Tuesday, August 27 2013 SOS Firing Zone 918 On Monday morning, we will go together to the Supreme Court to put pressure on the State to cancel Firing Zone 918 and let 1500 Palestinians living in the South Hebron Hills to stay in their homes. The deportation can be stopped. It is +972, the telephone area code that is shared by Israel and Palestine, vs 918. Come one come all! For the event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1410485679167945/

Thursday, June 27 2013 On Authors, Porta-Potties, and Other things by Amitai Ben-Abba A blow to the ribs is the small token I received from the soldiers for coming once again to accompany people to their land in Umm al-Ara’is. This time we staged some resistance. We approached the land from three different directions. In a sub-group of five we entered from the south and met confused soldiers telling us we are not allowed to go further. We told them there is absolutely no legal justification to stop us as we kept on roaming through. They demanded our ID’s but we dismissed them […]

Wednesday, June 19 2013 The Struggle for Being by Amitai Ben-Abba In the insane, maniacal strive to live life at its fullest I have found the most meaning in the perseverance and generosity of the Palestinian strugglers in the South Hebron Hills. The mechanics of disenfranchisement are so horrendously well-oiled, that the strugglers of the Wild South resist simply by being. And so, the rest of us, that come from safe(r) surroundings and secure(r) socioeconomic backgrounds, resist simply by being with them. That is the meaning of Ta’ayush – living together, living the end of apartheid and separate-ness. Waking up at […]

Thursday, June 14 2012 Six immediate demolition orders for Susya Following “Regavim” petition, which requires the state to destroy the village of Susya, yesterday the “civil administration” issued six immediate demolition orders. These are based on old orders from the 90s and from 2001. Orders that Israel chose not to implement so far. Although original orders applied to individual structures, these new compounds are applied to intact, thousands of square meters, includes dozens of buildings in some of them. The orders apply to most of the village of Susia. Among the expected to be demolished, kindergarten, clinic and renewable solar […]

Monday, May 21 2012 settlers attack in front soldiers During Harvest that took place yesterday, 21 May 2012 near the outpost of “Mitzpe Yair”, arrived number of settlers led by Avidan Ofir, “Hebron Regional Council land inspector.” One of the settlers snatched one of the reapers sickle and began to attack and threaten him. He went and grabbed a camera from one of the activist’s hand that was filming, and began smash it on a rock. Ezra, who continued to shoot, although was under several attacks, miraculously managed to protect the camera. At the same time, other settlers attacked […]

Friday, November 18 2011 Immediate Danger to Homes in Dakeika and Yavneh. Upcoming Danger in Silwan A Minute Before Shabbat: Immediate Danger to Homes in Dakeika and Yavneh.  Upcoming Danger in Silwan Volunteers Needed Question:  What is the connection between homes in Yavneh, Dakeika in the S. HebronHills, and Silwan? Answer:  Families are in danger of losing their homes. We have spoken before about Rachel Levi – A single parent who has been fighting for years not to be evicted from the Amidar (public housing) apartment she grew up in.  A few months ago the threat was temporarily lifted when the mayor of Yavneh intervened and […]

Saturday, January 1 2011 restoration of the cisterns in Um Daraj, solidarity visit to Susya and cleaning the cistern in Bir El Id Today we started with cleaning one of the thirteen cisterns destroyed by the army in December 2010. The cistern is in the area of Um Daraj and we reached it by a roundabout way and went down into the wadi where it used to be. Only the mounds of earth left by the bulldozers hinted that until quite recently there was a cistern here. We set to work on the restoration. We had spades, hoes and a pick-axe. The work proceeded quickly. In a few hours we had uncovered the […]

Saturday, July 31 2010 A Solidarity Visit and Work Day in El-Arakib On Saturday we went on a solidarity visit and work day in El-Arakib.  This unrecognized village north of Beer Sheva was demolished to its foundation four days before.  Eye witness accounts of the demolition can be found here and here; the village was razed in order to plant a JNF forest.  When we arrived in the village it seemed like the a parking lot at the seashore, full of the buses and cars which had brought the hundreds of activists from all corners of the country, those who came to […]