arts and culture, find out about the various ways here

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Arts & Health Resources

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Arts and health programs that promote good health and vibrant communities.

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Audience Atlas Victoria

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Audience Atlas Victoria maps out the profile of the culture market in Victoria in detail

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Making Art with Communities

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Making Art with Communities: A Work Guide is a step-by-step guide for embarking on community arts projects.

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Victorian Indigenous Art Awards

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View galleries from the past four years of the Victorian Indigenous Art Awards

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Keith Haring Mural

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A fading art treasure and a world renowned art figure…the story of Collingwood’s Keith Haring mural is as lively as the work itself.

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